Months after they disappeared without a trace, the Audrey twins have returned home.
This much we can piece together.
On June 18, the first Audrey stepped off a transport in Albion City, and walked into a restaurant near the hospital. Ironic, when you think that I sat at the very same table the day before, drinking coffee and speaking with Calina.
The girl was with an unidentified woman. The security camera pictures are not clear on this point. Restaurant receipts show they ordered bottled water and charged the transaction to the Trade Association. They were last seen heading West towards a local traveller's hostel.
The twins travelled with the allotted two bags of 35 kilograms each. No extra luggage. Nothing that required special permits or customs. They had to show prescription forms for their medication.
We know very little else at this time.
I will send Manda to Paquin to examine the children. I want to know if they were altered, changed or harmed in anyway. I will also send some one to speak with the Trade Association.
Meanwhile, analysis of the planetary positions at the time of Lynx's earliest voyage to Hale's Moon has yielded some results.
- Given that when Lynx first arrived on Hale's Moon, he was inside a stasis chamber inside a large cargo container;
- And given that in the cargo container was a crate of biohazardous material marked with a script used by the Zenobian scientific community;
- And, if we allow that the crate with those markings had been loaded here, probably from one of the Zenobian trade stations;

Finally, today I received an encrypted message from Al Raqis. It was from Calina Tereshchenko.
"Major, Please contact me at your earliest possible convenience. Lily has been speaking to me of an Ardra that I believe you may be interested in."
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