"Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be. I know it's crazy." - J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"
**Private channel communication**
"Hello Miss Tereshchenko, this is Major Siamendes. Will my gown be ready soon?"
Calina Tereshchenko answered, "It is ready now if you are nearby."
"Excellent," I replied, "I am on approach to Persephone."
"We will see you soon!" she promised.
Sentry Swashbuckler looked up, "Oh, hey there."

"Nice to bump into you," I said with a smile.
"Likewise," he smiled back, "Keeping busy, I hope?"
"I'm on my way to meet someone," I remarked, "Do you know Ms. Tereshchenko?"
"Miss Calina?" he asked "Yes, she's a very well known resident here. Did you need directions to her Tea House?"
"Would you care to join me?" I countered.
Sentry nodded, "Would be happy to."

He looked down, "Stim and antibiotic concoction for emergency use. Been asked to be available for medical emergencies if needed on the Docks."
"Ah very good," I grinned impishly, "So you are a medic as well as a mechanic .... and a lawyer."
He laughed, "Not as much lawyer as just being logical. That's really all it is, far as I think." He looked directly at me. "Not unlike yourself."
I shrugged, "I am just an investigator. I was lucky to have found a job I am good at."
"Shall we head to Miss Calina's?" he asked
"Yes please."
We set off through the winding alleyways on Eavesdown Docks. A shortcut, Sentry called it. I swear, I still don't know the direct route to Calina Tereshchenko's residence.

"Wonderful, thank you for being my guide."
Sentry nodded, "Always my pleasure. I'm sure we will be seeing each other again soon."
I could hear Jade's voice drifting down the alley. "I don't understand you loving me like a sister and... I have never had a friend before. No, not true, There was Billy, He was another moon baby I use to work with sometimes scouting gas holes in the mines with. But he ...he got careless one day and got blown up."
I addressed Sentry, "You don't have to run off... I am simply picking up an item."
"Wish I could stay," he replied "but I have to get things checked on.... Brooke is unavailable for a few weeks, so I'm helping where I can."
"Very well, " I smiled and gave a quick nod, "Thank you again Matthew."
"Take care Maj.... I mean, Pepper," he said returning the smile.
"Hello..." I called out.
Down the passage close to the dressmaker's shop, Calina and Jade stood talking.
"Major!" answered Calina, "Good to see you! I got your message and your dress is ready. I hope your trip to Persephone was uneventful."
"Yes, thank you."
Jade blinked and stepped back behind Ms. Calina but gives a small curtsy.
Calina looked over her shoulder, "Jade, Pepper isn't going to hurt you or haul you away. Come inside and we will get the dress boxed up."
Jade nodded but waited for us to go inside first.
I could see my gown hanging by the window. Glorious red satin. Magnificent. The other dresses in the room paled by comparison. I am sure my enthusiasm for my new acquisition must have shown.
Calina smiled as she lifts the gown from the nearby rack and draped it over her arm, "I think it came out beautifully."
"It looks beautiful," I agreed, "Did the alterations take long?"
Calina shook her head "I don't think so. Jade did most of them."

"Yurelcome," squeaked Jade. She blushed.
Calina chuckled as she gingerly folded my dress in tissue paper and placed it in a large white box, "I'll be sure to send Jai the bill."
I let out a breath. "That is generous of the Consulari," I confessed.
"She sent a coffee set that I have yet to set up," added the Companion.

Calina nodded, "I was held up at gun point and the tea house robbed. One of the two robbers has shot at me twice. Marshall Ishtari has been by to interview me twice."
"And has the Sheriff or the Marshall been successful in apprehending those responsible?" I asked.
"No, they have not," answered Calina, "They are a part of this gang run by a Dan McMahon. The Marshall implied that someone I know may have tipped them off since she used to work for McMahon. She is first mate on Raivenn now. That is just shy of crazy talk and I nearly told him so."
"So any idea as to the motive of those involved?" I continued.
"One of the robbers mentioned spice. I had some in the safe. At the time, spice was hard to come by due to the refinery fire."
"Ah," I remarked, "and is that what they took?"
"That, rare coffees and tea, and all the paper credits and some platinum I had on hand... total value was over 10,000 credits. I guess - some of them really cannot be priced accurately."
"Is the tea house repaired?" I asked.
"Finally. The upstairs still needs some work."
"I'd love to see it."
She nodded and smiled, "Follow me."
Calina and I walked to the building next door. A rough exterior perhaps but inside warm and welcoming.

She explained the sign. "'Tongdu' means Unification and Independence... I thought it was a great name... appropriate for Persephone."
"Yes. It is very pleasant." I spoke of the tea house as a whole.
"They blew out the door of the safe upstairs," she reported, "but left the gold Buddha alone."
"Fortunate," I remarked.

Calina looked over at me, her brow lightly furrowed "Yes, I remember."
"He is fine now, thankfully," I added.
"Yes," she remarked, "I saw him on Al Raqis."
I continued, "At that time he gave me some information, that albinos like Jade were being used in the illegal organ trade as mules. It is possible that the person that shot Lynx realized that he had that information. I wanted to speak with Jade about the matter ... but she is rather nervous around me."
Calina Tereshchenko knelt down at the table. "Excuse me," she said, "I need to sit down."

She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, "Jade is... determined to go. She believes she is helping her town."
"Go on," I prompted.
Calina finally opened her eyes, her words measured and precise, "From what she said, a Dr. Collins - who used to be a physician to some parliament members - stated her physiology was perfect to raise new organs. They promised her an education at a school in the Core. For a girl from a dirt poor mining moon... it must be a dream."
I tightened my lips as I listened. So often are people lured into danger with the promise of delights. It is a crime itself. A despoiling of dreams.
"They sent her here," she continued, "and when she was attempting to change boats, she was robbed. We were talking about the return of her bag when you came in last time."
"So is she carrying ... organs, I mean?" I inquired.
"Her own organs," replied Calina, "As best as I understand - they will take hers out - grow a new set for someone who can afford it - and they are supposed to put them back."
"Things like that rarely end well...." I sighed. "Any information on these criminals.... on this Dr. Collins as he is called.... it would help shut their operation down."
Coffee thieves. Gangsters. That was a matter best left for local law. Organ trafficking with links to Parliament, this perhaps I could help with.
Calina started to pick at the placemat, "I agree. I sent a wave to my father. He was the General Counsel to Parliament. He did not respond to my question as to who Dr. Collins was. I am not convinced they will do what they will say.... but just keep her in the hospital and pumping out organs."
My mood darkened at the image.

Calina chuckled "I didn't say why I was asking... only that his name came up in a conversation."
"Of course," I replied, "I am thinking out loud."
"She doesn't know," replied Calina, "It was written on a note in her pack. She hasn't shown me that since it was returned. Jade cannot read. I assume it is either Osiris - a number of Parliamentarians live there and major medical research facilities at the university or Ariel - hospitals."
I nodded. "A note...do you recall the type of paper? handwritten or printed?"
"I've never seen the note," she replied.
"And this was the bag that was stolen..."
Calina reached forward and poured two cups of tea. A civilized thing to do. Sensible with a topic so stressful. "Yes. But it was returned with as far as I know all the contents inside. She only showed me some photos of home. And her music player - she was very excited to get that back."
"Where is her home?"
"An out of the way mining moon I had not heard of. Past St. Albans."
I smiled warmly, a genuine attempt to be comforting. "She seems like a sweet girl. She is lucky to have found a friend in you."
"She is darling... sweet, kind... a view of the world that is amazing," she smiled and nodded, sighing again, "Thank you."
"Was the note inside the bag before it was taken?" I asked, returning to my inquiry.
"Yes," replied Calina, "she said it was in a box that held her credits to pay for another passage. It had the name of the boat she was to find. I've since put the credits in the bank for safe keeping."
"And the name of that boat?"
"Again," she answered, "I don't know. Jade can't read and I haven't seen this note."
I nodded and reached for my green tea. "Who took the bag? Do we know?"

"How was it returned?"
The Companion sipped her tea, only stating, "It was at the boutique one day."
"It is possible that the other passenger read the note...." I mused.
"That's true," she replied.
"So let's back this up," I reviewed, "Dr. Collins tries to lure Jade with all sorts of promises if she will carry organs for him. We don't know how she was first contacted."
"That's right," she answered, "I do not know. Perhaps on some sort of medical mission... there to care for the miners and communities."
"She had a note with what? instructions? She kept it in her bag."
"Yes, she said she did."
"...and she still seems intent on seeing this through," I repeated.
"They told her that by doing this, she pays the town debt - for the equipment they need to start a farming community above ground. So, to my mind... there is someone else... who set the whole deal up."
"And if there was another means of paying to town debt she wouldn't have to go through with this," I suggested.
"Yes, I believe so," she replied.
"How much is the town debt? Do we know?"
Calina shook her head, "No idea."
"I am sure you are right," I remarked, "there is a broker somewhere...middlemen, what have you."

"I will look into the matter," I said finally. "Meanwhile if that note surfaces.... that would be useful to see."
I set my cup down.
Calina smiled with relief, "Thank you, Major. I appreciate any assistance... on behalf of Jade."
"Well," I smiled as I rose from my cushion, "now that I have found a seamstress, I don't want to lose her."
Calina chuckled as she stood up.
"Thank you for the tea, Miss Tereshchenko."
"Anytime, Major. Please feel free to stop in when you are on Persephone."
"Thank you, I will. Please contact me if you hear of anything more."
Pleasantries exchanged, I gathered up my package and stepped out into the evening air.
I could hear Jade in the building next door as I walked away. "Iskrin! You bite at your sisters feet one more time and I will tie your little beak closed."
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