Transmission: **message begins** Evening, Miss. I am Madame Linnea Tenenbaum, proprietor of the Prosperity Opera House. I have a document that was to be extended to you personally by an associate of mine. Please let me know when we can arrange a suitable time for delivery of said document. I look forward to making your acquaintance. **message ends**
Prosperty was a frontier town.
A rural community. Wooden buildings for the most part. A collection of houses, a collection of lives. Off the beaten track and almost outside of the law. But mostly just people scratching out a living in the dry dust.
As I crossed the street near the scaffolding I noticed Dr. Spargel the agriculturalist I had met on Persephone. Short stature. Impeccably dressed. We greeted each other and engaged in a little small talk.

"Are you familiar with this settlement?" I asked.
"I get my haircuts here at the shop."
"Very nice."
"I've been wondering about the greenhouse over yonder," he asked. "Abandoned? Just one tree?"
"You would have to ask the residents here about that," I confessed.
"Ah... yes."
"Well, have a pleasant day," I nodded.
"Thanks and you the same."
I walked down the street to the large brick building towards the end of town. It was of yellow brick. It had been a theater in balmier days.
An elegantly dressed woman stood at the doorway.
"Madam Tenenbaum, I presume?"

I returned the smile warmly, "I'm glad we finally meet. I believe you have a document for me?"
"Are... are you that officer that my boy spoke of?" Her look was curious.
"Well, which boy are we talking about?"
Ms. Tenenbaum smiled, a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I usually think of Sentry as my boy... he was actually my cousin's son. But he helped me greatly when I came here to Prosperity."
"Sentry...and how is he doing these days?" I asked carefully.
She blinked, "You don't know? He died in that awful situation on Londinium..." She turned a bit, covering her mouth.
I kept my lips tight together, then said softly, "I'm sorry."
I couldn't tell her that Sentry was alive. I could not ease her grief. If news of his survival spread he was in severe danger.
Linnea Tenenbaum sniffed a bit, regaining her composure, before reaching into her pocket. "He was a very special boy... I have no idea why they treated him so."
"He.... he had so much potential," I admitted.
Linnea nodded, "He did..."
I changed the subject, "So this is the Opera House? It's very nice."
She smiled, glad to be talking of other things. "Yes, it is my pride and joy currently. The Opera House has found new life as a place of happiness."
"That is splendid. It is so important to find joy in life especially in these troubling times."
"My girls don't have much work lately, but they are happy to service whomever they can. And they are wonderful at their work. Brings joy to several of those passing through."

"Yes, please, come in!"
"Thank you."
We stepped into the building. I waited a moment until my eyes adjusted to the change in light.
"Oh, what a lovely carpet," I exclaimed. It was quite wonderful. A yellow Chinese dragon on a dark field, trimmed with gold.
"We are in a bit of a remodel down here," she explained, "Taking the theater and changing it a bit to be more of a gathering place. Up the stairs are my girls' rooms. They are gone for the day, so you may see them if you like."
"Please lead on," I said.
We climbed the spiral staircase to the very top of the building. In what would have been private boxes were now two small rooms, a poster bed in each. Rich bedding. Thick luxurious drapery.
"Cozy," I remarked.
"They are, very," she acknowledged, "Makes the clients feel at ease. The curtains let the girls entertain as well as listen to the music downstairs."
"That's very nice."
We stepped through the curtains to get a good view of the lower floors and what would have been the stage.
What operas were performed here I wonder? La Traviatta? Rigoletto? Tosca? The wooden beams may remember...
"So the document you have," I began.
Linnea nodded and pulled a datachip out of her pocket. "I was given this by a friend of Sentry's, and insisted that you specifically receive it."
I nodded and took it gently. It was sealed.
"I don't know the reason or even what is on it," she said, "but I would do whatever I could for him."
I ran my finger over the seal looking at the datachip.
"I do hope it's of some use," she continued, "I know its been a while since I received it."
I paused then words started to flow. "He is ... he was very brave. I can tell you that...."
How brave I would not tell her. He intended to find out by himself who bombed Londinium to try to clear his name.
"....and he stuck to his principles. He would never betray his friends...."
I knew this for certain in a way few others did. I had interrogated him for two days and not once had he given me a name.
"...and ... and I am certain he was not guilty of the things that said about him."
There I said it out loud.
Linnea Tenenbaum nodded, "I am glad to hear that. He couldn't have done those awful things they said about him. Made me furious, it did."

Linnea sighed, "Unfortunately, we may never find out what those terrible people were trying to do."
I twisted my mouth as I thought and gazed over the balcony."Well, the truth does have a habit of coming out eventually."
I turned to her and smiled softly.
"My condolences to your family." I held up the chip, "and thank you for this."
Linnea nodded, "You are a positive sort... do you think this will ever get found out?" She looked hopefully.
"There is so much evil in the world... it is easy to be discouraged."
She nodded again.
"I must be going," I said finally.
Linnea straightened her dress, "I have taken too much of your time already. Please, let me know if there is anything else I can help with. Anything at all."
"Thank you for your time and for showing me your wonderful dance hall," I said as we descended the staircase.
Linnea Tenenbaum beamed, "Please come back and enjoy it any time! Would love to chat again."
I nodded. "Yes, I would like that," I answered truthfully.
Outside once again, we said our farewells.
"Have a shiny day!" She curtsied slightly.
"Good bye for now." I smiled and nodded farewell.
I headed straight for my ship. The hatch was still closing when I broke the seal on the datachip.
I slipped the chip into the comm unit.
Sentry's voice filled the cabin.
The Last Will and Testament of Sentry Swashbuckler.
*recording starts*
Is this thing on?
You sure?
Ok, um...
To Officer Pepper Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, Alliance Military, Zenobia.
*whispers* Do I have to be this formal for it to be official? Really? Cause I don't... ok, good.
*clears his throat*
Uh, hi Pepper. Brooke doesn't know that I'm recording this... she doesn't know a lot of what I am about to say. But, I think you already confirmed most of this doing whatever it is that you do. She says you are one hell of an investigator... something about always getting to the bottom of things. I don't doubt that. You found me, didn't you? *small chuckle*
Just wish I had survived to see if you could help with my mess. That is, if you would be willing to. *sighs* After our meeting, if you could call it that... I realize when you left the Londinium holding area, that you consider me worthless. I probably would too, considering the evidence you have there. Well, I wanted to be sure you got the truth, even if it had to come out after I died.
*pauses for a moment*
OK. First. The picture you have? Yes, that is me, as well as a few others. However, what you see is the result of chasing off some drug runners from Shadow. What you don't see is our team taking the drug to be destroyed. We aren't drug runners, and never will be - no matter what that picture tries to make it look like.
Something else you may want to know about that night: we ended up catching William Faith spying on us. I had a right mind to end him right then and there, but Ash wouldn't let me. Seems she was sweet on him, and that didn't set well with the rest of us neither. Never did ever talk with her again. Was hopin' to find out why she thought breakin' into what Tee and Brooke had was ok, but ... well, I ain't gonna find out now, am I?
OK, second. The, um, blastomeres. *sighs again* Yes, I knew who sold them, and who they were sold to. Jai Raghilda to Teetopwillie Neiro. Had Tee not decided to become the enemy and swear to ruin all of us, I might have taken this secret to the grave. As it is, you're getting it just hours before I go there anyway. I kept close tabs on every conversation in that bar - self preservation, more than anything - but I couldn't let you know that. I wasn't lying when I said there would be repercussions for me if it was known that I was listening in to every transaction. Now, it don't matter.
Third, Brooke. I'm gonna miss her. She's been a rock when I needed it, and I'm sure you're wondering why I'm goin on about her. Pepper, you know her. You know how stubborn she can be. You have no call to keep an eye on her, especially from any request I might make... but do watch for her, please. She could use your help to steer clear of William Faith.
Last... *sighs* I really wish we hadn't ended on such bad terms. I truly did want to talk about working with you, finding a way to help you do what you need to. Brooke convinced me that you were as straight and honest as they come in the Alliance. Reminds me of how things were before the War ended... but that doesn't help me out of my current situation, with these corrupt politicians and who knows who else using me as a pawn, making me look like some heartless ~wong ba duhn~. Maybe we could have worked together... gone out to see...
*noise in background*
Being told I have to wrap this up. Apparently some kind of processing before tomorrow's judgment. Like we both don't know how that's gonna end.
Anyway, keep up the good work, keep an eye on Brooke, and hopefully this "note from beyond the grave" will be more help than I was when I was alive.
Verbal signature: Matthew 'Sentry' Swashbuckler, 5th Transport Division, Alliance Military, Persephone, Service number 3234PMCH03.
*recording ends*
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