November 9
"The infectiousness of crime is like that of the plague."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
On my way back from the Hoto Nagi moon, another report arrived from Gage. This one concerned an explosion at a Blue Sun facility. His initial findings suggest the involvement of organized crime.
To: Major P. Siamendes, SIUReport - Blue Sun InvestigationThis investigation resulted from a call from a concerned citizen who stated the location in question was on fire secondary to an explosion. One individual was injured, the CEO of Blue Sun Corporation, x0x0 Zhangsun. I received clearance to go down to the surface to begin the investigation of the site for clues.Arriving at the facility was uneventful. No one was near the underground facility. The exterior on approach appeared untouched by the explosion.
Inside, severe smoke damage was noted, some scorch damage due to the fire, and broken objects caused by the heat and explosive forces. Containers and boxes are a total loss due to the damage, and subsequent fire suppressants used. Moving further into the facility, I was able to gain entry into the lab. The place was clear of debris but did suffer smoke damage.
Making my way to the upper level, I noted severe smoke and explosive damage. A number of objects were destroyed and scattered away from the blast area. The center of the blast is a large crate. Mostly intact. I noted that it was a solid piece of wood made to look like a crate. Probably to maximize fire and wood shrapnel damage. The fire suppressants stopped the fires and may have kept the crate from being completely lost. Moving around the crate, I did spot an unexploded trip mine. It was disarmed and is being sent on to the lab with the other samples from the lab and upper level to be analyzed.
Moving to the other side of the wood crate I found a knife stuck into what looked like a burned piece of paper. Using a small brush, I was able to uncover the wording on it. Both the knife and note have been bagged and tagged as evidence with the rest of the samples.
Noted: x0x0 Zhangsun was the only person injured in the explosion. Some of the crates which looked like the viral cure were also damaged. The lab was untouched beyond smoke damage. One undetonated trip mine. A note and a knife. I'm not sure but the name on the note looked like Niska. The note was typed, rather then being written.When the results of the samples are in, they will be sent to you directly.Sgt. G. MacArthur, Temporary assignment on Sun Tzu II.
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