"And the king of Sheshach shall drink after them." - Jeremiah
Office of the District Medical Examiner
Concordiate Coordinates: Al Raqis, Araxes, Mu Draconis System, Arsenal-Denobula Wormhole Nexus, Solomani-Geminga Sphere, Orion–Cygnus Arm - OA Sector 2814.
Consolidated Report of Lab Analysis Ordered by Acting District Medical Examiner
Reference: Blood sample and particulates collected from floor and jade rabbit from crime scene of Magistrate's Office in Al Raqis. Blood used to write on wall.
Subject: Lab Analysis

Part 1 Blood Sample
Telomere length of genetic sample indicates naturally grown uncloned female in her early 20s.
Subject was probably alive when the blood sample was taken, at most recently deceased.
Genetic markers indicate tetra-calcium phosphonate related congenital defects, colloquially known as "moon-babies". Usual defects include albinism, sensory, immune system and cognitive side effects.
Sample is not a match for the other "moon-baby" samples we have in storage, neither is it likely to be a relative.
Genetic markers indicate green eyes and albinic skin coloration.
Tox screen shows high concentrations of unknown compound with similar properties to the drug Solproperal which is commonly prescribed for treatment of tetra-calcium phosphonate related congenital defects. This unknown compound possibly an unregistered experimental treatment. 15% of the compound appears to be a direct match for the subject's standard DNA sequence, indicating that it is either a designer version of the medication or the subject has been genetically engineered/modified to secrete it. 10% of the unknown compound appears to exhibit bonding agent/anti-rejection properties. The sample is too degraded to get an exact composition.
Negative for any protozoic/bacterial/viral agents, recreational pharmaceuticals, nor alcohol present in the blood.

The sample lacks the high concentrations of Araxes Desert-Spice cinnamaldehydes in bloodstream, ruling out Araxes Desert-Spice prospecting condition exposure and consuming foods in Araxes for a long period of time.
The sample lacks the varieties of chordopoxvirinae variola virus antibodies in bloodstream, ruling out exposure to the various epidemics that manifested Araxes in the past months.
The sample showed no traces of SonnenTreppe, Thiotmioline, Utnapishtim Lycium, Lotophagi, Ziziphus, Moly, Haoma, Sauma, Amrita, Amarantos, Bandaloop Jitterbug extract or any other known locally available neurotropics, geronotologicals or pharma.
Subject is probably a recent arrival, most likely within the last 6 months or living under more controlled conditions such as aboard a ship.
Trace amounts of dust and typical cleaning products which contaminated the sample.
Part 2 Sand sample from the floor
Sand contains individual particulates of superdeformed nucleus mono-atomic and microcluster transition metals, Ketranite-Blue, Araxes Desert Spice, Lattice Crystalized Diatomic Lithium Telluride, Lattice Crystalized Diatomic Lithium Diallosilicate HeptoFerranide and FushigiNoUmi (LiCuSiFeO) 518 & 521 Crystals.
Mineral particulates and general chemical composition consistent with sand from various areas of Araxes, in particular with samples that originate in the Azaadi settlement in the Araxes Tribal Autonomous Zone and the excavation site near the Mount of the Sacred Totem in the Deep Desert Administrative Region.

Part 3 Particulates sample collect from the Jade Rabbit
Ordinary chlorite-quartz with a trace of spice and sand on the surface. Within the chlorite are small relatively harmless radioactive particulates. The composition of the Jade is consistent with jade mined in Haven in 34 Tauri and not the jade sold in the Al Raqis square for tourists.
Declaration: I hereby attest that after accepting custody of evidence bags that I made all of the required inquiries and testing in accordance with the applicable regulations, statutes and establish procedures/protocols established for the jurisdiction and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Doctor Manda Soldi Westminster, Acting District Medical Examiner
Cc: Colonel MacMoragh
Major Siamendes
Major Muircastle
Sealed Appendix to the Consolidated Report from the Office of the District Medical Examiner
To: Colonel MacMoragh, Special Projects
From: Major Pepper Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit
Subject: Cryptography

Examination of the jade rabbit statue found in the Magistrate's office revealed a small crystal containing the following ciphertext:
Lfi kvixvkgrlm lu vevmgh rh mlg zodzbh gsv dzb rg kozbh lfg. Nztrhgizgv, gsviv rh z gizrgli rm blfi nrwhg. Gsvb droo hgirpv dsvm blf ovzhg vckvxg rg zmw dsvm blf ziv nlhg efomvizyov. Droo gsv kvlkov nlfim gsvri Nztrhgizgv zh gsvb nlfimvw gsv Nvhhrzs?
The message is encrypted with Azby, a simple mono-alphabetic substitution cipher, also called the alphabet reversal cipher.
The plaintext reads:
Our perception of events is not always the way it plays out. Magistrate, there is a traitor in your midst. They will strike when you least expect it and when you are most vulnerable. Will the people mourn their Magistrate as they mourned the Messiah?
This cipher is the Latin equivalent of the Hebrew Atbash cipher used in the Book of Jeremiah.