April 25 - Eavesdown Docks, Persephone
The workday was done and the crowds had begun to gather. Soon the taverns would be filled with the sounds of music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses.
It may even be a fight night somewhere here in the docks. Bare knuckle boxing. A bit of gambling on the side. Harmless really, in the big picture. People have to blow off steam.
I parked on a public landing pad near the customs house. It was too far to travel from the barracks to the hospital. As I stepped out of alleyway across from the Sheriff's office, a sleek black hover car pulled alongside in a cloud of dust.
"Major," called a voice.
It was Tillery.
"Mr. Woodhen." I returned the greeting.
The hover car powered down with a whisper.
"How are you?" he asked as he climbed out of the vehicle and stood in the street.

"Yes," he acknowledged, "I was able to have some artificial nerves implanted. I can't do regen and I kept rejecting organics."
"It is wonderful to see," I smiled.
"Still feels.... odd. Not quite... real. Know what I mean?"
"I'm on my way to the hospital now in fact."
"Oh? Why?" he asked.
"My young friend is ill."
Tillery thought for a second. "Oh, that boy from Al Raqis? What's his name....."
"Yes that's right ...Lynx." I glanced down the street. "It's near by."
"What happened with him?"
"Well, that's what I want to find out...join me?"
"Let me park my car," he replied, "I'll meet you inside."
The hospital was poorly lit.
People lined the waiting area in various states of medical need, while others pace the crowded halls. The desk nurse looked up from her reading. She noticed my uniform and sat up smartly, "How may I help you?"
"Yes," I began as we approached the counter, "My name is Major Siamendes. I am here to see Lynx."
"You are his legal guardian?"
"uh... yes I am." I hesitated.
Tillery smiled.
The receptionist stood up and motioned to us, "This way please."
"Thank you," I replied.
She led us to a dismal little room on the lower floor. The walls were in desperate need of new paint. The tiles on the floor were cracked.
Lynx lay on the bed in the center of the room. His shirt was off. His torso bandaged. At least the linen was clean.

He partially opened his eyes.
"How are you?" I asked with a smile.
"The doctor will be in to speak with you in a moment."
"Thank you nurse,"
Lynx looked up and managed to say, "Sleepy."
I smiled in return while feeling a little uncertain. I had seen wounded soldiers before. Men and women I had sent into action. Acceptable risk. This however caught me off guard.
"Notes," he said.
Tillery raised his eyebrow.
"Pocket," said Lynx.
"Pocket," I repeated.
I looks up at Tillery with a look that said "Is this normal?"
"Depends. What happened to you, son?"
I carefully reached into Lynx's pocket and removed his notes.
The doctor on duty entered, looking at Tillery and then at me, "You are his... guardians?"
"I am." I said it more firmly this time.
Tillery simply nodded.
"What happened to him?" I asked, "And will he be okay?"
"Yes," replied the doctor, "Well there is a matter of his injuries." He looked at his report, "The most obvious injury was a gunshot wound to his back."

"Who shot him?" I demanded.
"It's assumed he encountered one of the gangs wandering the dock," answered the doctor.
"Has the bullet been removed?" I asked.
I sneaked a peak at Lynx's notes. It was a transcript of some kind. Then I heard Tillery's next question.
"And what was the damage from the bullet?"
I suddenly felt a little weak in my knees when the implication of his comment hit me. The room moved and I grasped the edge of the bed to steady myself.
"The Doctor looks over his glasses, "Well, he does have some lung injury, As well as a small amount of vascular damage. His spine appears to be intact."
Tillery put his hand on my shoulder. "How serious is the lung injury?" he asked the physician, "Pretty straightforward?"
"Spine intact... good," I said automatically.
The doctor continued to read, "There was no cord damage. The lung has been repaired, but be aware we don't have the facilities here to further his treatment."
I swallowed hard. "Can we transfer him?"
I heard Tillery whisper near my ear, "He'll be okay."
"Yes," replied the doctor, "He will need to be prepped for the transfer."
I nodded. "Or tell me what you need here...." I had resources.
"He is sedated to reduce any aggravation to the wounds. Preferably a full transport unit. However, we don't have the finances here to do that."
Before I could answer I heard Tillery in a clear voice say, "I do."
The physician looked at both of us, "As you can see we are lacking somewhat."
Tillery pulled out his hand reader. "How much?" he asked.

"Then if you'll both pardon me for a minute." Tillery left the room.
The doctor showed me where to sign the paperwork, "If you will, Major?"
I took the papers and signed. I thumbed through the forms and selected a copy, "Is this mine? my copy?
The doctor looks over the signature. "Yes, that has all the information."
I turned my attention back to the boy.
"Lynx... can you hear me?"
Tillery returned putting the reader back into his pocket. "It's taken care of."
The doctor handed me a data disc as well, "This is the documented treatment schedule we used." Then he left the room to finalized the documents.
Lynx closed his eyes.
"Tillery," I asked "is he safe to move?"
"He is. He's stabilized, the bullet is gone and he's mending. Drugs will be his friend for a few days though."
Tillery looked me in the eye. "Do not feel guilty."
I nodded and slowly reached out to touch Lynx on the shoulder. "If I spent more time trying to find his parents this may not have happened...."
"And if you had more time, you could fix the 'verse. Concentrate on what you can do now."
A second doctor entered the room. She was dressed in hospital greens. I regained my focus and addressed my next question to her.

She spoke with the authority of someone familiar with the case. Perhaps the surgeon. "The bullet is lodged close to his spine. There is no damage to his spinal cord or anything of that nature."
"And the lung, is there a danger of it collapsing?" I asked.
Lynx opened his eyes again slowly, feeling the effects of the medications.
The second doctor continued, "We were able to repair the damage but it would have been too risky to remove the bullet. In cases like this, there's always a chance of lung damage or the possibility of it collapsing."
I nodded at the surgeon's remarks.
I looked at Tillery, "So I'm a legal guardian it seems...."
"I think I'm there with you," he replied.
"Not how I planned my day," I said truthfully.
Tillery gave a rueful smile.
I looked at the notes Lynx had in his pocket. It was a detailed transcript of a conversation. Disturbing details of the organ trade. Using an albino for transport as the immune system is weak.
He looked up at me.
I nodded with a tight smile, "Good work cadet."
"Listened." he explained softly and pointed toward the notes.
"You rest up," I replied, "When you are stronger, we can talk about these. Your first job is to get stronger."
Lynx nodded and closed his eyes.

"Thank you Doctor," I said. She turned and left the room.
"I will have to go too. Tillery," I added, "we will need to meet later."
Lynx whispered something about a ship.
"Alright," said Tillery, "We have a lot to talk about."
I leaned closer to Lynx. "A ship?"
Lynx whispered, "Jade.....Unlikely to Fly."
"Unlikely to Fly.... is that a ship?"
He nodded slowly.
"And Jade is the albino in danger?"
He nodded again.
"I could ask around," offered Tillery.
I nodded, "That would help. The UAP Marshall should be informed too. Cyrano Ishtari."
Local law enforcement should be involved.
"Lynx. You get stronger. When it is safe we will move you to a better hospital."
Lynx nodded faintly drifting off. I patted him gently on the arm.
"I better go." I said quietly to Tillery.
Back on the street, in front of the hospital.
"Do you need a lift anywhere?"
"No," I replied, "I think I will walk back to my ship.... this was unexpected."
"We do need to talk. And soon. About Ardra."
"Yes...and Lily."
"Then you know?"
"How is she holding up?" I asked.
"I think the barriers are breaking down. A few days ago, I was talking with Lily. Then her eyes actually flashed red and a different voice from her mouth said, 'Hello, Tillery.'"
I shook my head. "She needs to get that AI out of her head... it represents a danger in about three different ways."
"Then be careful of Cody. He has zero trust of anyone in the UAP Military."
I nodded, "A lot of that going around these days."

"I don't plan to be the one to remove it." Do it wrong and it could leave her severely brain damaged. She needed someone with the right expertise to make the extraction.
"Seana is good people though."
"Seana...the mayor?" I met her once last year.
"Yes. And Lily's adoptive parent. And Cody recently asked Lily to marry him."
I raised my eyebrows, "I did not realize that about the Mayor."
"There's a lot with the Mayor most people don't know," he added cryptically.
"Interesting. ..." I replied. "Well, I should go... we will talk soon." I needed to walk alone with my thoughts.
"Oh, one more thing before you go," called Tillery as I began to turn away, "I ran into another old friend."
"...and she remembers nothing."
"Who are we talking about?" I asked.
I rocked back a bit on my heals.
He continued, "Not me, not Shadow, not the battle, not how she was at the trial."
"She remembers nothing."
"Nada," replied Tillery.
I shook my head as I connected the dots. "And then she doesn't realize there is a federal warrant out on her."
"No," he confirmed "but some independent captains took her in. I don't know where she is now."
"That's fine... she is safer off the radar." She may be our best witness as to who was in the conspiracy if those memories were buried and not erased.
"Want me to ask around?"
"Yes," I replied.
We bid each other farewell and Tillery returned to his car. I turned and walked away down the dirty street, alone, as the evening fell on Eavesdown Docks.
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