With windows along both walls, the space was filled with natural light. Still in my coat, I stood in the front room of the apartment, quietly surveying my surroundings.

On the sitting room side, lovely oriental art adorned the wall. There was one cabinet in particular that made the room. Chinese red with gold accents. I must ask Ceasar where he bought it. I would love to see that store.
The sofa, however, was practically shapeless and a disturbing grey colour, but I knew from experience it was very comfortable.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lift stopping at our floor, and shortly after, the door unlocking.
We greeted each other with smiles.
"How was your day?" I asked pleasantly.
"Good," he replied, "And yours?"
"Quiet," I reported as I slipped off my trenchcoat.
"Feeling better?"
I did not answer right away.
"Hungry?" I asked instead.
I turned to the counter and I lifted out a cutting board. "Do you want to go out or stay home tonight?" I asked.

"I'll make us something light."
Maybe a Mandarin orange spinach salad and heat up what is left of the lobster bisque...
Ceasar grinned.
"Then we can always have something later," I added, "if we go out."
"Of course," he agreed. "You're still adjusting, aren't you?"
I paused. Okay. Tell him now.
"I saw the doctor today..." I began.
Ceasar's grin faltered a bit.
"He says I'm still overdoing things," I said.
"And?" prompted Ceasar.
"He won't put me back on full duties until at least after U-day." I was effectively grounded, and didn't like it.
"Probably not a bad idea," he said gently.
I shrugged, "I suppose... I am enjoying the change. But I also feel ...I don't know... frustrated."
Ceasar translated, "It's driving you nuts."
I laughed, "Very good."
He continued, "You're used to going as hard and as long as you need to. You do have to admit, if you have to be stuck someplace, this isn't a bad place for it."
"Yes..." I conceded the point. Paquin was beautiful.
Silently, he drew me into his arms and held me close.

"It is a good place to be stuck," I admitted with a warm smile. Not just Paquin. "So.. supper?" I asked, as he released me from his embrace.

"Good," I replied, "Let me just change."
The shelves above the bed stood empty, accusing me of neglect. "I still haven't unpacked my books," I confessed.

"We can do that after dinner," suggested Ceasar, "It's right at the new mall."
It was a nice idea.
"Where are we going to eat?" I asked, sifting through my clothes, hanger by hanger.
"I was thinking the V V diner down the street," he replied.
I nodded. We have eaten there before and both liked it. It was casual but the food was exceptional.
"You can just about see it from here, in fact," added Ceasar.
I glanced through the window.
"The view here is great," I remarked, "better than your last apartment."
"Not really hard to do," grinned Ceasar.
"I had to stand on a chair and look out the kitchen window to see the park at your last place." I pulled off my sweater as Ceasar climbed onto the bed.

He stretched himself out, angling his head so he could watch me. His firm hands adjusted the pillow. His grin grew wider as he watched me put on my dress. "I like that one," he said.
"Thank you," I smiled.
After a moment, Ceasar asked, "Did you want to walk, take the tram or grab a cab?"
"Cab is fine," I said simply, as I searched for the right shoes.
"And this is my treat," he added.
I smiled again, "Okay."
Ready now.

"Going through some old files," I replied, "looking at a cold case or two."
"Which ones?"
"Blackburn. Did you ever get out that way?"
"Long time ago," he replied. "Fell to reavers, didn't it?"
"Yes," I said, "it would seem."
"What do you remember of the place?" I asked.
"Rough," he said, "not the most UAP friendly. but decent folk."

"Wasn't that habitable. Just one small valley. It was hard hit during the war."
"And notable landmarks?" I asked.
"The bar. Refugees from there settled on Hale's."
Hale's Moon. Now nothing but rocks in space.
"And now they had to relocate again," I remarked. "Tragic."
"Any local folklore?" I asked, as our food arrived.
Corn on the cob for me. A little taste of home. Sushi for Ceasar.
"Not that I remember," he answered. "Other than about how ornery the locals were. Some of them are still around. And I think you know one of them."
"LilyBell Snoodle."
"Lily..of course."
"Think she might be a link?" asked Ceasar, "And what is the case about?"
"An old laboratory. Destroyed now. A clone was found dead in the area... I want to know who grew the clone."

- Ms. Zhangsun's testimony placed Lily at the lab. Lily had first contact with Ardra there.
- The clone had been riddled with arrows. This matched Lily's profile. But I had no interest in charging Lily. She was far more valuable as a witness to the events.
"Blackburn fell a long time ago," said Ceasar.
"It is just wasteland now, I believe," I remarked, nibbling on my corn.
"And reaver dens," he added.
Hmm. Corn on the cob.
"Oh," I said suddenly, "I was going to ask you."
"Can you run a police check on Interplanetary on a Cobb Compton?"
"Sure," he said, "Any reason why?"
I shrugged. "Someone I bumped into recently... maybe black market. That doesn't concern me. I was just ...curious."
"I wanna say he comes through Paquin on occasion," replied Ceasar, "But I'll check up on it."
"Thanks," I nodded, already thinking of dessert.