Friday, December 30, 2011

The Medical Centre

November 6 - Al Raqis

The medical centre in Al Raqis is situated on the northern edge of the town, making it well placed to serve both the permanent residents of the wider region and the transient population of the spaceport. These days it doubled as the Karsadian embassy and as such could claim both hospital neutrality and the sanctity of being foreign soil.

It was here that Dr. Demanjrick had her practice.

The first floor was the clinic. There was a small sitting area just inside the door. Along the left hand side of the room was the treatment area and a counter at the far end. A bank of windows on the right completed the room.

There was an absence of interior partitions, and a piece of plywood mounted on the far wall. If this plywood covered signs of damage, then someone had the time to begin the repairs. No evidence of a recent struggle.

Containers bearing the Hoto Nagi logo sat next to the elevator tube. Medicine awaiting distribution. A cure for the Black Pox.

Tucked away behind the elevator was a large storage tank containing blood. I had never seen blood stored this way before. The vessel was so large. It was indeed a puzzle.

Getting to the second and third floor took some doing. The lock was a bit tricky.

On the second floor, I found a lounge with a well stocked bar. I would think for the use of embassy staff or for entertaining visiting diplomats, rather than for nursing staff on break.

The Hoto Nagi logo was everywhere. My understanding was that, as a political entity, Hoto Nagi was a union of the people of Karsadia and the people of Khayal Alramady.

There was an office on the third floor. An empty stasis tube of the same design used by Zenobia stood proudly to one side. Pictures of the desert sand decorated the back wall.

The desk was empty. No files. No papers. No sign of research into the virus, nor any indication of where the doctor may be.

But what I did find, in a navigation object across from the desk, were the coordinates to the Hoto Nagi moon.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Waiting for Thermidor

November 5 - Splintered Rock

With the Provisional Government in place, one of the first changes was the lifting of the USD blockade and the resumption of trade and traffic. The timing was good as I wanted to visit Araxes publicly and leave quickly if necessary.

It was late in the day when I arrived. Traffic was heavy despite the heat. The landing area in Splintered Rock had been subjected to direct sunlight all day. It was like walking on a grill.

The political situation was still fragile. A Special Prosecutor had recently arrived on the planet but the Laandsrat trials had not yet begun. As a result, the transition to a new form of governance was not complete. And while there were signs of public endorsement for the new government, supporters of the old order remained.

Meanwhile, I was looking for traces of Dr. Demanjrick. My messages to her blocked. The chatter was that she had fled Araxes.

On October 29, our monitoring station had detected a blockade runner, a shuttle named the Harrier, registered to DaveDorm Gaffer. While I had nothing to tie him directly to the missing physician, here was a pilot willing to risk a confrontation with the USD. The lead was thin but it was worth investigating.

Mr. Gaffer was also the owner of Waypoint X, a drinking establishment located in Splintered Rock. It was here that I began my hunt. Perhaps it was the heat of the day but his club was empty, except for some gorilla in a lizard suit behind the bar.

As there was no information forthcoming from that direction, I moved on.


I passed by an old man sitting by the entrance to the market. I watched as he packed a pipe with the last of his tobacco, lit the herb, and puffed contently for a few moments. He glanced up, and with old, tired eyes, tracked the flight of a bird.

If he was tracking my movements, he made no sign.

The only other person in the market at the time was a woman. She was dressed in a brown shirt and pants, tan suspenders, and sporting a side arm on her right leg. She looked like she worked on the Rim.

"Excuse me..." I began.

"Howdy," answered the woman, "Can I help you?"

"I am looking for a bartender named Dave," I asked, "would you happen to know where I might find someone by that name?"

The woman smiled and nodded, "Yes, he's my business partner. He is usually either at Waypoint X, up on Highport, or in the office. But right now, he is in none of those places. I think he may have turned in for the night."

"Ah, of course," I replied, "...I have just arrived on world. I am looking for information, and I was hoping your business partner might be able to help me."

The woman nodded, "To be honest, ma'am, time is relative here. Folk coming and going willy nilly. Dave -- well, Dave is just as willy nilly as the rest."

"Of course. I can check with him later," then I added, "Perhaps you can help me."

"We just merged," she replied, "so I guess neither of us are privy to the others dealings right now. STFU is still in its infancy. But if you'd like, I could tell him you were looking for him."

"That would be fine," I said pleasantly, "I am Major Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, Alliance Military. Please tell him I was asking for him."

That should stir things up a bit.

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Well, Major. I'll surely do that when I see him next."

"And may I have your name?" I asked politely.

"Sure," replied the woman, "Name's Tailleur, Kristina Tailleur."

"Thank you Ms. Tailleur."

"Sure," she nodded, "but -- that'll be Captain Tailleur, Major."

"Thank you ...Captain," I obliged.

"You're welcome. Any message you want me to pass on?"

"Certainly," I replied, "tell him I am looking for a doctor."

The old man by the market entrance cried out, "Spare a solari for an old ex-miner!"

"Dr. Demanjrick," I continued then watched for any sign that the woman recognized the name.

She raised both eyebrows, "Well sure, I can tell him that. But I thought she --" She trailed off and shook her head slightly.

"You know something?" I probed.

The Captain curled the corners of her mouth very slightly, "About what, Major?"

"About the good doctor?"

Captain Tailleur shrugged, "I don't know how good a doctor she is but I can assure you that I have no idea of her whereabouts right now."

"Of course... but you have heard of her," I pressed.

"Sure, you just told me."

I did not respond to her remark. Instead I removed my sand goggles and blinked slightly as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Does one ever get used to it?" I asked.

Captain Tailleur chuckled, "I don't know. I ain't been here that long and I don't intend being here long enough to find out."

I smiled. "So you are just passing through?"

"I guess you could say that," she purses her lips thoughtfully, "Ship needed repairs, I came here to get it repaired. Met Dave and we merged. Once the business is up and running I will be too."

I nodded sympathetically, "Yes, a ship's captain... always on the move."

"Yeah," she replied, "machinery permitting."

Circle back.

"What have you heard about Dr. Demanjrick... in the time that you have been here?"

The woman creased her brow and expelled a lungful of air, "Not much," she admitted, "She was working on a cure to some virus that hit this place but I didn't get to know her."

"And you said you 'thought she...' and you left the sentence unfinished."

She nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I did, didn't I?"

"Did you ever meet the woman?" I asked.

Captain Tailleur laughed, "I truly do not know. I met a couple doctors, or they said they was doctors anyway. How could I know when they were wearing those gorram hazard suits? Maybe I did, maybe it was her assistant."

I nodded thoughtfully, "Well, if you hear of anything or if you think of how to finish that sentence, please give my office a call." I smiled.

The woman raised an eyebrow and returned the smile, "Sure, Major ... just what office would that be?"

"UAP Special Investigations... you can leave a message at the Zenobian embassy in Al Raqis."

She grimaced, "Yeah, well -- maybe a call, not a visit. But I'll bear your -- request -- in mind."

I nodded once and started heading in the direction of Al Raqis, "Good day Captain."

Captain Tailleur nodded, "Zhu yi, Major."

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Destroyer of Worlds

"They are like wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shameless deeds, wandering stars for whom the gloom of darkness has been reserved forever." - Jude


November 4

*** Coded message *** Dr. Demanjrick.... if you receive this message, send word. - signature lock Major Pepper Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, Alliance Military - message ends ***

The phrase 'message was blocked' flashed upon the monitor.

I frowned.

Dr. Demanjrick was the lead medical researcher on the Saf Virus. The staff at the Zenobian embassy had initiated steps to gain her cooperation, samples of the original virus strain, and copies of early research into a cure. The doctor had indicated her willingness to work with us. However, the process came to a halt with the Laandsrat arrests, and so the file was passed to my desk.

"Find out why it was blocked," I said, "I will be in my office."


The gathering of information was actually proceeding well.

The USD blockade had simplified matters considerably. While there were still blockade runners, the USD action had reduced trade and traffic to a crawl, making it much easier to monitor.

Dr. Westminster had started gathering samples of every cure as it became available, and a few in the development stages. And two reports arrived from Sgt. Gage MacArthur.

The first document was from his reconnaissance in the South of Araxes. It described some very unusual activity in the desert and indications of Guild involvement. The second report dealt with matters closer to home.


To: Major P. Siamendes, SIU
Re: Unknown light, Heighliner sighting

While on ground patrol in Wadi Emet, noted a woman wandering the area. Did not approach subject. As I was observing, I noticed something above us. The object was low in the atmosphere and was able to be photographed from my position. I was also able to tap into a local satellite for higher up visuals. These are some stills from that observation.

During the information retrieval of these photos, I found some unusual images involving LilyBell Snoodle. I was able to grab a capture of that information before it disappeared. This looks to be of importance and felt it needed to be added to this report.

As I tracked the heighliner to its position, I observed a beam of intense light coming from it to the ground. Something was moving in the sand below it. A few minutes later, the worm rose up from the sand and almost looked like it was caught in the beam. I wasn't readily able to make anything out at first, then a shape almost looked like it was holding the worm in place.

It is not known exactly what happened, but after some three to four minutes the light dissipated. The worm was gone as were the shapes. I arrived at the location but found nothing more than a glassed area, which was still warm from the beam. No one was there. The winds were picking up and had blown away any tracks to or from there.

Note: Later investigation showed a few child sized tracks in the area sheltered from winds and sands. It could be the same child that has been seen wandering around Wadi Emet.


To: Major P. Siamendes, SIU
Re: Virus cure research on the cruiser

Upon returning to the cruiser, Sun Tzu II, I was asked to watch over a shipment of medical containers coming in for Dr. Danick. She was given special clearance per military request. No other information was forthcoming. My attempt at getting at who had given the clearance was denied. In response to the cover up, I decided to go to the lab and get a few photos for documentation, in case there were repercussions.

When asked, the Doctor spoke of doing her research to help the infected people at no cost. Whoever is funding her must have high up connections. The materials and equipment here isn't something we carry on a cruiser. She appears to be pretty adamant about this cure being given freely to anyone who needs the vaccine. If so this might prove dangerous for her and her associates, given the volatile atmosphere of Mu Draconis.

Report complete.
Sgt. G. Macarthur, Sun Tzu II, Dragon's Egg Moon


Returning my attention to the images in the first report, I selected a small magnifying glass from my desk drawer. The convex glass lens, 10 cm or so in diameter, was mounted within a plain metal ring. An ebony handle was attached to the one side. In this day of scanners rotating camera angles and extrapolating elements of a static image, this was old fashioned, but it more than served my purpose.


In the seventh image of the report.

A small mark off to the left and forward of the worm.

I looked closely.

I had seen something like this before, resting in a crib in Lily's home on Hales Moon.

It was a tube, and inside something red and fleshy....

And on the ends of the cylinder, red and white, the mark of an umbrella.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Year of the Plague (Part Two)

There was an inevitability to events in those days.

The spread of the virus. The death toll mounting.
The desperate attempts to close borders and enforce blockades.
The Laandsrat seizing the Blood Cure then holding it for ransom.

It was like a stone rolling down a hill until it had gathered enough momentum, that with the unevenness of the ground, it is propelled into the air.

Looking back, I would have to say that it was the moment that AR Pharma posted its record profits, that was when the stone kicked itself free of the earth and precipitated the tragic events that followed.


October 28

We were monitoring communications out of Al Raqis, when we received the follow transmission:

'Transmission begins'

So I press this, like this, when I am ready to..... Oh, it's on. Okay....

Hello, This is Jade Moonkill, elected member of the Beit Dawla. I hearby order, as an elected member of the Beit Dawla established by order of the Sovereign – His most Exaltedness the Emperor, the immediate arrest of all members of the Laandsrat Council and the executive board of ARPharm. To face charges of treason against the people of Araxes and crimes against humanity for failure to act swiftly and appropriately in this pandemic, human trafficking and exploitation. I also order the seizure and freezing of all property, assets, and financial accounts of its members and the stock holders and members of the executive board of the ARPharm until the time that they have been tried and found not guilty.

Anyone aiding or found to have given aid to escape arrest of any member of the Laandstat or executive board of ARPharm, will be arrested and tried for aiding and abetting a criminal.

I encourage.... no, I beg that the Laandsrat and governing board of ARPharm to turn themselves in to face a Fair and Just trial. Please!!! I don't want to see anyone hurt.....

Thank you and I am sorry.

'Transmission ends'


The arrests began almost immediately.

Later that day, an emergency session of the Beit Dawla was called. The meeting was recorded. Consulari Jai Raghilda Lordhunter was present as the appointed chairwoman of the lower chamber. Of the elected representatives, only two members were in attendance: Lady S'khm't Pryxis of the Myrmidon Order and Jade Moonkill sitting as an independent.

Oh, Jade... How far you have travelled since Eavesdown Docks, where you raised your chickens and hemmed my gown...


October 28 - Al Raqis

"Do you wish to speak first, Jade?" asked the Myrmidon woman. She had called the meeting to question Jade on her actions.

"What do I need to explain?" countered Jade, "They are breaking the law and endangering lives and it is our job to stop them and protect the people of Araxes."

"who is exactly breaking the law?" pressed Lady Pryxis, "You have openly accused all of the Laandsrat."

"Members of the Laandsrat and ARPharma," replied Jade, "The Laandsrat approved the manufacturing and selling of the Blood Cure."

"And what have you seen to corroborate this?"

"The approval is a matter of public record," replied the Consulari, "Unfortunately, she could not single out individuals, so they had to be arrested as a group."

Jade elaborated, "They did not consult the Beit Dawla, nor did they inform us that Natives would have to be used as milking cows to make the cure."

The discussion shifted to Myrmidon blood donations and their attempts to fund an alternative cure, before returning to the topic of procedure.

The Consulari explained the Laandsrat's transgression,"They violated their terms with the Emperor by circumventing us in the process. Zeno opposed the AR-Pharma and Lady Calina is not even a voting member. But unfortunately, the warrants are as a group. They will have to deal with separation at arraignment."

Lady Pryxis addressed Jade, "Well surely, we could have arranged a meeting with the Laandstrat before you went and did this."

Jade was undeterred. "What happens when the Natives cannot..." She made motions with her fingers, "....donate enough blood to manufacture the cure fast enough? They will capture Natives and kill them for every ounce of blood!"

"Jade went to two meetings of the Landsraat," added the Consulari, "and still they defied the Beit Dawla. They co-opted the process to get heinous profits, hoping to act quickly before anyone could stop them." She continued, "No motion was passed to us. They acted without our approval. Zeno could have made a motion. Lord Krakken could have made a motion. But they decided to just abort the process."

"Understood," replied the Myrmidon, "but I think Jade should have called a meeting for us to decide about this proposal first."

Jade explained, "The emperor said that there would be two branches and both must approve to be law and legal....and they approved the use of blood."

"Do we stand by and be made superfluous?" asked the Consulari rhetorically. "I was originally angry about the arrests, but while I was picking out clothes with Zeno for her arrest, we discussed why it was important."

"Well, I agree with one thing," said Lady Pryxis, "we are suppose to enforce the law here, as you have said. But doing this, like it has been done is like taking it on one's back, not as the Beita Dawla committee."

Jade stood and put her hands on the desk, leaning forward angrily, "Blood!" she cried, "Blood of the natives! The people we are sworn to protect. Not one opposed that, that I saw. They agreed to risk the lives of the people who elected us to protect them and that is criminal and should be punished!" Her voice rising as she began to shake.

"That," added the Consulari, "and stealing research belonging to Karsadia and using a monopoly on that to withhold the cure from billions of people in 34 Tauri in order to enrich their profits."

Lady Pryxis replied, "Yes, but why did you not call for the Beita Dawla to meet to discuss this before going ahead with warrants?"

"You two were elected by the people," said the Consulari, "I was appointed by the Emperor. He cares that the forms are obeyed. This circumvention of the process is the very thing he wanted to prevent."

"That makes no less the same," argued the Myrmidon woman, "but we should have had a motion on this before."

"Anyone can swear out a warrant," stated the Consulari.

Jade looked down as blood red tears began to fall from her eyes, "I acted without you to protect you all. This way their anger and threats fall on me and not the Beit Dawla. I had a right to act alone under the law. And if they.... silence me.... you are all safe."

The discussion continued along these lines for some time.

"The Constable wouldn't get involved," said the Consulari, "and the Chief Magistrate won't act against her own interests... and the factions won't either..."

"On this scale, I wouldn't have thought so," agreed Lady Pryxis.

The Consulari continued, "The space navigators guild took it on themselves to inform the Emperor about the issue, and the Emperor appointed a special prosecutor. This was sent earlier today." She handed her colleagues an official looking notice.

"I know some are innocent," said Jade, "And trials will prove that. And by charging the Laandsrat as a whole removes them tempora...... no, I didn't expect them to be arrested or for me to be arrested instead. No one was speaking up for the Natives and it was my job. I took an oath and I will die to fulfill that oath."

"Well," remarked Lady Pryxis, "if this carries on like this, there will no longer be any councils, and what of the people and natives then?"

"This way the Laandsrat is removed from voting," replied Jade. "They have no power 'til a majority is cleared of the charges or found innocent. So the corrupt cannot bribe or trick their way free."

"I have faith that in obeying the forms, justice will be done," added the Consulari optimistically.

"As for the Beit Dawla," continued Jade, "we now hold the votes that will let us insure they get fair and honest trials... and to stop the selling of the Blood Cure and force research to find a cure that doesn't need blood to make it!"

"If the members of the Landsraat and the board of AR Pharma try to thwart the forms, the results will be far worse," declared the Consurali.

"Well," said the Myrmidon woman, "the ones that are guilty should be punished I agree, but I still think it could have been done differently."

"Not with out putting a price on all your heads," said Jade prophetically.

The Beit Dawla continued its deliberations, in the end voting unanimously to offer the option of detention within the Magistrate's Keep for any Laandsrat member who surrendered voluntarily.

After the Consulari left, Lady Pryxis and Jade remained behind and talked of matters of loyalty.

[Lady S'khm't Pryxis of the Myrmidon Order]

"Why do you ask where my loyalty stands, Jade?" asked the Myrmidon woman.

"I want to know if you will do all," answered Jade, "risk all to protect the people of Araxes as your oath called for."

"I took the oath for this council," explained Lady Pryxis, "also one with my commander. I take this very seriously."

"And what if you find that the Myrmidon were responsible in some part for the virus?" pressed Jade, "Would you act on behalf of the people of Araxes against your own people? 'Cause if you can't or won't... then I would implore you to resign now before your loyalty is tested."

"I know he is not," answered Lady Pryxis, "but do not test me. You may be shocked."

"I hope your right," replied Jade, "I like Lord Krakken. And it was a Myrmidon that protected me when people wanted to kill me."

"He has always kept his word, Jade," added the Myrmidon woman.

Jade was not done. "....but I will uphold my oath to protect the natives and people of Araxes. And they are not safe so long as billions need their blood to live."

"As I would," said Lady Pryxis "If you knew anything about us, you would know what we stand for."

The women began to talk about their homes, their backgrounds, the things which define us all.

Jade blinked and smiled, "I was born in a mine. I lived my whole life underground till I was sixteen. I dug rock and tunnels, skugged holes to keep the humans safe from falls and collapses and gas pockets. I was... a worker ant among many."

"I know your plight," replied Lady Pryxis, "and I am sorry that was your life before, but as you know we are honest and fair people, even though we are warriors. We stand for law and order too....and don't take it lightly when one attacks us."

Jade held back a giggle, "An ant.... I know what it means to be an ant and the strength there are in tens, hundreds, thousands, of ants working together. And I know that ants will die to save the colony."

"You know we took the oath here," said the Myrmidon woman, "and that's how we stand."

"I looked up Myrmidon," said Jade, "It means ant."

"That is correct," replied Lady Pryxis, "We are a unit. To make this council work, we fight as a unit."

Jade Moonkill stepped up to the Myrmidon woman and looked up smiling, "Araxes is your colony now. Work, live and die to defend it before all others so long as you serve."

"We have been doing that since we came here."

"Then you understand..."

"Oh yes," answered Lady Pryxis. "I am a Warrior. We do know, but to do this, it must be done through the council," she insisted.

Jade looked down at the floor. "I acted to protect the Beit Dawla. This way they have only one ant to hate. And as I said: if they ...silence me......the rest of you can make sure the people of Araxes are safe."

"You fight the same fight as I do," Lady Pryxis told her, "If we go as one unit, they will feel the strength of many."

"I don't like the fight," replied Jade, "but I can fix, dig and build real well....and I was the best hole skugger back home."

"Your life is as precious as anyone else's," said the Myrmidon woman.

Jade rolled her eyes, annoyed. "I am a moonbaby," she said. "Better a thousand moonbabies die than one human. That's what they say back home."

This answer may not have been satisfactory to Lady Pryxis. "Why die," she asked, "when you can have peace?"

But Jade was already leaving. She waved goodbye. She paused at the door to explain to the guard that she hadn't done anything wrong, so she didn't need an escort home.


In the days that followed, the arrests continued. Some members of the Laandsrat turned themselves in. Most were placed under house arrest. The Special Prosecutor arrived and began his investigation.

Then, on November 2, it was announced that the Beit Dawla had assume full control of the local government until such time that the Emperor reinstated, if he so chose to, the Laandsraat after their trials.

There was a report of one citizen running from the meeting hall yelling excitedly "A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE OF ARAXES! LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR! LONG LIVE THE BEIT DAWLA!"

And with that, the provisional government of Araxes was established.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Year of the Plague (Part One)

October 22 - Location classified

"State policy is the womb in which war is developed, in which its outlines lie hidden in a rudimentary state, like the qualities of living creatures in their germs." - Von Clausewitz


The death toll was startling.

News services reported hundreds dead and thousands more infected.

I happened to know that the actual figures were being suppressed, at least in some areas. We didn't need a panic.

The "Black Pox", or Saf Virus as it was officially called, swept through the system like a wild fire. The race was on to develop some kind of cure. When the local government of Araxes announced exclusive production of a serum available only at an exorbitant cost, Central Government responded with a strongly worded statement.

"We find her (the Magistrate's) attitude to be cold, heartless, and inhumane," said Surgeon General Liam Xiaoshen. "At the time when this pandemic is raging through her own system and into ours to charge a usurious fee for the vaccine is tantamount to a declaration of war...."

This was diplomatic language certainly. It did not necessarily mean that Alliance troops would be dropping from the skies of Araxes any time soon. But using the phrase "tantamount to a declaration of war" indicated that a military option was now on the table.

And that meant we were going operational.


This did not mean that our other cases were to be put on hold. As the plague spread across the stars, and the government prepared for eventualities, my team diligently performed its duties.

To: Major Pepper Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit
From: Captain Manda Soldi Westminster, Special Projects, seconded to SIU

Subject: Aurotharius twins
Reference: Medical Examination

I am finally cleared to do the medical examination on the Aurotharius twins. Consent from the twin's guardian helped reduce the bureaucratic red tape. The more detailed examination is scheduled for when Constance Zdychava will be in Paquin.

There were no marks to indicate any invasive procedure.

Both twins exhibit signs of familial amyloidosis, which appears to be in remission controlled thru a drug and diet regimen.

Preliminary analysis of blood, fluids and hair samples indicate nothing suspicious. The chemical analysis was detailed, we can probably make good guesses about what they ate and what environments they had been in since their absence. They obviously spend most of their time on Araxes and they travelled outbound in cryrostasis but not their return trip. Their blood and tissue workup shows levels of Araxes Desert Spice consistent with ambient exposure to the air and food of Araxes, but no concentrated exposure. They did not eat indigenous foods, although it was food that had been stored and prepared in Araxes.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging shows signs of both extended time in a microgravity environment but also that they also probably travelled in very high-G environment, 10Gs or more for a sustained period of time. They would have to been in stasis for any sustained acceleration greater than 4Gs.

There is also signs of variable tidal shear, which is caused by a G-force differential gradient of whole multiples over the length of their body. A gradient differential as high at 10Gs at one end and 4Gs at the other. I do not know what would cause such a force gradient, I am going to get a consult from the Polytechnique.

I made reservations at a properly equipped medical facility in the area, so I will not have to relocate the children. I plan to collect some specific tissue samples, glandular fluids and spinal fluids.

I am pulling in an expert from the Polytechnique, Dr. Moira Aristocrat, she has a special nanobot imaging technology that might prove to be illuminating in this case.

Monday, October 17, 2011


October 12 - Leaving Paquin

"What matters it how far we go?" - Lewis Carroll


Some were calling it the Black Pox.

It had been identified as originating in Araxes. While the Laandsrat talked, the USD had tried to keep it contained, imposing a blockade and threatening to shoot down any ships that tried to leave that planet.

But it was either not enough or it was too late.

Reports started filtering in from several places in the 34 Tauri system, almost simultaneously. The virus was travelling the trade routes.

The government was quick to act. Spinwheel was placed under quarantine. Zenobia closed borders to all but official traffic. Military and medical personnel were mobilized. We needed to keep this out of the Core.

The call came through while I was at the office.
Report to X. Board transport Y.

Ceasar, no longer military, would be stuck in Spinwheel.

On my way to my transport, I put a call through to his mobile and another to his office. My arm was still sore from a new regime of mandatory vaccinations.

There was no answer. Perhaps he was in his own briefing. I left him a message. "Something has come up," I said, loud enough to be heard over the noise around me. "Will call when I can."

He would know what that meant. That, coupled with the roar of Alliance transports thundering across the skies of Paquin.

This morning, I had left him some cabbage rolls in a plastic container in case I had to work late. That could be his supper. There was a potato salad in the fridge and fish in the freezer...

We didn't even get a proper goodbye.


As we broke orbit, I settled into a black vinyl chair in an alcove reserved for my use and reviewed the latest item to cross my desk.

It had arrived in a plain envelope earlier that day. It was addressed to me. The letters of my name were perfectly formed. No return address. No signature.

Close inspection had revealed one hair, a light blonde curl, stuck in the envelope glue. Analysis had found a match as surprising as the envelope contents.

It was from Aurora Blue.

Lily's cub.

I carefully removed the envelope from the transparent, plastic evidence bag. I turned the envelope over and let the contents gently slide out onto the table before me.

One item.

A photograph from Al Raqis. Not a static picture, but rather a video capture on a paper screen. On the back, in printing that matched that on the front of the envelope, was a date: June 29.

I turned the capture over and watched as the image came to life...


"MISS ARDRA! Miss Ardra!" shouted LilyBell Snoodle.

She stood on the ridge over looking the Wadi Emet. To her right, the imposing figure of Lord Krakken Hyperion of the Myrmidon Order. House Morloch was visible in the distance.

Before them, the avatar form of Ardra Aurotharius, Guild Navigator, hovered in the air. Its wings outstretched. Its claws slightly curled. Its metal chassis surmounted by an attachment resembling a head, but ablaze like the heart of a furnace.

"Yes I am," acknowledged Ardra.

"It me, Lily. L i l y . Remember?"

"I remember you," answered the Navigator.

"I hided you," continued LilyBell.

"I remember that."

"I maked a present for you," Lily wiggled and was clearly excited.

"I received your message regarding said present," Ardra replied.

LilyBell nodded. "Osmium, and some other fings. Thing is, it NEVER break." She then added, "Miss, why you on fire?"

"I am not on fire," said Ardra simply.

"Oh," continued Lily, "and this Kraaken. Him going to be my husband, but we not dance yet. I will smile for him."

The Navigator continued, "The Guild accepts deliveries of small parcels at the tower of the Guild Citadel."

"Miss," Lily explained, "legs ain't small. And, them got to be attached to you. Dr. Qui said him will help put you in them."

"I doubt we would allow Qui to have access," remarked Ardra. She continued, "Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. Good luck to you, Lord Hyperion."

"Your image is very appealing," responded Lord Krakken, "my compliments."

"You knows him?" Lily looked at the Myrmidon and then at Ardra.

"Lord Hyperion brought war to Mu Draconis and a blockade," explained Ardra.

LilyBell blinked.

"It is the way of things," added the Navigator philosophically.

"Him nice, Miss," said Lily.

"I do not judge."

"Anyway," continued Lily, "Miss Reiko say war is good. Miss, do you want me to make whole body of that osmium? Or just legs. Oh! You sister was here and it was sick."

"What do you mean by 'sister'?" asked Ardra.

Lily elaborated, "It say it related to you. There many more of it though. Not special, like you." She looked at Krakken, "If there only one of somefing, it more special, I mean to say, precious."

"Arudra is a drone," explained the Navigator.

"It say you is a drone," said Lily, "But you not. You my friend and I give you strong legs if you wants them."

"I use many drones," replied Ardra, "such as this body."

"I forge them in the mines," added Lily.

"I will accept your present."

LilyBell smiled, "Oh, Miss... You remember them girls, you know them two twins? Them got disappeared."

"I am aware of them," admitted Ardra.

"Them dead?" asked Lily.

"They are safe."

"Where at?" asked Lily, "Cause they said them come to my house to play and make tea but them not come, and I want them come. I got a new friend, him black and mean too, name Shaft, lif at the mines wif me. Him fast."

"They left here and returned to their school in Spinwheel City on Paquin of Heinlein," explained the Navigator.

"Did you ....put anyfing in their...selfs?" asked Lily. "Dr. Qui said Wylder not your Daddy, also," she added.

"I do not respond to interrogation," replied Ardra, "but the girls were unharmed." She then addressed the other remark. "Qui has a limited perspective and his knowledge is limited in this matter."

The Hyperion of the Myrmidon Order, silent for most of the conversation, now addressed the Navigator, "I am awed by your presence. I am honored."

Lily turned to the warlord, "You want dance wif Ardra instead of me? I step out of dance if you wish it." Not waiting for an answer, she returned her attention to Ardra. "You fix up some new place on you ship Miss. Pink."

"You may continue your pre-reproduction rituals without any interference from me," Ardra replied.

LilyBell tilted her head to the left and looked at the Navigator. "Faeries already been here, Miss."

Ardra changed the subject, "The Alcubierre Drive now directly links Mu Draconis to 34 Tauri."

"I know a secret," said Lily.

"No doubt you do," replied Ardra.

LilyBell nodded.

Ardra asked, "Have you found Wylder?"

"I know a secret," repeated Lily with a smile.

"It is her manner to make provocative statements and then to flee from the vicinity," Ardra told the Hyperion.

"Miss, do you want me make any more parts?" asked Lily, "How you going to attach them if you not let Qui do it? Maybe Blue could do it...."

"Arms and torso, no wings," said Ardra.

LilyBell nodded.

"We have our own technicians," added the Navigator.

"You never get sick or break again after it get all fixed," promised Lily.

"I am beyond those things now," declared Ardra, "I am distributed."

"So is Blue," replied Lily, "but...him got more ..." She may have struggled for the right word. It was hard to tell.

"It is the way of the future," said Ardra.

"Distributed?" asked the Hyperion.

"I know a secret," repeated Lily.

"Am I supposed to ask what the secret is?" asked Ardra.

"Massively distributed system of course," said Lily as she nodded, effectively answering them both at once.

"What is your secret?" asked Ardra. "I misunderstood your ritual process."

"It a secret," replied Lily.

Ardra spoke, "Lord Hyperion, do you know the rules of this game? I am unaware of the process."

"Rules of the game, My lady?" asked Krakken, "Which rules for which game?"

"The game which starts with LilyBell Snoodle saying 'I know a secret.'"

"That me. That me," cried Lily and she spun around, drooling a bit.

"Is it an animal, vegetable, mineral or concept?" inquired Ardra, the spines of her wings catching the light of the Sun.

"It a SECRET," said Lily and she stuck her tongue out at the Navigator. She turned to Krakken, "Miss Ardra beautiful like I said, huh? Glorious."

Lord Krakken Hyperion was eloquent. "Lady Ardra. I do not even try to fathom what secrets lay within that lovely head of LilyBell."

LilyBell looked at him, then quickly looked away.

"It must be emergent from her base programming," remarked Ardra. She addressed Lily, "Do you still steal the dreams of men and transmit it to the distributed network?"

"It not stealing if them wants to come. I do. But I not transmit everyfing. Some, I keep."

"What is the mechanism for this process?" asked Ardra.

The Myrmidon interrupted, "Mechanism? I don't think LilyBell is made of machine. Nor do I think she runs on a program. She runs on her own free will."

"I will not interfere," said Ardra.

"A system far more effective than a program," declared Krakken. "Please you are not interfering." He smiled

"Think of it metaphorically if it helps," suggested Ardra.

"As with LilyBell," he continued, "I am enjoying your company. I am learning a lot.....and LilyBell beguiles me in other ways," added the Myrmidon with a smile.

Ardra elaborated on her point, "Your hand is the mechanism by which you type on a keyboard..."

"It is a way I translate speech to other species," he agreed.

"...thus you can think of your hand as the mechanism in that case."

"As I can think of your thoughts and ideas generated by your mechanism fired by electrons within your head." He paused and peered closely at Ardra, as if to see if there was, in fact, a head.

"The mind is an emergent feature," added Ardra.

LilyBell spoke quite softly, "Dreams is like, electricity. Like, Blue. It sings".

Ardra circled back. "Thus, back to my original query: what is the mechanism by which you can take their dreams?"

"The Mind," continued the Myrmidon, "is actually an incorporeal lifeform trapped in the given vessels of which we roam our given quadrants of the Universe."

"Very poetic," commented the Navigator.

"Miss Ardra, never mind about," Lily glanced in the direction of the man, "We got to go...." She pulled at his arm. "We got appointment."

Lord Krakken was not finished. "My species has lived for thousands of years in space, so we have learned to be poetic, since space is a very, very predatory environment. A constant reminder of how short a span of time is in the vastness of either nothing or forever. In either case, cold, lonely, never-ending and a wonder." He smiled.

"I will let you to your mating," said Ardra charitably.

Krakken turned to Lily. "... and wonders so deep that now and then, if one is so lucky, comes in the form of you, LilyBell .. You and - if finds the time - me." The Myrmidon laughed again.

"A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Lord Hyperion," she added.

"I leave message when that present all done," promised Lily.

Lord Krakken addressed the Navigator. "If you get a chance, Ardra, go and visit Ta'Seti. I do believe it would be a great habitat for you to just enjoy."

"I will," replied Ardra, "Thank you, Lord Hyperion."

"Things bites there," cautioned Lily.

"Only in the Labyrinth, LilyBell. Only in the Labyrinth," he smiled tolerantly.

"No," corrected Lily, "they bited me in the meadow. I tell that man. BUGS."

"Meadow," repeated the Myrmidon.

".....Lord Hyperion." LilyBell giggled.

"Oh, the small bugs," said Krakken, finally understanding.

"Kraaaaaaaken," purred Lily.

"Yes, Lilybell," he replied.

She smiled up at him.

"LilyBell," he promised, "Tomorrow, you, me, we dance. First thing, before the Universe realizes our fun." He laughed, a deep throaty laugh.

LilyBell nodded.

"Lady Ardra," smiled the Myrmidon, "you are more than welcome to come join us. However, I owe LilyBell a dance, and I need to keep my word and honor."

"I have other duties to attend," declared the Navigator, "Animadverto vos nunc iterum."


[OOC - Thank you to Ardra, AuroraBlue, Krakken and Lily for permitting me to scribe your story. Photo credit Blue Sun.]

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grounded (Part Two)

August 19 - Paquin

With windows along both walls, the space was filled with natural light. Still in my coat, I stood in the front room of the apartment, quietly surveying my surroundings.

There was the kitchen area to one side. A counter with plenty of work space. A dark wooden dining table, with enough chairs for guests. The chairs were of a lighter stain suggesting a different origin than that of the table.

On the sitting room side, lovely oriental art adorned the wall. There was one cabinet in particular that made the room. Chinese red with gold accents. I must ask Ceasar where he bought it. I would love to see that store.

The sofa, however, was practically shapeless and a disturbing grey colour, but I knew from experience it was very comfortable.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lift stopping at our floor, and shortly after, the door unlocking.


We greeted each other with smiles.

"How was your day?" I asked pleasantly.

"Good," he replied, "And yours?"

"Quiet," I reported as I slipped off my trenchcoat.

"Feeling better?"

I did not answer right away.

"Hungry?" I asked instead.


I turned to the counter and I lifted out a cutting board. "Do you want to go out or stay home tonight?" I asked.

"I'm good either way," he said.

"I'll make us something light."

Maybe a Mandarin orange spinach salad and heat up what is left of the lobster bisque...

Ceasar grinned.

"Then we can always have something later," I added, "if we go out."

"Of course," he agreed. "You're still adjusting, aren't you?"

I paused. Okay. Tell him now.

"I saw the doctor today..." I began.

Ceasar's grin faltered a bit.

"He says I'm still overdoing things," I said.

"And?" prompted Ceasar.

"He won't put me back on full duties until at least after U-day." I was effectively grounded, and didn't like it.

"Probably not a bad idea," he said gently.

I shrugged, "I suppose... I am enjoying the change. But I also feel ...I don't know... frustrated."

Ceasar translated, "It's driving you nuts."

I laughed, "Very good."

He continued, "You're used to going as hard and as long as you need to. You do have to admit, if you have to be stuck someplace, this isn't a bad place for it."

"Yes..." I conceded the point. Paquin was beautiful.

Silently, he drew me into his arms and held me close.

"It won't be long," he said, "until you're out tearing through the black again. And giving me a heart attack."

"It is a good place to be stuck," I admitted with a warm smile. Not just Paquin. "So.. supper?" I asked, as he released me from his embrace.

"Yeah. We can go to the diner."

"Good," I replied, "Let me just change."


The shelves above the bed stood empty, accusing me of neglect. "I still haven't unpacked my books," I confessed.

I looked at my wardrobe in equal dismay. Uniforms, flight suit, gi, ...and precious little else. "I so need to go shopping....." I said forlornly.

"We can do that after dinner," suggested Ceasar, "It's right at the new mall."

It was a nice idea.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked, sifting through my clothes, hanger by hanger.

"I was thinking the V V diner down the street," he replied.

I nodded. We have eaten there before and both liked it. It was casual but the food was exceptional.

"You can just about see it from here, in fact," added Ceasar.

I glanced through the window.

"The view here is great," I remarked, "better than your last apartment."

"Not really hard to do," grinned Ceasar.

"I had to stand on a chair and look out the kitchen window to see the park at your last place." I pulled off my sweater as Ceasar climbed onto the bed.

"I know," he said, "Thank god for the redevelopment. And the raise."

He stretched himself out, angling his head so he could watch me. His firm hands adjusted the pillow. His grin grew wider as he watched me put on my dress. "I like that one," he said.

"Thank you," I smiled.

After a moment, Ceasar asked, "Did you want to walk, take the tram or grab a cab?"

"Cab is fine," I said simply, as I searched for the right shoes.

"And this is my treat," he added.

I smiled again, "Okay."

Ready now.



"So, can you talk about what you worked on today?" asked Caesar, as we settled at our table.

"Going through some old files," I replied, "looking at a cold case or two."

"Which ones?"

"Blackburn. Did you ever get out that way?"

"Long time ago," he replied. "Fell to reavers, didn't it?"

"Yes," I said, "it would seem."


"What do you remember of the place?" I asked.

"Rough," he said, "not the most UAP friendly. but decent folk."

"Tell me about the place itself," I probed.

"Wasn't that habitable. Just one small valley. It was hard hit during the war."

"And notable landmarks?" I asked.

"The bar. Refugees from there settled on Hale's."

Hale's Moon. Now nothing but rocks in space.

"And now they had to relocate again," I remarked. "Tragic."


"Any local folklore?" I asked, as our food arrived.

Corn on the cob for me. A little taste of home. Sushi for Ceasar.

"Not that I remember," he answered. "Other than about how ornery the locals were. Some of them are still around. And I think you know one of them."


"LilyBell Snoodle."

"Lily..of course."

"Think she might be a link?" asked Ceasar, "And what is the case about?"

"An old laboratory. Destroyed now. A clone was found dead in the area... I want to know who grew the clone."

I couldn't tell Ceasar the details but I knew that Lily was involved:
  • Ms. Zhangsun's testimony placed Lily at the lab. Lily had first contact with Ardra there.
  • The clone had been riddled with arrows. This matched Lily's profile. But I had no interest in charging Lily. She was far more valuable as a witness to the events.
The clone was of my commanding officer. Someone was making copies of senior UAP officers. But who?

"Blackburn fell a long time ago," said Ceasar.

"It is just wasteland now, I believe," I remarked, nibbling on my corn.

"And reaver dens," he added.

Hmm. Corn on the cob.


"Oh," I said suddenly, "I was going to ask you."


"Can you run a police check on Interplanetary on a Cobb Compton?"

"Sure," he said, "Any reason why?"

I shrugged. "Someone I bumped into recently... maybe black market. That doesn't concern me. I was just ...curious."

"I wanna say he comes through Paquin on occasion," replied Ceasar, "But I'll check up on it."

"Thanks," I nodded, already thinking of dessert.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grounded (Part One)

August 19

Hospitals are not calm, quiet places. Frantic staff rushing about trying to accomplish their duties amidst constant interruptions, genuine cries of pain, and the incessant buzzing of the call nurse button.

It's like a hotel in purgatory.

Adding to the cacophony of human activity, are the bleeps and drones of the machines mindlessly going about the business of keeping people alive. And behind all this, like a canvas of white noise, is the constant hissing, rushing sound of ventilation and air purification systems.

Then there are the smells.

Strong cleansers that tingle the inside of the nose. Dull, sickly medicine smells that linger at the back of the throat. And occasionally, the trace scent of a septic wound that heads straight for the stomach.

Naturally, I had entered in the wrong door. I wandered for some time before I found reception and directions to the appropriate clinic.


I was young when my mother died. It was in a hospital much like this one.

It was the same year my brother Hector was killed in the service, and we were still struggling with our grief over his loss when my mother's illness became apparent. There were treatments, of course, but the disease was too entrenched.

When a parent dies, something solid goes out of the world.


"Major Siamendes?"

The nurse indicated that they were ready for me.

I handed her my identification and health record card.

The holo monitor flashed into life displaying my file.

"Are you still residing at Fort Liberty?" she asked pleasantly.

"No," I replied. "I'm in Spinwheel City now. On Paquin," I gave her the address to Ceasar's apartment. Our apartment. It still felt new and strange and a little bit wonderful. One shining thought in an otherwise bleak afternoon.

She handed me back my cards and indicated the next area. "You can leave your coat in the cubicle," she said.

"The last treatment room on your right...."

"...The doctor will be with you shortly."