A letter arrived from Lynx. It was addressed to Tillery and myself.
Lynx had awakened from cryo-stasis. Lily had been there. Despite all that had occurred, I am certain he considered her his friend. I would have been good for him to be greeted by a friendly face, even one with furr and whiskers.
As I hoped, he was now recovering his strength on Paquin.
Good evening Major, Mr. Woodhen,
As of this writing, I hope you are both well. I had heard war broke out in Mu Draconis. My hope is you both are far from the battle. Although I know the Major will be busy with troops and Mr Woodhen reporting the happenings there. Be careful, please. You are both the closest thing to family I have.
I wanted to let you know I have arrived on Paquin and attempting to relax and recuperate. The passage did state to take the boat to the island. It was late when I finally stepped off the boat.
Mister Beeflin greeted me when I stepped of the boat. It did take a few minutes to calm myself when he came from the jungle as quietly as he did. I was not sure where to go or what to do beyond my arrival.
Below are a few pictures of my first evening here. The first is my wanderings through the mangroves near the beach.

Please, when you have time, send me a wave that I can be sure you're both alright. Safe journeys until we can see one another,
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