"I recognize the signs of the old flame." - The Aeneid, Book IV, 23.
The elevator tube deposited me on the first floor with a satisfied hum.
The apartment building was in the downtown core of Spinwheel City. The units were small, as far as apartments go. But what they lacked in size, they more than made up for in location.
I knocked gently on the door.
No going back now.
"Coming," called a muffled voice.
The door swung open.
"Pepper!" It was Ceasar. Standing in the doorway. Barefoot. No shirt.

I smiled, "Hi Ceasar."
He stepped aside to allow me entry.
"Let me go put a shirt on," he asked.
"I brought pizza and champagne," I said. It sounded ridiculous. What was I thinking?
"Celebrating?" he asked.
"Your new career," I explained as he excused himself and moved quickly to his bedroom.
I placed my gifts on the table and wandered over to the kitchen area to look for glasses.
"Great view you have here," I called out as I peered out the window.
"Thanks," he replied from the other room.
I selected two fluted glasses from the cupboard. Rinsed and dried them quickly.
"So have you settled in?" I asked.
"Just about," he called, "Didn't know you were on Paquin."
"Yes, I had to stop in at the UAP offices here."
"And they are in the neighborhood," he replied stepping out of the bedroom.
He wore a white, form fitting shirt that complimented his muscular frame. Broad shoulders. Sculptured arms.
"So odd to see you out of uniform," he remarked.
"Well," I smiled "it's odd to see you on land."

I shrugged. "Hey ... it's okay. Nothing I haven't seen before," I added playfully. Granted, that was a while ago.
Ceasar smiled, "You look gorgeous. I mean..."
"Thank you," I replied graciously.
He blushed a little.
"So tell me about your new job..." I said steering us back into safe territory.
"About what you expect," he replied, "though easier here."
"Have a seat," he offered.
I thanked him and sat down.
"How's your case coming a long?" he asked as he joined me at the table.
I slipped off my jacket.
"Good, good.. you were right by the way."
Ceasar took a sip of the champagne, nodding as he enjoyed the taste. "I was?" he asked.
"The containment cases on the Colchester," I explained, "NOT toilet paper and coffee."
He chuckled. "Usually wouldn't be if that well hidden."
There was a pause in the conversation. The sounds of traffic drifted into the apartment from the streets below. People going about the business of living their lives. Somewhere, in the distance, I could hear a siren.
"I love this floor... " I said quietly.
"Yeah, I missed seeing wood."

"As you are the new chief of police here..." I began.
"Well," Ceasar clarified, "captain for the Spinwheel district. It's a planetary force, but I am in charge in the city."
"Perfect," I replied.
"For me it is," he said as he helped himself to the pizza.
I continued, "There has been a Stay of Execution of Judgment Order issued for Matthew Swashbuckler and Mikie Rhiadra, the people convicted in the Aberdeen bombing incident. As part of the conditions of the order they have to appear before a judge."
"I'd heard. We're already working on increasing the security."
"Oh good," I answered, "I just wanted to give you the heads up myself."
"Anything with security goes through me in Spinwheel."
"This is your yard," I agreed, "So anything you need..."
"I'll let you know," he answered, "But we should be in good shape."
"We will have the usual undercover people around," I added, "You know the drill."
"Oh yeah," he replied, "though give us a heads up so we know who we can rely on."
"Well then," I smiled, "with business out of the way..." I reached for my champagne. "...let's toast your new career and your new place!" I held my glass high. "Congratulations!"

"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. I haven't been back that long," he said by way of explanation.
I looked around the room. I was starting to relax. "It's quite nice..."
"Yeah, and close to work. The courthouse is just around the corner."
"When I'm in town, I'll be just over there." I pointed to the UAP building behind the courthouse.
How pleasant it must be to live here. Walk to the office in the morning. Work at a desk. Cool evenings in the park. City lights. Music from the concert hall.
"I hope they have a place to bunk there," he remarked.
I blinked. "Oh!...I usually just stay on the Relentless and shuttle down..."
"Huh," he replied, "Not that comfortable, really."
I reached for a slice of pizza and said nothing at first. Was he actually suggesting something? Or was I projecting my fantasy onto his innocent remarks?
"True," I said, testing the water.
Ceasar was watching me closely, smiling a bit.
"...and all that time commuting," I ventured.
"Mm-hmm," he agreed.
I took a bite of my pizza trying to hide the little smile that threatened to betray me.
Ceasar leaned forward onto his elbows, his smile turning into a grin. "It's so cute when you try to be coy," he made his pronouncement.
I laughed. "Drink your champagne."
Ceasar chuckled and took a sip, keeping his eyes on me at all times. "Yes ma'am."

"I'm free all day today," he replied, "Even the police need some downtime."
Right. Right. He already said he was off today.
"Nice," I pressed onwards, "Well, if I get done early, can you show me around downtown?"
"Sure, there's a new restaurant that opened too."
"Oh wonderful," I said truthfully, "it will make a nice change."
Ceasar concurred. "Anything makes a nice change from rations."
"Once I'm done on Paquin, I'm heading out Mu Draconis way...."
Ceasar flinched a little. "That's a long trip. Be careful there."
"The governing House of Zenobia has a formal presentation before the Magistrate of Al Raqis and I'm acting security consultant," I explained. A calculated move no doubt to have a UAP officer in that role. It won't go unnoticed.
"You may have your work cut out there," remarked Ceasar.
"Yes," I agreed, "More intrigue than water."
Ceasar smiled, "Not hard to do there."
"I will combine the trip with Alliance business of course...
"Of course," he understood.
"...but it is quite a long trip."
"I don't envy you that," he remarked, "Did you know Al Raqis has an embassy here now?"
"Oh, I did not," I admitted, "that's handy." May speed up any paperwork.
"Woodhen helped arrange it. Heard he's getting an expanded warehouse in Al Raqis City for it."
"A powerful man, our Mr. Woodhen," I observed.
"Oh, I know." replied Ceasar, "He's the one who owns that new restaurant. His house is near it, in fact. Not to mention the tower down the street."
I finished the champagne and gently set my glass on the kitchen table. "Well, I should head to the office."
"Okay," he said, "It was... really good to see you."
I stood up and put on my jacket "Yes," I said with a smile, "for me too."
Ceasar stood steady, keeping his arms to his sides. I touched his wrist gently with the tips of my fingers.
"See you when I get off?" I asked quietly.
"Definitely," he replied firmly.
I smiled and slowly withdrew my hand. "Okay," I said softly, "Bye bye." I made my way to the door.
Ceasar followed.
"Bye... Pepper."
Just outside the door, I turned.
"..bye," I said again, somewhat shyly.
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