Calina Tereshchenko rose from her desk, "I would like to show you one other room, if I may, before you go."
"Please," I replied, "you have done wonders here..truly."
"Oh!" she started, "You should also see the view!"
She led the way around the bunnies and across the carpet to a door that opened to the outside.
"Do you miss Boros?" I asked as we stepped out onto a balcony. The hot, dry air gave unintended weight to my question.
Calina nodded, "I miss green and the waterfall. A lot." She pointed to the large ship with the circular window, perched upon a nearby landing pad. "That is Shanjian's Grace... the house shuttle."

The Companion smiled, "We work hard on that."
We returned to the relative cool of the indoors.
I followed Calina through her office and into the hallway of her manor house. She stopped before one corner and opened a sliding panel to reveal a hidden door. Inside, a small windowless chamber with five walls.
There were rugs and pillows scattered on the floor. There was an altar to one side and the scent of incense pervaded the air. But, that was not the striking feature about the room.
Wherever one looked, wherever one turned...
Parvati, Tara, Sarasvati...
We were surrounded with images of the Divine Feminine.
"Goodness!" I exclaimed.

"I am honoured," I said, truthfully.
"Should you ever need a place to come, be still, you are welcome to visit," she offered.
"Those thangkas," I asked, indicating the Tibetan wall hangings, "White and Green Tara?"

I smiled warmly, "Beautiful."
She explained, "One of my former students was... pan-religious... you might say. She collected the images of other Earth-That-Was goddesses and brought them up there." She then chuckled, "I, however, grew up on one of the last few Russian Orthodox churches. They have one large cathedral in the capital on Londinium."
"Do you speak Russian?"
Calina nodded, "Da. Ya paninmayu pa Ruski..." then after a slight pause, she said, "Yes, I understand Russian. I learned Russian and French before going to Sihnon. It was one of the things that impressed the Guild."
"I imagine it would," I remarked.
She continued, "I was already well beyond many of their students in the academic subjects, even though I started at Madrassa later than most students."
I took a sudden, little breath.
"Is the incense too heavy in here?" she asked concerned, "Even when it isn't lit, it can have a potent smell."
"No, it is pleasant really," I replied, "Will you be returning home to 34 Tauri, for U-day celebrations?
"I plan to. My parents would send a squad after me if I wasn't back home for the celebrations. Can't be the child of a Parliamentarian and not be there for Unification Day!" Calina shook her head and smiled, "The fireworks are good, though."

"My father was the General Counsel to Parliament. My mother stayed at home but served on the board for many different non-profit organizations."
"That's wonderful," I said, "so your involvement in politics here... a natural step." It made sense, but I was impressed just the same.
Calina leaned over and with a puff, blew out a lingering candle, "It was his job, as is the job of any good attorney, to keep secrets." She smiled, "You might say it is a family business."
I smiled in return, making a decision to entrust her with a bit of information. "Ardra is protected here by the Guild," I said.
"What Guild?" she whispered.
"The Spacing Guild," I explained, "Little is known about them."
"Even the Consulari knows little?" she asked, "She is most adept at gaining information."
"She is indeed," I agreed, "I mention them... just in case you hear of anything."
"If I happen to hear anything," she said, "I can certainly pass it along. I overhear lots of things at the market or the Highport."
We returned to the hallway.
I thanked her and took my leave. "Thank you again for your time... maybe we will see each other back home."
"Thank you for visiting, Major," she replied, "I hope that you will be well soon." She smiled, "Safe travels!"
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