There was an inevitability to events in those days.

The spread of the virus. The death toll mounting.
The desperate attempts to close borders and enforce blockades.
The Laandsrat seizing the Blood Cure then holding it for ransom.
It was like a stone rolling down a hill until it had gathered enough momentum, that with the unevenness of the ground, it is propelled into the air.
Looking back, I would have to say that it was the moment that AR Pharma posted its record profits, that was when the stone kicked itself free of the earth and precipitated the tragic events that followed.
October 28
We were monitoring communications out of Al Raqis, when we received the follow transmission:
'Transmission begins'So I press this, like this, when I am ready to..... Oh, it's on. Okay....Hello, This is Jade Moonkill, elected member of the Beit Dawla. I hearby order, as an elected member of the Beit Dawla established by order of the Sovereign – His most Exaltedness the Emperor, the immediate arrest of all members of the Laandsrat Council and the executive board of ARPharm. To face charges of treason against the people of Araxes and crimes against humanity for failure to act swiftly and appropriately in this pandemic, human trafficking and exploitation. I also order the seizure and freezing of all property, assets, and financial accounts of its members and the stock holders and members of the executive board of the ARPharm until the time that they have been tried and found not guilty.Anyone aiding or found to have given aid to escape arrest of any member of the Laandstat or executive board of ARPharm, will be arrested and tried for aiding and abetting a criminal.I encourage.... no, I beg that the Laandsrat and governing board of ARPharm to turn themselves in to face a Fair and Just trial. Please!!! I don't want to see anyone hurt.....Thank you and I am sorry.'Transmission ends'-----
The arrests began almost immediately.
Later that day, an emergency session of the Beit Dawla was called. The meeting was recorded. Consulari Jai Raghilda Lordhunter was present as the appointed chairwoman of the lower chamber. Of the elected representatives, only two members were in attendance: Lady S'khm't Pryxis of the Myrmidon Order and Jade Moonkill sitting as an independent.

Oh, Jade... How far you have travelled since Eavesdown Docks, where you raised your chickens and hemmed my gown...
October 28 - Al Raqis
"Do you wish to speak first, Jade?" asked the Myrmidon woman. She had called the meeting to question Jade on her actions.
"What do I need to explain?" countered Jade, "They are breaking the law and endangering lives and it is our job to stop them and protect the people of Araxes."
"who is exactly breaking the law?" pressed Lady Pryxis, "You have openly accused all of the Laandsrat."
"Members of the Laandsrat and ARPharma," replied Jade, "The Laandsrat approved the manufacturing and selling of the Blood Cure."
"And what have you seen to corroborate this?"
"The approval is a matter of public record," replied the Consulari, "Unfortunately, she could not single out individuals, so they had to be arrested as a group."
Jade elaborated, "They did not consult the Beit Dawla, nor did they inform us that Natives would have to be used as milking cows to make the cure."
The discussion shifted to Myrmidon blood donations and their attempts to fund an alternative cure, before returning to the topic of procedure.
The Consulari explained the Laandsrat's transgression,"They violated their terms with the Emperor by circumventing us in the process. Zeno opposed the AR-Pharma and Lady Calina is not even a voting member. But unfortunately, the warrants are as a group. They will have to deal with separation at arraignment."
Lady Pryxis addressed Jade, "Well surely, we could have arranged a meeting with the Laandstrat before you went and did this."
Jade was undeterred. "What happens when the Natives cannot..." She made motions with her fingers, "....donate enough blood to manufacture the cure fast enough? They will capture Natives and kill them for every ounce of blood!"
"Jade went to two meetings of the Landsraat," added the Consulari, "and still they defied the Beit Dawla. They co-opted the process to get heinous profits, hoping to act quickly before anyone could stop them." She continued, "No motion was passed to us. They acted without our approval. Zeno could have made a motion. Lord Krakken could have made a motion. But they decided to just abort the process."
"Understood," replied the Myrmidon, "but I think Jade should have called a meeting for us to decide about this proposal first."
Jade explained, "The emperor said that there would be two branches and both must approve to be law and legal....and they approved the use of blood."
"Do we stand by and be made superfluous?" asked the Consulari rhetorically. "I was originally angry about the arrests, but while I was picking out clothes with Zeno for her arrest, we discussed why it was important."
"Well, I agree with one thing," said Lady Pryxis, "we are suppose to enforce the law here, as you have said. But doing this, like it has been done is like taking it on one's back, not as the Beita Dawla committee."
Jade stood and put her hands on the desk, leaning forward angrily, "Blood!" she cried, "Blood of the natives! The people we are sworn to protect. Not one opposed that, that I saw. They agreed to risk the lives of the people who elected us to protect them and that is criminal and should be punished!" Her voice rising as she began to shake.

"That," added the Consulari, "and stealing research belonging to Karsadia and using a monopoly on that to withhold the cure from billions of people in 34 Tauri in order to enrich their profits."
Lady Pryxis replied, "Yes, but why did you not call for the Beita Dawla to meet to discuss this before going ahead with warrants?"
"You two were elected by the people," said the Consulari, "I was appointed by the Emperor. He cares that the forms are obeyed. This circumvention of the process is the very thing he wanted to prevent."
"That makes no less the same," argued the Myrmidon woman, "but we should have had a motion on this before."
"Anyone can swear out a warrant," stated the Consulari.
Jade looked down as blood red tears began to fall from her eyes, "I acted without you to protect you all. This way their anger and threats fall on me and not the Beit Dawla. I had a right to act alone under the law. And if they.... silence me.... you are all safe."
The discussion continued along these lines for some time.
"The Constable wouldn't get involved," said the Consulari, "and the Chief Magistrate won't act against her own interests... and the factions won't either..."
"On this scale, I wouldn't have thought so," agreed Lady Pryxis.
The Consulari continued, "The space navigators guild took it on themselves to inform the Emperor about the issue, and the Emperor appointed a special prosecutor. This was sent earlier today." She handed her colleagues an official looking notice.
"I know some are innocent," said Jade, "And trials will prove that. And by charging the Laandsrat as a whole removes them tempora...... no, I didn't expect them to be arrested or for me to be arrested instead. No one was speaking up for the Natives and it was my job. I took an oath and I will die to fulfill that oath."
"Well," remarked Lady Pryxis, "if this carries on like this, there will no longer be any councils, and what of the people and natives then?"
"This way the Laandsrat is removed from voting," replied Jade. "They have no power 'til a majority is cleared of the charges or found innocent. So the corrupt cannot bribe or trick their way free."
"I have faith that in obeying the forms, justice will be done," added the Consulari optimistically.
"As for the Beit Dawla," continued Jade, "we now hold the votes that will let us insure they get fair and honest trials... and to stop the selling of the Blood Cure and force research to find a cure that doesn't need blood to make it!"
"If the members of the Landsraat and the board of AR Pharma try to thwart the forms, the results will be far worse," declared the Consurali.
"Well," said the Myrmidon woman, "the ones that are guilty should be punished I agree, but I still think it could have been done differently."
"Not with out putting a price on all your heads," said Jade prophetically.
The Beit Dawla continued its deliberations, in the end voting unanimously to offer the option of detention within the Magistrate's Keep for any Laandsrat member who surrendered voluntarily.
After the Consulari left, Lady Pryxis and Jade remained behind and talked of matters of loyalty.
[Lady S'khm't Pryxis of the Myrmidon Order]
"Why do you ask where my loyalty stands, Jade?" asked the Myrmidon woman.
"I want to know if you will do all," answered Jade, "risk all to protect the people of Araxes as your oath called for."
"I took the oath for this council," explained Lady Pryxis, "also one with my commander. I take this very seriously."
"And what if you find that the Myrmidon were responsible in some part for the virus?" pressed Jade, "Would you act on behalf of the people of Araxes against your own people? 'Cause if you can't or won't... then I would implore you to resign now before your loyalty is tested."
"I know he is not," answered Lady Pryxis, "but do not test me. You may be shocked."
"I hope your right," replied Jade, "I like Lord Krakken. And it was a Myrmidon that protected me when people wanted to kill me."
"He has always kept his word, Jade," added the Myrmidon woman.
Jade was not done. "....but I will uphold my oath to protect the natives and people of Araxes. And they are not safe so long as billions need their blood to live."
"As I would," said Lady Pryxis "If you knew anything about us, you would know what we stand for."
The women began to talk about their homes, their backgrounds, the things which define us all.
Jade blinked and smiled, "I was born in a mine. I lived my whole life underground till I was sixteen. I dug rock and tunnels, skugged holes to keep the humans safe from falls and collapses and gas pockets. I was... a worker ant among many."
"I know your plight," replied Lady Pryxis, "and I am sorry that was your life before, but as you know we are honest and fair people, even though we are warriors. We stand for law and order too....and don't take it lightly when one attacks us."
Jade held back a giggle, "An ant.... I know what it means to be an ant and the strength there are in tens, hundreds, thousands, of ants working together. And I know that ants will die to save the colony."
"You know we took the oath here," said the Myrmidon woman, "and that's how we stand."
"I looked up Myrmidon," said Jade, "It means ant."
"That is correct," replied Lady Pryxis, "We are a unit. To make this council work, we fight as a unit."
Jade Moonkill stepped up to the Myrmidon woman and looked up smiling, "Araxes is your colony now. Work, live and die to defend it before all others so long as you serve."
"We have been doing that since we came here."
"Then you understand..."
"Oh yes," answered Lady Pryxis. "I am a Warrior. We do know, but to do this, it must be done through the council," she insisted.
Jade looked down at the floor. "I acted to protect the Beit Dawla. This way they have only one ant to hate. And as I said: if they ...silence me......the rest of you can make sure the people of Araxes are safe."
"You fight the same fight as I do," Lady Pryxis told her, "If we go as one unit, they will feel the strength of many."
"I don't like the fight," replied Jade, "but I can fix, dig and build real well....and I was the best hole skugger back home."
"Your life is as precious as anyone else's," said the Myrmidon woman.
Jade rolled her eyes, annoyed. "I am a moonbaby," she said. "Better a thousand moonbabies die than one human. That's what they say back home."
This answer may not have been satisfactory to Lady Pryxis. "Why die," she asked, "when you can have peace?"
But Jade was already leaving. She waved goodbye. She paused at the door to explain to the guard that she hadn't done anything wrong, so she didn't need an escort home.
In the days that followed, the arrests continued. Some members of the Laandsrat turned themselves in. Most were placed under house arrest. The Special Prosecutor arrived and began his investigation.
Then, on November 2, it was announced that the Beit Dawla had assume full control of the local government until such time that the Emperor reinstated, if he so chose to, the Laandsraat after their trials.
There was a report of one citizen running from the meeting hall yelling excitedly "A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE OF ARAXES! LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR! LONG LIVE THE BEIT DAWLA!"
And with that, the provisional government of Araxes was established.