It was night and it was raining.
I walked across the lush, green grass, between the temples of Bihar Sanctuary. My boots making a squishing sound as I walked. The cold, heavy rain falling, flattening my hair.
I hate the rain.

"Hello again," I said.
"Hello Major," she replied. "Surprising to find you here."
"Yes. Well I am in search of a word."
"A word?"
"A sanskrit word... Dharma."
Looking around at the Hindu and Buddhist temples, I continued, "I thought I would come here and ask at the source."
Rain pounded down upon the religious reliefs. Dionysus and his maenads danced despite the steady downpour. The statue of the Buddha didn't seem to notice.
"Dharma means duty/obligation," explained the trader.
"I see... duty to whom?"
"In the traditional sense, to the divine. Basically what God expects of you."
Rain trickled down the back of my neck and inside my uniform.
"And in current usage?"
"Moral obligation."
I nodded. I thought, that would work for either a charity or a group of fanatics intent on violence. All fanatics think their actions are morally justified.
"Why don't you come out of the rain. Let me show you the Zenobian Offices?" asked the trader.
With that comment I suddenly realized that I had lost control of the interrogation. I should have asserted control and insisted we continue our discussion where we were. But I was soaked and I didn't like it.
I shrugged and followed Ms. Raghilda inside.
The old offices of the Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ) on Bihar had been situated in a wooden structure a short distance from the temples. They had collapsed during a recent earthquake. The new offices were located on the lower floor of a building of the Moroccan style.
"The rain MOSTLY does not come in here," offered Ms. Raghilda.
"Very nice offices," I said feeling drier and therefore better already.
"It will be soon," she continued. "It is a little unfurnished." She settled herself into a chair by the desk. I remained standing rather than take the second chair. It was time to resume questioning.
"The Sheriff on Hale's Moon mentioned a charity organization by the name of Dharma," I began. "That would indeed fit with the concept of moral obligation."
"The Dharma Institute is a registered charity," explained Ms. Raghilda. "They give some form of support to wounded Alliance Soldiers. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and food relief aid."
"A registered charity?" I asked.
"Registered in Ariel I believe."
"Yesterday the store, you wondered whether that bandit was targeting Dharma Initiative goods."
"Most of the goods in the store had the Dharma logo on it and he stole a van with the Dharma logo."
"I couldn't help wondering why he would return to the store that same day. Yes then returned and fled on foot... that doesn't make much sense."
"We get crazy ones in Hale's, but that is weirder than usual," agreed Ms. Raghilda.
"Yes..." I moved to the window and looked out at the rain. I tapped my finger to my lips as I turned the information over in my head, feeling the texture of it, breathing in it's scent...

"Major, have you formally met Gabe Yazimoto?"
I turned and saw a slender young woman standing across the room. She was armed.
"She crews with me now and then," continued Ms. Raghilda.
"No," I said, "I believe we were not introduced. Hello."
Ms. Yazimoto nodded shortly, "'Lo."
Ms. Raghilda made the formal introduction.
"Gabe Yazimoto, this is Major Pepper Siamendes."
"SIU, Alliance Military, Zenobia," I added.
"Yes," replied Ms. Yazamoto driely, "I could tell by the expanse of purple."
"I'm investigating a number of matters but some aspects of a crime on Hale's caught my attention."
Ms. Yazamoto became defensive, "'Fore you get any funny ideas, I had nothin' to do with that."
I decided to change tactics.
"And you are both Trade Association members."
"Yes Ma'am," replied Ms. Raghilda, "I am a registered pilot and Ms. Yazimoto is registered Private Security."
"What have you heard about the Relics of St Zenobius being offered for sale on the black market?"
Ms.Yazimoto blinked, then nodded.
Ms. Raghilda said, "That is way above my paygrade."
I turned to face the other woman. "And Ms. Yazimoto? You are security. Information is the ultimate security."
Gabe Yazimoto shook her head. "Ain't heard a thing. I don't muck about with dead things, usually.'Least not dead things that were dead to start with."
"She is in the prevention of killing business," added Ms. Raghilda.
"Excellent," I said. "So am I."
Gabe Yazimoto snorted.
I continued, "I want to prevent Civil War."
Ms. Raghilda decided to change tactics too.
"What does SIU stand for?" she asked.
"Special Investigations Unit."
"General Store petty theft justifies SIU? That's one pay grade above bedtag police."
"The Sheriff said it was local matter, and I'm sure it is," I remarked. "I just don't like things that don't add up."
"I feel the same way," she countered.
There was a pause in the conversation. We could hear the sound of the rain against the window.
I prepared to leave. "I will let you return to your business," I said to them both. With a smile I added, "Very nice offices."
"Ma'am, when I find out about things, it's usually the last minute and when things have gone sideways...."
I stopped.
"...when I find out something, I will probably be in a situation where I need backup. Would you be that backup?"
I looked at the pilot for a moment then looked at the security contractor.
Ms. Yazimoto muttered, "With backup like that, you might as well go alone... 'less risk of getting a knife in the back."
I ignored the remark.
Ms. Raghilda, having gotten my attention, continued, "You have heard of "Need to Know" basis, yes? I don't need to know until the last minute...."
I refused to be drawn in. Instead I said, "If at the last minute, you hear of these relics, please contact me."
"..and then I am in deep in a small antiquated lightly armored with no weapons."
I smiled and added, "Thank you both for your time."
Gabe Yazimoto just watched as I left.
An interesting turn of events I thought.
I stepped out into the cold, heavy rain.
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