As the month drew to a close, and as I prepared to return to 34 Tauri, the conflict on Al Raqis deepened.
There had been a number of skirmishes. Nothing as severe as when the 'federationist' movement brought down the Orion space station.

Further, recent satellite photos revealed a fleet of USD assault helicopters, suitable for urban assault, stationed on the air field at Splintered Rock.
So it was no surprise then that the Governing Council of Al Raqis held a session to discuss the current crisis.
Intel reports trickled in from various sources. A space guild drone was spotted on the landing pad. I was hopeful this was a sign that Ardra was becoming concerned that the escalating conflict might threaten her spice supply.
There was also a heavy assault mech unit spotted far out in the Deep Desert.

Meanwhile back at home, someone from the Intel department had signed out the photos x0x0 Zhangsun had taken on her trip to Mu Draco. Once I had submitted them to Analysis, something like this was inevitable.

Finally, there was a rumour going around that someone has killed William Faith, the commander responsible for the bombing of Shadow. I will believe it when I see the bones and the authenticity tests.

The dead have no rights.
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