Today, I returned to the Laandsrat, but today, I was not alone.
We gathered on the main street near where Commander William Faith once had his offices - Major Aodhfionn Muricastle, Sgt. Gage Macarthur and myself.
Zenobia is the state government of Albion. Consult the star charts and you will see that Albion circles the White Sun, 34 Tauri A, between the orbits of Ariel and Persephone.
Like many others, Zenobia arrived here under the banner of trade and commerce. After some time, an embassy was established, and later still, after much negotiation, the status of a Great House was granted by the local aristocracy.
However, Zenobians were not the first people from 34 Tauri to operate on Araxes. Merchants and companions, shepherds and traders, all had walked these streets, and explored these sands.
To assist the many people from 34 Tauri that were based on Araxes, Zenobia offered full consular services to any Alliance citizen. This included medical and legal assistance, security and, in the case of emergency, evacuation. Naturally, the embassy cooperated with the UAP Central Government and was in turn supported in its good works.
However, with the increased dangers in the region an administrative restructuring of the Araxian mission was required. It was no longer appropriate for representatives from a state government to be solely responsible for the interests of both state and federal governments in the Mu Draco zone.
Direct oversight from the federal level was necessary and Major Muircastle was the logical choice.

He was Zenobian. Military academy educated, with a proven track record. A decorated officer during the War of Unification. His postwar assignments were primarily in Monitor Division, and included sensitive duties in the Border and Rim areas. He had been the commander of the Turrent's Moon Listening Station near the Alliance's largest shipyards, and of Deucalion Station on Zenobia's moon, Avalon. Currently, he was in charge of UAP security forces on Araxes.
And so, for the benefit of our great Alliance, and the security of its people, it had been decided that Major Muircastle would take the Zenobian chair on the Laandsrat.
And a further matter: a request had been made through diplomatic channels for my input on the activities on the Jade Revolution. This was the reason for my attendance.
It was Lady Rashad of House Morloch that first noticed us as we entered the hall.
"Ah, a different kind of invasion, it appears," she said.
LilyBell, sitting in the gallery, turned and started to wave, then put her hand down and looked concerned.
At the council table, Khan Jubilynn Lane of House Hengeyokai was speaking. "The rangers are .. special," she said, "Perhaps you will visit Nova Gaia, and we shall talk on this, not to bore the people's time with such matters."
"Oh," answered the Magistrate, "Then I will send them an invitation. I will inform the caterers. Yes. Indeed. We have a full agenda."
"As always," said the Khan, "our home is open to all who wish to visit and learn."
The Magistrate addressed the council. "Our next item. Amendments to the Arbitrary Arrest Law...."
Other people began to notice us.
Major Muricastle walked up the center isle to the front of the room. Gage and I remained behind.
"...The Beit Dawla has passed a bill concerning the Arbitrary Arrest Law," continued the Magistrate.
"Oh?" said Lady Rashad of House Morloch, responding to the Magistrate's remark.
The Magistrate stopped, looked up and addressed Major Muircastle. "Can I help you sir?"
The Major mounted the step to the left of the bench and, without a word, settled into the seat reserved for the Zenobian representative.
The deed was not received well.
The Magistrate raised her voice in alarm. "That seat belongs to House Zenobia Sir!"
"Yes it does," replied the Major succinctly.
"Who are you that you would dare take that seat?!" she demanded.

LilyBell spoke out from the gallery, "Him House Zenobia of course," and she shook her head.
The Magistrate glanced at her guards.
"Perhaps, if you present your credentials, sir?" suggested Lady Rashad.
"Yes," echoed the Magistrate, "your credentials sir."
The Major spoke, "I am Major Aodhfionn Muircastle. For the time being, I am representing Zenobia in these matters."
Lady Rashad leaned forward, "Has Lady Baxton been arrested?"
"House Zenobia has not notified me of such a change," declared the Magistrate. She looked around the room. "Where is Lady Baxton?"
"Lady Baxton is otherwise unavailable," explained the Major.
"That, sir, is unacceptable," stated the Magistrate.
Lady Rashad raised both eyebrows.
"It is an internal matter," continued the Major.
"I must see some documentation," demanded the Magistrate, again glancing at her guards.
Lady Rashad quietly added, "It would appear that she is either under arrest, or in hiding."
The Reverend Mother Ariadne, sitting next to the Major, looked at him with an almost bored expression, and said "And you can prove that by proper presentation of credentials from House Zenobia or you can sit on the roof."
The Khan Jubilynn Lane of House Hengeyokai chuckled.
"Nothing for you to concern yourselves with," said Major Muircastle, brushing the matter aside. "You can carry on." He elaborated, "If she is under arrest, it would be a state matter; if she were in hiding it would also be a state matter."
This remark drew comments from the council.
"Magistrate," said Lady Rashad. "it would appear that this UAP bears some resemblance to a police state."
Calina Tereshchenko looked over to her and said, "You have no idea...."
Khan Jubilynn Lane added, "I do enjoy how those in uniform enjoy giving orders."
The Magistrate was not deterred. "But your posterior in that seat is a local matter sir," she exclaimed.
"Your observation of my buttocks is noted," countered the Major.
This exchange brought a giggle and a snort from the gallery. This time, they were laughing with him.

Meanwhile, Lily made her way to the back of the room. Sgt. Macarthur smiled at her slightly then returned his gaze forward.
Lily drew closer and whispered something to him. Gage frowned then looked at her oddly.
Lily nodded excitedly. She then returned to her seat in the gallery. "I sit back here in case shootin' starts," she said, nodding to the girl next to her.
The Magistrate turned to the Companion beside her. "Lady Calina, this man is wearing a UAP Uniform. Do you know him?" She indicated the Major.
Calina shook her head, "No, Magistrate. I've heard his name, but I do not know him."
"So he is infamous..." remarked the Magistrate.
"That man, him Mister Gage," said Lily helpfully, "Got a cute friend, name Mister Pete. Always in the jail on Alliance ship. I go there. Sneak." Lily turned to smile at Sgt. Macarthur.
Sgt. Macarthur leaned towards me and whispered, "LilyBell says she found a sign written in blood upstairs." He looked at me to see my response.
I nodded then began to drift to the back of the room. With a quick movement, I turned and headed up the stairs.
As I climbed the steps, I heard the Magistrate call out, "Where did the Major go? I believe I saw her in the chambers? Major Siamendes?"
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