The Laandsrat meeting was now nearly two hours old.
After I had returned to the chambers, I rejoined Sgt. Gage Macarthur at the back of the room. The council slowly worked through its agenda. Amendments to the Arbitrary Arrest Law and first reading of a bill called the Collective Self-Defense of the Mu Draconis System.
Finally, my turn came.
"Our last item," declared the Magistrate, "The Jadeist threat. This past day my offices were vandalized by Jadeist terrorists. On one level, I am glad that they are limiting their attacks to the use of paint, and the placement of green bunnies...""
Sgt. Macarthur scanned the room. I listened carefully.
"...but their access to this chamber must be addressed," continued the Magistrate.
"Discipline the guards," said Lady Rashad.
"This afternoon I enlisted the services of KPS...." added the Magistrate.
Reverend Mother Ariadne nodded.
Lady Rashad remarked, "Good."

Major Muircastle signaled a request to be recognized.
The Magistrate pressed on, "I also see that Major Siamendes is in chambers." She looked at me and asked, "Did you eat all the chocolates out of the top drawer of my desk, Major? Or have you already started your investigation?"
Chuckles and snickers rippled across the chamber. LilyBell wiped her mouth, without thinking.
Major Muircastle waved me forward. I walked decisively and stood beside the witness chair.
"I have begun my investigation Magistrate," I stated clearly.
"Regardless," said the Magistrate, "we have several parties conducting investigations. Please have a seat Major."
"Thank you," I replied and took my chair.
The Chair recognizes the delegate from House Zenobia, whispered the system.
Addressing her earlier remarks, Major Muircastle asked the Magistrate, "What specific services have you authorized KPS to perform? Jade Moonkill is/was a UAP citizen, we will have our own investigation, and address threats to UAP citizens."
"That is very kind of you, Mr. Muircastle," countered the Magistrate, "but you forget where you are."
The Chair recognizes the delegate from House Hengeyokai, whispered the system.
Khan Jubilynn Lane spoke. "There's a reason you separate military and the police," she said "One fights the enemies of the state. The other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."
"So say we all," cried a voice from the gallery.
"I do not forget," replied the Major, "that is why I am informing you, instead of just going forward without informing you."
Khan Lane continued, "KPS, is in fact, a military operation. They have recently been implicated in two separate gunfights within the settlement at Nova Gaia."
I listened and waited.

"Given the delicate nature of an internal political movement," said the Khan, "and how easy it could move from protest, to insurgency, I would caution applying such force, Magistrate, least your people become your enemy."
"I think you are getting ahead of yourself Khan," answered the Magistrate. "This is just an investigation." She turned her attention back to me. "Major. Can you tell us of your investigation?"
"Thank you Magistrate," I replied, "I have been informed of various threatening letters from a group referring to itself as the Jade Revolution. Some of these letters have been directed to Alliance citizens..."
"Ah," said Lady Rashad, "now we get to the real reason."
"...others have also received similar threats," I continued. "I would like to interview a number of people during my stay here. I would also like to thank Major Muircastle for his support during this period."
"Interview?" said the Magistrate, "I don't think the Dawla has made a law against that yet."
Reverend Mother Ariadne grinned.
Major Muircastle answered for us. "We are not compelling testimony. We would humbly request a subpoena from your good offices if we had probable cause."
The Magistrate glanced at the court reporter. "Of course not. I would never suggest anything else."
Lily chattered away in the desert tongue, "Qwit quq ahh khasq ah tra yiqqyi hirniis arqi qa 'qatkhiy'. I raq yiq qatkhiy ti aniair. Ishis."
Lady Rashad frowned and then said, "I have heard that you chop off fingers during interviews."
"Is this true, Major?" asked the Magistrate, sounding shocked.
LilyBell nodded helpfully from the gallery.
Stay on message. Do not answer their questions. Rather, use the opening to present the answer to the question you wanted them to ask.
"I have already examined your office Magistrate," I replied, "I would like any results of your team's analysis forwarded to me at the earliest possible time."
The conversation, however, had taken a life of its own.
"By the Maker," cried the Reverend Mother, "None of that now! Pain by nerve induction is quite sufficient, if necessary."
Lady Rashad stifled a laugh.
Lily chattered further, "Qwit nara 'ziinkhani ah iq' akauq *ti* a riqi kara yiq ti auq qwi kini nwikh."
Do not become drawn into the arguments of others. Address the point briefly and redirect the discussion back to your message.
"I am not here to discuss interrogation techniques," I said, "only to see that our citizens are properly protected."
"I don't think we need to divulge all our trade secrets during this session," added the Magistrate, dismissing the topic.
Lily continued, "Raq Tamuas Niatirziin qwauniw. Wis raq zia kazi qa rakazira. Ghiyy, raq qaa kazi."
"Major," asked the Magistrate, "You will be coordinating your efforts with KPS then? Or will we have multiple investigations?"
"I will coordinate with them naturally," I replied.
"Thank you Major." The Magistrate looked at the clock and then to her agenda.
Major Muircastle added, "The UAP Special Investigations Unit has a good record for cooperating with local authorities here in Araxes."
"Yes Major." The Magistrate glanced at Major Muircastle sitting in the Zenobian Seat. "I have the upmost confidence in you."
I rose from my seat.
LilyBell gave me a nice smile. She was a veteran of the witness stand. Perhaps she approved of my performance. Perhaps she was just pleased to see me.
The Magistrate looked around the room. "I believe that is everything."
I returned to my place at the back of the chamber and waited while the politicians voted to close the session. Lily joined us.
"Is Mister Pete wif you?" she asked.
Both Gage and I shook our heads.
LilyBell frowned, "Is Mister Pete coming?"
"He's busy," replied Gage patiently.
"You mean, him in the brig," countered Lily wisely, "Can I go see him?"
Sgt. Macarthur turned to me and explained, "She's talking about Private Bendan."
With the session declared closed, the crowd began to disperse.

"I going to straighten my stand," said Lily suddenly, "Business to be made." With that, she headed outside.
I stood relaxed, watching the crowd slowly made its way towards the door and spread out across the square. Like the eddies in a stream, little conversations swirled about and collected in the corners.
At the front of the chamber, Major Muircastle lingered and addressed the Magistrate. "A pleasure, Chief Magistrate, to officially make your acquaintance," he said. "I will make time to come by your offices."
Khan Jubilynn Lane nodded at us as she passed with her entourage.
"They really need to serve refreshments," said the Khan to those around her, "some kaffa, maybe a danish."
"Non-intoxicants," chuckled a man.
"A fresh beer may be helpful," someone added.
Sgt. Macarthur leaned close and spoke quietly. "LilyBell said something about selling jade rabbits. I'm not sure how involved she might be, but if we were to question her, we'd have to make sure it was worded specifically."
"Find out what you can," I said.
Gage nodded and stepped outside.
At the front of the room, the Magistrate approached Lady Rashad.
"Khaliifa," she began, "I am sorry the vote on Collective Self-Defence did not go our way. They just don't understand our concerns. But as I said. It is an empty bill. No consequences stated or even implied."
"I consider that legislation to be a maneuver in a war, Magistrate," replied Lady Rashad.
'Our way.' 'Our concerns.' The Magistrate expressed a unity of purpose with House Morloch.
Meanwhile, Khan Jubilynn Lane addressed her staff. "Chief, we are not extending jurisdiction to these investigators to the Proctorate."
"No," replied her chief, "I didn't think we were."
"Just so we're clear," added the Khan.
The chief nodded.
"About those investigation ... I'm a little worried about those 'chopping off fingers' thingly," added another of the Khan's people.
"Yeah well, won't be happening around the Bay," declared the chief.
"There is a reason RAM and the Rangers are separate, Ahnelia," said the Khan.
Ahnelia agreed. "It's what you said, army is to fight against external threat, and local police to protect people."
Expect no help from Botany Bay administration.
At the front of the chamber, Lady Rashad glanced at a man with the countenance of a fox. The fox headed man returned the look with a cheerful smile.
The Magistrate meanwhile spoke to the Major. "Mr. Muircastle. I will have words with your superiors about your behavior this evening."
"Magistrate," interrupted Lady Rashad, "I believe this one waits to speak with you."
"It's okay," said the fox headed man, "take your time."
"You may speak with my superior officer," replied the Major.
"Yes," countered the Magistrate, "For that I do not need your permission, Mr. Muircastle."
Major Muircastle retired and Lady Rashad excused herself, leaving the Magistrate alone with the fox headed man.
"Mr Hemms?" said the Magistrate.
"Magistrate," began Mr. Hemms, "this is the second meeting I have been too, and it was an even better show than last time. I don't know how you do it...."
"Are you here to offer your help again?" asked the Magistrate.
"...You somehow keep legions of armies from each others throats," continued Mr. Hemms.
'Offer your help again.' The fox headed man, Mr. Hemms, has offered help to the Magistrate in the past.
"Major, I think we are finished here for now," interrupted a voice. It was Major Muircastle.
"Yes Major," I replied with a smile.
This was a productive evening.
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