With the Provisional Government in place, one of the first changes was the lifting of the USD blockade and the resumption of trade and traffic. The timing was good as I wanted to visit Araxes publicly and leave quickly if necessary.

The political situation was still fragile. A Special Prosecutor had recently arrived on the planet but the Laandsrat trials had not yet begun. As a result, the transition to a new form of governance was not complete. And while there were signs of public endorsement for the new government, supporters of the old order remained.

On October 29, our monitoring station had detected a blockade runner, a shuttle named the Harrier, registered to DaveDorm Gaffer. While I had nothing to tie him directly to the missing physician, here was a pilot willing to risk a confrontation with the USD. The lead was thin but it was worth investigating.
Mr. Gaffer was also the owner of Waypoint X, a drinking establishment located in Splintered Rock. It was here that I began my hunt. Perhaps it was the heat of the day but his club was empty, except for some gorilla in a lizard suit behind the bar.

I passed by an old man sitting by the entrance to the market. I watched as he packed a pipe with the last of his tobacco, lit the herb, and puffed contently for a few moments. He glanced up, and with old, tired eyes, tracked the flight of a bird.
If he was tracking my movements, he made no sign.
The only other person in the market at the time was a woman. She was dressed in a brown shirt and pants, tan suspenders, and sporting a side arm on her right leg. She looked like she worked on the Rim.
"Excuse me..." I began.
"Howdy," answered the woman, "Can I help you?"

The woman smiled and nodded, "Yes, he's my business partner. He is usually either at Waypoint X, up on Highport, or in the office. But right now, he is in none of those places. I think he may have turned in for the night."
"Ah, of course," I replied, "...I have just arrived on world. I am looking for information, and I was hoping your business partner might be able to help me."
The woman nodded, "To be honest, ma'am, time is relative here. Folk coming and going willy nilly. Dave -- well, Dave is just as willy nilly as the rest."
"Of course. I can check with him later," then I added, "Perhaps you can help me."
"We just merged," she replied, "so I guess neither of us are privy to the others dealings right now. STFU is still in its infancy. But if you'd like, I could tell him you were looking for him."
"That would be fine," I said pleasantly, "I am Major Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, Alliance Military. Please tell him I was asking for him."
That should stir things up a bit.
The woman raised an eyebrow. "Well, Major. I'll surely do that when I see him next."
"And may I have your name?" I asked politely.

"Thank you Ms. Tailleur."
"Sure," she nodded, "but -- that'll be Captain Tailleur, Major."
"Thank you ...Captain," I obliged.
"You're welcome. Any message you want me to pass on?"
"Certainly," I replied, "tell him I am looking for a doctor."
The old man by the market entrance cried out, "Spare a solari for an old ex-miner!"
"Dr. Demanjrick," I continued then watched for any sign that the woman recognized the name.
She raised both eyebrows, "Well sure, I can tell him that. But I thought she --" She trailed off and shook her head slightly.
"You know something?" I probed.
The Captain curled the corners of her mouth very slightly, "About what, Major?"
"About the good doctor?"
Captain Tailleur shrugged, "I don't know how good a doctor she is but I can assure you that I have no idea of her whereabouts right now."
"Of course... but you have heard of her," I pressed.

I did not respond to her remark. Instead I removed my sand goggles and blinked slightly as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Does one ever get used to it?" I asked.
Captain Tailleur chuckled, "I don't know. I ain't been here that long and I don't intend being here long enough to find out."
I smiled. "So you are just passing through?"
"I guess you could say that," she purses her lips thoughtfully, "Ship needed repairs, I came here to get it repaired. Met Dave and we merged. Once the business is up and running I will be too."
I nodded sympathetically, "Yes, a ship's captain... always on the move."
"Yeah," she replied, "machinery permitting."
Circle back.
"What have you heard about Dr. Demanjrick... in the time that you have been here?"
The woman creased her brow and expelled a lungful of air, "Not much," she admitted, "She was working on a cure to some virus that hit this place but I didn't get to know her."
"And you said you 'thought she...' and you left the sentence unfinished."
She nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I did, didn't I?"
"Did you ever meet the woman?" I asked.
Captain Tailleur laughed, "I truly do not know. I met a couple doctors, or they said they was doctors anyway. How could I know when they were wearing those gorram hazard suits? Maybe I did, maybe it was her assistant."

The woman raised an eyebrow and returned the smile, "Sure, Major ... just what office would that be?"
"UAP Special Investigations... you can leave a message at the Zenobian embassy in Al Raqis."
She grimaced, "Yeah, well -- maybe a call, not a visit. But I'll bear your -- request -- in mind."
I nodded once and started heading in the direction of Al Raqis, "Good day Captain."
Captain Tailleur nodded, "Zhu yi, Major."
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