
I waited six days before returning to the village of Azaadi.
There were more people in the streets this time. A couple over by the landing pad. A man and a woman near one of the houses.
I headed across the main square, walking purposefully. I nodded as a woman stepped out of an official looking residence and glanced in my direction.

The woman nodded back. "Feel free to use whatever facilities," she said with some authority before heading into the tavern.
"Thank you," I said, following after her, "are you the proprietor?"
"Not exactly," she replied, "I'm the eyes and ears mostly. Mouth only when Jim's not here."
I removed my breather mask and smiled.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" she asked as she made herself comfortable at the table in the center of the room.

"Perhaps you can help me," I began, "I am trying to find members of the Jade Revolution."
"Ah. Them."
"Yes. What have you heard?" I asked.
The woman sighed and reached up, putting her hands behind her head, "I honestly couldn't give you names or locations, but a few of them wander through here off and on. I mostly just try to not pay attention."
"Of course," I allowed, "it is best not to look too closely at some things."
"Indeed," she agreed. "We try to stay as neutral as we can."
"That sounds wise," I added. "They have threatened some powerful people."
"So I've heard," she acknowledged. "You looking to destroy them, or join them?"
"I am simply looking for information," I replied, then asked, "When you say a few of them have wanders through here, how many?"

"Good evening," said a new voice. "I'm not intruding I hope."
I turned towards the man just entering. "Good evening to you," I said politely.
He was dressed in the manner of someone who worked transporting dry goods or livestock. He wore a sidearm, for rattlesnakes no doubt. It was always for rattlesnakes.
The woman scratched her chin, "Well... without looking close, it's hard to say, they all wear masks, you know." She glanced up to the man and nodded, "No intrusions, help yourself. Bar's open if you need anything."
I had caught the scent. "Masks?" I asked, "What kind of masks?"
The man began to fidget nervously.
"The kind that cover your face," said the woman.
"Fully covered? Or breather type?" I pressed.
Bad Pepper. That was a question of someone used to having her questions answered.
The man glanced over at a second man who now entered the tavern. The second man settled on the seat next to him and waved politely to us all.
The woman answered my question. "No," she said shaking her head, "the kind that just hang over the nose and mouth... sort of like exotic dancers."
I nodded as if satisfied, "Ah, I know the type you mean."
This was rapidly becoming a bigger crowd than I wanted to manage at this point. I had hoped to present myself as a simple spice miner wanting to trade information. A public interrogation would be counterproductive. I may have already revealed too much.
The first man leaned over the bar and fetched a glass and a small bottle. He poured himself a drink and began sipping contentedly.
I decided to stop things now in hopes of future possibilities. "Well, thank you for your time."
She nodded in reply, "Anytime."
I took one more look around the tavern, at the faces of the patrons, the manner of their dress, then I departed.
"You're free to wander around the area as long as you don't cause issues," called the woman.
"Thank you," I said as I walked away.
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