Seven days from the beginning of the Process.
Dr. Moira Aristocrat of the Zenobian Medical Centre, Albion City, sent a quick update on the condition of the Young Audrey clone.
"The patient's fever is under control, but neural activity is very high."
June 10
The next day, Captain Manda Westminster sent word on secured comms from Zenobia.
"We have managed to block any kind of electromagnetic radiation that could be used for signalling, but there is no change in the patient. Magnetic imaging shows neural pathways being built up. Neural activity is very high but currently not at a dangerous level. The neural activity leveled off abruptly at 2200 hours June 8th. Doctor Moira has managed to control the patient's temperature. Doctor Qui has a theory about how the signalling might be coming about based on his study of the downed Arudra class drone. The patient is out of critical care and nothing much left to do except monitor and wait. Her sister, guardian and one of her teachers are keeping vigil."

Captain Westminster also forwarded a full report on neural implants. She began by detailed the research of José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado into the control of behaviour and mental function through the electrical stimulation of regions in the brain. Delgado experimented with radio-controlled neural implants on both humans and animals. On one occasion, he stopped a charging bull by remotely activating the electrodes implanted in the caudate nucleus.
According to Captain Westminster, the basic technology has not changed as the years have progressed. She states,
"Smaller chips are implanted and even nano-scale swarms of chips are injected into the system of the patient and either pre-programmed or are remotely controlled.
"The study of so-called 'readers' and certain other classes of special high functioning individuals has allowed great advances in the coding of brain signalling.
"The actual brain signals is the same in all humans, but the signals do not actually contain the information; their only function is the stimulation of the brain centers which do contain the information. Knowing the signalling allows us to know with monitoring what type of action is going on, but still does not allow us to know the information content.
"The alephs inside of A.A.W. are functioning analogous to the stimoceiver, sending signals at thousands of locations of the brain. We can know what kind of functions, but not know the content. Our best bet based on our monitoring is that the alephs are inducing a dream sequence of the subject's life with additional sensory stimulation.
"We are currently unable to determine what if any type of signalling is coming to or from the patient. We have attempted all manner of screening out of any electromagnetic signalling.
"The alephs that we have extracted via the nanobot bloodquest process have defied analysis. Professor Qui Von Wer Foreman Serendipity of the Zenobia Institut Polytechnique has analyzed the materials and found them to be transition metals whose nucleus has been made asymmetrical causing them to have atypical characteristics. According to Qui, such super-deformed orbitally rearrange mono-atomic transition metals can somehow be used for quantum signalling because they can isolate themselves from quantum interference. The super-deformed nucleus makes their analysis extremely difficult.
"Suspiciously ironic, subject A.A.W.'s guardian, Constance Zdychava, is a noted expert in quantum communications, a known acquaintance of Professor Qui, and was attached to Project Aurotharius. Quantum signalling using quantum entanglement is the basis of the Cortex network."
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