Foot traffic in the main square of Al Raqis was much lighter than it had been the evening before. One or two people drifted in and out of the Oasis Tavern. The heat played a factor, no doubt.
There was one fellow standing near the stall where Lily's jade carvings sat waiting to be purchased. He was a solid looking figure, dressed in the manner of one of the local paramilitaries. Broad shoulders and muscular calves. A shock of dark hair. A weapon strapped to his back.
He waved as I approached. I nodded in response.
"UAP?" he asked, "Were you at that meeting yesterday?" He had a heavy Scottish accent.
"Yes I was, " I replied.
"Hmmph, that was a bit confusing," he remarked.
"There was a lot of talk," I agreed, "It can be draining."

He laughed, "I was half asleep the whole time."
I smiled and reached out to run my hand along the cool jade.
John scratched the back of his head. "What is the UAP?" he asked.
"The Union of Allied Planets," I replied. "And you? Who are you with?"
"I am with SSFS ma'am," he said smartly.
I nodded, "I have heard of them."
"Specialist Engineer John Duplin of SSFS" he added.
I turned and gave him my full attention. "Pleased to meet you Specialist. I am Major Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, Alliance Military."
"Excuse my ignorance," he asked, "but are you like a detective?"
I tilted my head to one side considering the idea, "Pretty much, yes..."
"Sounds interesting," he said, "When I was a wee lad, I wanted to be a detective but I took interest more in movies than being one."
He has an interest. I wonder, does he have the talent?
"Have you happened to hear of this Jade Revolution?" I inquired.
"I have not, ma'am. Is this new?" John looked at the picture of the jade rabbit that Lily was selling. He had a slight look of disgust.
"Reasonably so," I replied, "it appears to have gone active about two or three months ago."
"I haven't really noticed it," he said. "Is this stuff selling like hotcakes?"

I shrugged. "This is just someone trying to cash in on the publicity. At least, that is what it appears."
Lily had admitted as much in her talk with Gage. And there were certainly signs here supporting this notion.
The rabbit on the Magistrate's desk was carved in a natural posture with its ears pulled back. By contrast, these agreeable little characters of Lily's stood on their hind legs. One ear straight up. The other ear flopped over. One even held a small flag. A very different vision. These rabbits were for the tourists...
"Well," I said. "if you hear of anything, anything at all, please give me a call. I will be planetside for the next little while."
We exchanged frequencies.
"Alright," said John.
I smiled, "Stay safe soldier."
"As to you," he replied.
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