"I saw the circulation of my own dark blood; I saw the coupling of love and the modification of death" - Jorge Luis Borges, The Aleph.

The wind had picked up from the West and sent the clouds rolling across the sky.
I had some time to wait before my launch window opened. I found myself a quiet spot where I would not be disturbed. If observed, it would look like I was talking to myself. A mad woman whispering to angels or demons.
Then, using the old Alliance protocols, I sent a small quantity of raw spice to Ardra Aurotharius.

This time, she responded. "Greetings, Servant of the Alliance."
"Hello Audrey," I replied.
"When did we come to be on such familiar terms?" asked the Navigator.
I did not explain myself. Instead, I asked a question of my own. "You released the children, why is that?"
"I never had the children to release them," she claimed.
"Are they not the Zahir?" I asked.
"Quite the opposite."
This revelation was a shock. "They are the Aleph!" I exclaimed.
"One of them is," admitted Ardra, "The other was not emergent."
I hesitated, "I thought they were perfect copies..."
"As identical as cloned calico cats," she answered.
I understood the reference. Cloned calico cats have different markings. Clones are not photocopies.
"Who abducted the children then?" I asked, thinking out loud. I did not expect an answer.
"You are confident that they were abducted?"
"Yes," I answered firmly, "they were taken from their school on Paquin. You have another theory?"
"Perhaps they merely left school of their own accord," she suggested.
"Wandered off ...without telling their guardian?" I was skeptical.

"Tell me," I insisted.
"Statistically, they run off to a place they consider to be safe, mostly to a person that they consider will protect them. I have never met those two children and I am unknown to them."
"They are clones of Audrey Aurotharius," I stated, "Where would you run to, Audrey?"
"I would run away to be with people more like myself."
"How do you mean?" I prompted.
"While it would be admirable for people to tolerate those who are different from them, sometimes only people who share your differences can empathize with you."
"One of those girls is the Aleph," I reminded her, "are you not concerned with her wandering off?"
Ardra began, "Since you paid tribute, I am going to speak frankly with you. I was surprised to hear that they left their guardian. I had incorrectly suspected someone else. They returned before I could find out who was involved."
"Do you think the Aleph was altered or harmed?" I asked.
"I hope not," she replied, "I will give you a name that you desperately seek in exchange for a copy of a thorough physical examination of the two girls."
"I will consider it," I said noncommittally.
"Has the case on the reliques been closed?" she asked.
I answered promptly and truthfully, "No, I am still searching for information on who hired you to hold them."
"I am prepared to release that information to you," she offered.
This was tempting, not simply for the information itself, but because it placed Ardra in a position of revealing her client's identity. Still, I was cautious. Audrey may be dead, but she was not stupid.
"I'm listening," I said.
Ardra presented her conditions, "First perform the examination, then confirm to me that you will release it to me in exchange for the name. I am sure you will need permission from above your paygrade."
I thought for a moment before responding. "I will be in touch."
"I am sure you will," she replied.
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