"On the ground of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies." Sun Tzu
It was a warm afternoon. The day was bright and the air cool.
I waited at the side of the landing field of the small spaceport in Spinwheel City. Of course, it was designed for shuttles and small craft only this close to the the urban core.
Even so, every now and then, someone would engage thrusters too early when leaving the surface. The windows would shake, and the people in the street would jump. Locals would complain.
It was at those moments, my blood would sing and I would relive how it feels to ride the thunder into the stars.
Two years ago, I employed an individual to provide information on the factions and organizations operating in the Mu Draconis system. As the years move along, she continued her work for us behind the scenes, providing us with intelligence, research and prototype technology.
More than an informant, she became a valued asset deeply embedded in the culture of the private militaries and rogue warlords that seem drawn to the deserts of Araxes.
As I was handling the Ardra case at that time, up to date information of the status of the system was essential, so we took the step of keeping her attached to my team.
She went by a variety of names. She spoke in a number of languages. She took a variety of appearances.
Today, she was Najah Liasa.

She walked across the tarmac. She wore a black flight suit. Her long curly hair was pulled back.
"Welcome to Spinwheel," I said.
"Thank you." she said with a nod, her accent thicker than usual.
"I trust you had a pleasant flight?"
"Indeed," she replied, "a little rocky but that's what happens on your ship's third space trial." She smiled looking up towards the sky.
"Come," I said, "Let us find somewhere to chat."
She nodded and followed after me.
As we passed through passport control, I flashed my badge at the customs bot. "She is with me," I said and we continued without interruption.
We walked down Church Street and turned left towards the small beach.
I settled into a chair giving me a clear visual of the approach from the beach. My contact took the seat opposite, giving her a view of the street. The chair creaked slightly under her as she sat down.

Between us, we had visual coverage of any major approach to our location. From a distance, we would simply be two friends gossiping over coffee and pastry.
"So what do you have for me?" I began.
My contact smiled, "I've been out in the Black for a long time, I'm still catching up with events. " she said, "But as far as my side, I've moved all House Narstrom operations to Uradia and ordered the navy to blockade it from unauthorized travel, the UNSC has pulled off Al Raqis again and the Ta Seti destroyed my favorite ship." Her accent was thick and very rich, like something from the desert regions of Earth-That-Was.
I nodded, "How active are the Ta Seti since the Battle of the Wadi?"

"Getting bigger, Getting a lot more deadly. Not to be trifled with, as I said, they destroyed my flagship, I did not stand a chance." She slid some photos across the table from a pouch on her leg.
I accepted the photographs. "Thank you," I said quietly.
Najah Liasa nodded. "Don't mention it," she smiled, easing her legs out.
Coffee came and went, while I looked through the pictures.

The images showed my contact's ship assisted by a Federation craft engaging two star shaped vessels and fighters.

The Federation markings where difficult to make out without magnification but the ship could have been Starfleet Torchwood.

The Federation ship appeared to take serious damage to its saucer section, but the Ta Seti ships cut the Narstrom ship into chunks like so much soft cheese.

"So your tactical analysis of the situation," I asked, "what needs to be done to contain the threat?"
She took a deep breath, "The Ta Seti certainly are mobilizing something, I aided the SSFS with investigating a possible Jeffries Tube the Ta Seti have landed. I would warrant they are planning something, and giving the SSFS's response they are being dangerously underestimated."
"Can your unit provide the necessary support in case of further Ta Seti action?"
She shook her head, "No, the UNSC on Al Raqis has been redeployed, and I've been ousted from command."

I nodded. These things happened in her world. It was chaotic and violent.
She continued, "We were infiltrated by an insurrectionist who tried to start a witch hunt."
"Tell me more," I said.
"I had a promising soldier named Ico Harbinger. When my unit reached its peak strength, I noticed there started to occur some... infighting. At the time, I thought this was only growth pains, but it turned out to be something much worse."
"You suspect a Myrmidon agent?"
"No. Pre-covenant war Eridanus rebels," she sighed.
I nodded again. The UAP and the UNSC. We had our Browncoats. They had their Eridanus Rebels. We had a common understanding of such things.
"Tell me," I said, "what do you need to rebuild?"
She shook her head, "I'm in no position to reinstate my arms on Al Raqis, and given the course of my duties to the HNRN, I cannot provide support at all."
"Do you need extraction?" I asked plainly.
She nodded. "I think Uradia may be compromised as well," she said. "My HNRN is not a military. We're scientists. Scientists who make very large guns, but scientists nevertheless."
It would be a loss not having my contact active in the outlying regions, but you have to take care of your own.

"Sounds like it maybe time for you to come in from the cold," I said.
She agreed. "It is," she said.
I smiled, "Your work has been invaluable." It was the simple truth.
"Thank you." she smiled in reply.
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