"Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights." - Christian Friedrich Hebbel

"Hello Svetlana," I began.
Svetlana looked up. "Salyut Sudarynya."
"So the happy day is fast approaching."
She watched me coldly. "Da," she replied, cradling her tummy protectively. She was due to give birth any day now.
I had one question for her. "Have you given any thought to what I said.... about cooperation?"
"You are not taking Ana away from me."
"I don't plan to harm your child," I explained.
"As I tried to warn your young friend in med lab..you are NOT the law here. you have no jurisdiction here," she said firmly.
"Well," I replied, "clearly you have never heard of bounty hunters."
Svetlana stared at me coldly.
"Do you seriously like to sleep with one eye open?" I asked. Such is the life of those who consider themselves above the law.
"What's up Svet?" asked a woman seated at the bar.
"I came out here to get away from your kind," Svetlana addressed me.
I smiled gently, "Do you know what your tragedy is, Svetlana?"
She did not reply.
"You shot a man that should have been hanged. The state does not forgive such errors easily."

"I think next time we chat, you may want to have legal representation. So you know your rights. You have a nice day Svetlana... and an easy birth."
I nodded at the other woman and turned to go.
"You know, I worked on your soldier," called out Svetlana, "I help fix him."
I paused then turned back to the bar. "Go on."
"One of your soldiers came to town, looking for a gal named Jo."
I listened carefully. While it had no bearing on the case, it spoke volumes about this woman.
"He find her. Gunfight ensued," Svetlana sighed. "He won. Barely."
"And you patched him up?" I asked.
"With so many mechanics in the Bay, I am learning to be medic. I had pulled a couple bullets out of Jo a week or two ago..I help Doktor G.. We work on him a couple hours. Why am I telling this? He is only private."
"I see."
Svetlana gave me a cold stare.
I shook my head, "Still, you amaze me Svetlana. Alliance soldiers like that one almost killed you on Shadow and you patched him up."
"He was wounded," she replied, "and like I said, he is just private. Not an officer. Not like your kind would care."
Another patron walked into the tavern. She greeted him and introduced me, after a fashion.
"Hello Shoey," she said, "this is the lady trying to frame me for some Alliance murder."

As I left, I heard the woman at the bar remark, "Svet, Alliance soldiers aren't the unfeeling monsters you make them out to be..."
Back on the Relentless, a call came through.
"Siamendes here."
"The Colony administrator would like to talk to you. She is here at the bar." It was Svetlana.
"I have left orbit. Is she your lawyer?"
"uh.. what? nyet.. she is the government here on Botany Bay."
"Ah I see."
Note to self, next trip contact Botany Bay colony administration.
"Tell me something," I continued, "Do you really believe in reciprocity?
"Da.. why you ask?"
"How can that function without truth?" I asked.
"You heard me," I replied.
"I don't see. I am not understanding."
"You don't have to pretend. The evidence is strong that you killed Wirefly. So I ask how can you expect a system of reciprocity to function without truth?"
"What evidence? A bullet?" she asked.
"Let me explain how things work," I said patiently, "I don't have to show a photo of you standing over his body. I have to build a case and convince a jury."
Svetlana replied by playing back a tape of the conversation in the bar after I left.
The voice of the woman seated at the bar: "The Alliance isn't all evil and they aren't all good. It's possible that some of them are, but I think they were just trying to scare you."
The voice of Svetlana Pleides: "That was twice in same week they try to kill me, not because I was important, but because I am nobody. They just don't care. They need body. Why not use mine?"
I listened to the playback and sighed. She saw us all as the same. The playback continued.

The voice of Svetlana Pleides: "And now they are trying to take...." Her voice was shaking, ".......SHE is trying to take Ana away.. like Ivan."
The voice of the woman seated at the bar: "Svet, we won't let her take your child."
The voice of Svetlana Pleides: "They will take me. Same thing."
I interrupted her. "Svetlana. The State is willing to strike a deal with you that will mean that you can live a long and happy life with your daughter."
"Again...you heard me."
"What kind deal?"
Through the comm, I could hear the sounds of bar patrons arriving and leaving.
I presented the offer. "If you confess to the murder of Wirefly, and answer some questions regarding the matter... and give a full testimony to the events that occurred during the attack on Shadow, the state will stay the charge of homicide."
I went on to explain the legal terms. "Stay means the charge will not be pursued. It does not mean dropping the charge. Your testimony can take place in an interplanetary court outside of UAP control."
"And the alternative?"
"The alternative?" I asked, "I have a job to do, to build my case against you and then you can take your chance in court...."
I heard a new voice in the background through the comm. "What's wrong?"
Svetlana explained, "This Alliance major wants me to confess to murder, or else she will sick bounty hunters on me."
I continued. "...however, what I am offering, Svetlana, is a chance for reciprocity against those that destroyed Shadow. Think about that."
"Oh dear, that's terrible," exclaimed the new voice in the background.
"That is Alliance for you," answered Svetlana, "Stomp on little peoples."
"Svetlana," I interjected, "You can be the voice for the little people murdered on Shadow."
I let my words hang in the air. I listened to her talk, not expecting a reply. I felt like Ardra.
Svetlana spoke out loud, "I gotta search the ship again. I find my bullet. Case is closed."
"Which ship? Do you need help?" asked the new voice.
"The Asgard.. the one we move to. You know a good lawyer?" she asked the new voice and then she terminated the call.
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