"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies..." - Shelley

From a distance, it appeared that he was walking on water, as the hot air radiating from the desert surface turned the horizon into an illusion of the sea.
He wore black. Light armour. His face was concealed by the visor of his helmet.
He made his way towards me across the dunes and flats, through the remains of fallen craft and broken drones. The debris of the recent war, scattered here and there.
As he got closer, his body language indicated he was more than a little frustrated.

The man looked passed me to the remains of some sort of droid poking through the sand. He pressed a button on his wrist, and said aloud, "And that should be the last one." His business completed he turned his attention to me. "Hello there," he said, his voice rich, his accent pleasing.
"Are you hunting bugs?" I asked pleasantly.
The man chuckled, "You could say that," he said, pointing at the wreckage of a robot nearby in the sand. He then tilted his head to one side, "Say, you look familiar..."
I frowned slightly, "Your voice sounds familiar," I agreed, "but I don't think I know that uniform."

"My goodness," I exclaimed, "that was some time ago!" Almost two years ago, in fact, in the main square of Al Raqis.
He laughed, "Certainly was."
There was a click and a hiss as the man took off his helmet. He twisted his head to one side and I could hear the cracking of his neck. "Gotta say," he remarked, "things were a mite different back then."
I took a moment to appreciate his handsome, rugged features. Dark skin like polished mahogany. His face lined and worn with the passage of years.
I spoke, "Yes, they were. A lot of changes since then."
"Yup. Even had a whole war blow through," he added.
"How have you been?" I asked.
"I've been good."
"I'm glad to hear that, especially since the war..."
"Course, I'd rather be fighting with my boys then stuck on guard duty for HN," he sighed.
"...and now I hear there is a plague of insects."
"Aw them?" he grunted, "That's what happens when ya don't keeps your pets on a leash."
It was in the local papers. Insects, some over a metre in length, coming out of the desert. Reports of attacks on civilians. Acid burns. One theory was that meatbeetles from one of the ranchers had broken loose and had crossed with the indigenous species.
"HN?" I asked.

"Ah," I replied, "I have heard the name." I didn't elaborate.
The man continued, "Now I've got this huge mess to mop up with the Marauders. Dunno if you got the report they sent out over the news."
"You were with another faction back when we first met, am I right?"
He nodded, "Still am, ma'am." With that he passed me a press release bearing the bold headline: BREAKING REPORT! HOUSE NARSTROM FLEET DEVASTATED!
"Oh thank you," I said and took the item.
"Your welcome," he nodded.
I paused to scan the text of the report.
In the early hours of Monday morning a devastating surprise attack was made against the HN Trafalgar and the Royal House Narstrom Expeditionary Fleet. Reports say the attack was completely unannounced and completely uncalled for, House Narstrom was eventually able to repel the attack but at a loss of over 60% of the fleet, the Soul Drive and one satellite based anti-starship weapon....
"The UNSC... I recall now." That was the name of his group.
The man smiled, "Mhm."
I continued to read.
While reeling from it's losses the UNSC has opted to House Narstrom and all local governments in the hunt and possible eradication of the Marauder Threat....
"Marauders," I said," that is a name I haven't heard in a while..."
"Yeah," the man replied, "We chased them back into their hidey-holes with MAC cannons, and my ODST's hot on the trail mopping up what was left."
"..Not since the roads to Khayal Alramady were taken by the sands," I added.
"Well, they ain't gone," he replied with conviction, "I'll tell you that."
"Good to know," I said thoughtfully.
"I don't think that it's just the roads to Khayal Alramady," offered the man, "you remember that freak sandstorm? Well, we can't even get Khayal Alramady on satellite anymore."
"Are you suggesting the city was affected?" I asked.
"Yup," he nodded, "Whole city swallowed in an hour. Now how about that?"
That was shocking news. If it was true, the loss of human life... I shook my head, "Tragic."
The man agreed, "House Narstrom's got us diggin' for relics now."
"Any signs of survivors?" I asked hopefully.

"ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence," he explained.
"With the UNSC?"
"How many good souls were lost?" I asked.
"I'd say the whole staff, probably about sixty, sixty plus. Sandstorm pinned any air travel and when the bunker sealed and got buried, well, that was the end of it."
I grew quiet.
"Now Lady Narstrom's got us playing down here in the sandbox with our little plastic shovels looking for it," he added.
"I understand that," I replied, "they deserve proper treatment." A proper burial. Recognition for their service. Closure for their families.
He sighed, "'course now that the Marauders have the satellites and the Soul Drive we probably won't be down here much longer."
I glanced over the report again.
The man continued, "They don't tell me much about it. My boys call it the godhand. Really just a ray of light from the sky, damn near vaporizes anything it touches. Turned the whole test area into glass."
Another line caught my eye.
"What is this about a kidnapping?" I asked.
He gave me a puzzled look.
I quoted the report. "Local reports also include the kidnapping of Lillyann Resident..."
"Ah, that Lilly girl. Marauders went to Highport and stole her right out of her house."
"Any clues to where they took her?" I asked.
"Probably back to their hidey-hole."
I nodded, "Who is working on getting her home?"
"Soon, it'll be me and the boys from Hawk Squad." He sighed and mumbled, "I'm getting to old for this."
We both smiled.
The man continued, "Well, Marauders now have super weapons, experimental reactor cores and women! What's this world coming to, eh?"
"I never did catch your name," I ventured.
"Grigsby," he replied, "most people just call me Griggs or General."
The report mentioned a General Grigsby Belavidorico of the 401st UNSC Fleet.
"Pleased to meet you, General," I said politely.
Grigsby smiled, "And pleasure to meet you miss."
"I must be heading back to Al Raqis before the heat of the day sets in," I said.
"Gotcha," said the General, "and just as a precaution, don't travel anywhere at night. The Marauders'll drag you off to god knows where."
"Thank you. I will be careful," I replied. "Stay safe," I said as I turned to go.
General Grigsby Belavidorico nodded, "Have a safe trip."
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