Today I was recalled home to report to Colonel M_______ on a matter of great urgency.

Our boots echoed across the tile floor. The tube doors hissed as they opened. The elevator took us to the upper floor with a gentle hum. The Colonel waited in the laboratory in the rear of the building. The sergeant took his post at the door.
"What does this look like to you, Major?"
He indicated a globe-shape stasis tank. Inside floated a body curled up in a fetal position. The body was an exact copy of the Colonel. Same face. Same hair. Same lack of sense of humor, no doubt.
"This looks like a stasis tube of some sort," I said.
"Yes. I was probably referring to the contents," he replied dryly.
I continued,"...and from the readings on the screen the subject is healthy."
"The subject is artificially resuscitated. A corrupted clone."
"It looks another plus for Zenobian Medical Engineers," I remarked.
"Except that it was found in the Blackburne Wastelands."
I raised an eyebrow.
He continued, "Riddled full with bullets and arrows."
This is bad I thought. "I assume this is your backup clone... for organ replacement."
"It's cellular organelles have been stripped. It is capable of supporting its own life without this machine."
"This clone was autonomous?" I asked.
"For a while at least. The weapons in its possession had been discharged. We found a laboratory nearby that had been ransacked."
My instincts kicked in. "Can it be restored and perhaps questioned?"
"Then forensics."
"Its neural pathways are degraded below even regulating autonomous functions. Forensics succeeded."
"Have the bullets been sent to my lab?"
"I will send you a sample. There were many to choose from. You might also want to look at the arrows."
"But one matter is of another interest."
Uh oh, I thought. "Yes?"
"Are you familiar with blastomeres?"
"I have heard the term."
"They are typically used in organ replacement."
"There was a shipment on the Persephone." I was referring to the derelict ship not the colony.
"But they can also be used for the accelerated growth of clones. Highly illegal. Both on Zenobia and in the Alliance in general."
"Unless under control experimental conditions of course," I added.
"Have you cross referenced the manifests and inventory records from the Angel of Mercy? The amount of blastomeres in their stock is orders of magnitude greater than that corresponding to the organ replacements. This clone was awash with them. Same tissue type."
"That is troubling." That was troubling on so many levels. Clearly I needed to examine the staff files and shipping records from that facility. Maybe even another trip to the Persephone to collect samples.
The Colonel started with his orders. "I want you to hook up with ___________. If Blue Sun is true to form, they have illegal security cameras in Hale's Moon."
"No doubt."
"Have a man tap into their security cameras. Then serve a weapons search warrant on the Sheriff and his deputies. Lets see where they run."
I stopped him there. I had an active investigation on Hale's and I didn't want the sheriff pressured. I gave him my report on the Angel of Mercy bombing and how the markings on the transport ship matched the logo of the Dharma Initiative.
"I have begun to look into this charity," I explained.
"Excellent. You can only take so long, then you should consider taking sniffer dogs to Hale's"
"I usually work alone as you know. It is my prerogative."
"You only get to work alone as long as you continue to produce results."
I examined the clone in the tube, "Oh, I'll get results..." I tapped my finger to my lips.
There was a moment of silence. The clone floated in the thick fluid of the stasis tube. The monitors beeped and chirped cheerfully.
"You notice a resemblance?" asked the Colonel.
"Very disturbing."
"Yes," I agreed. "You should be concerned."
The Colonel grumbled, "The sonofabitch even had better boots and weapons than I do. This is not being financed by amateurs."
"I suggest you get a microchip implant, as a method of security."
The Colonel did not acknowledge the idea. Instead, he introduced new business. "Ship traffic out of ________ has increased markedly. We thought that place finally gave up the ghost. A lot of traffic between there and Hale's." He named a settlement known for operating outside the law.
A pause, then the Colonel asked, "Are you going to continue to be subtle?"
Subtle? Did he say just subtle like there is something wrong with my methods? A trapdoor spider is subtle but she gets the job done. Fine, I thought, you want a show of force. I'll give you force.
"I recommend sending a pacification team to ________."
"I can get that authorized."
"Hale's requires a softer touch. Trade Association is strong there."
"I will get you a 'round up the usual suspects' warrant for _____________."
"Thank you," I said with some finality.
"Who is your escort today?"
"Sergeant... please come in," I called again looking closely at the clone in the tank.
"Sir," said Macalroy crisply.
Colonel M________ looked over the sergeant. I turned and introduced the trooper.
"This is Sergeant Macalroy."
"You have worked with the Major before?" asked the Colonel.
"On several projects. He can be trusted to do his duty to the letter," I answered for him.
"Good. Have him lead the team to ____________."
"Sir," added the Sergeant, "I've recently been transferred from off world expeditionary forces to Zenobian detatchment. I've served with the Major on previous assignments."
"Do you have anyone undercover that can scout out targets?"
"I do," I said. I sent a summons on my comm.
"Make a list of soft targets, put their names on a warrant."
"Sir, if I may?" asked Macalroy.
"Speak freely."
"Word has it ____________ is where a bunch of rebels from that business on Shadow have gone to ground. Browncoats all. Might be as good a place to start as any."
"A bonus. Any named browncoat you can take into custody increases the amount of resources I can put to the project."
My comm beeped softly. I interrupted, "My undercover operative will join us presently. She works at this facility. I will get her."
When I returned with my agent, I could hear that the Colonel and the Sergeant were busy with their male bonding.
The Colonel's voice: "The Alliance relies heavily on private security companies. In my opinion, they are mostly a disappointment."
The Sergeant snorted, "I agree sir, no replacement for professional soldiers."
"We will resume this conversation later."
"May I present Dr. S________"
My agent greeted the men with her charming voice, "Lovely to meet you gentleman." She was brilliant and devious. She was perfect for the task at hand.
"Dr. S_______ has excellent knowledge of Hale's Moon," I added.
"Excellent. What is the nature of your dealings there?"
"Ms. S. ________ is familiar with key personnel on that Moon including persons who have relocated to _______. She is an excellent choice for uncovering the source and nature of the increased traffic between the two colonies," I explained.
"I agree. Have her assist the Sergeant here with a list. Major, you oversee the project."
"One in particular." He gave me a name. "He has been networking traders to ___________. Shake him down. I will leave it to your discretion, Major, what tactics to employ."
He continued, "The Alliance has always been lax about deploying assets in the Rim. If we get results, we can get more resources. Make good on this."
The doctor excused herself while we concluded our business.
"Major, Sergeant, if you need any special requisitions, have it to me in the next 24 hours."
"Very good," I told him what I needed immediately, "I would like the ballistic report on the arrows and toxicology of course. I will also need a list of the executive of this registered charity 'Dharma Initiative'. Whenever I ask, people shut up, a clear indication I should keep digging."
"I will get it for you. I can give you one name to look for." He gave me a name. "Retired General. Operates in the Rim...and he is connected to Dharma. He would have answers you need, but probably won't give you anything. Find out who his associates are."
I summarized our action plan, detailing the respective tasks of my team.
The Colonel added, "I am going to give you some room to operate on Hale. I am hoping you have an operation with boots on the ground in _________ soon."
I replied, "I will see that the Sergeant has the resources he needs. I have a mobile weapons platform that requires field testing."
"Excellent," said the Colonel. "Carry on. Dismissed."
I turned and, with Macalroy, left Colonel M___________ to whatever thoughts you have in the presence of your dead clone.
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