The gravel made a satisfying crunch beneath my boots as I approached the edge of the settlement. The interplanetary corporation, Blue Sun, had offices here and it was here that I came to find x0x0 Zhangsun.
I stopped near a half buried railroad track and surveyed the scene before me. To my immediate right was a cottage, it's yellow walls offering some relief from the pervasive grey. Beyond that was a small stable. In the distance directly ahead from where I stood, sat the corporate offices of Blue Sun. To my left rose the valley wall from which a woman approached. Her gait was unmistakable but her color was all wrong.
"Hello Deputy," I said as she came closer.
Her eyes grew wide when she saw me. The fur on her cheeks was caked with foundation and blush.
"Her... just playing wif make-up. No tell ok?"
"Okay," I said. It was not my business what another law woman did on her own time, as long as it's harmless. "I'm looking for x0x0 Zhangsun. Blue Sun."
"Redfur," remarked Lily. "That her house." She indicated the pretty yellow cottage.
We approached the house together. It was a combination of private rooms and an open air kitchen and dining area.
Lily looked at the make-up and items she had scattered all around the house. She looked at me and asked, "You no tell for sure ok?"
"I can keep a secret, " I assured her. What's one more secret?
Lily disappeared inside the private rooms and emerged her normal blue color.
"It looks like I will need an appointment," I said when she reappeared.
"Miss Emma make appointments for it. It office over there. You want in it?"
"Yes please. Thank you."
"Not supposed to let nobody in. You got candy right?"
I came prepared. "Let me check... do you like chocolate?"
Lily nodded rapidly.
I produced a chocolate bunny on a stick from the pouch on my belt and we were soon inside the office building.

"Ok," said the Deputy," Miss x0x0 office up them steps."
With a thank you, I climbed the spiral staircase to the second floor. The office was empty. At one end of the room sat a desk with a computer in standby mode. I ignored the desire to run my fingers across its keyboard, to tempt open the lock files.... Instead I returned to the first floor.
"I will have to return when she is here," I declared.
Lily looked up, her mouth covered in chocolate. "What you wants? Maybe Lily can find it?"
"There was a man killed," I began, "an Alliance officer."
Lily interrupted, "What him name? Not Chen." She looked terrified. "Please Miss. No Chen."
"Not Chen," I assured her.
Lily shrugged and suddenly seemed to lose interest. We left the office building and she began to run in circles on the lunar surface.
As she passed me I asked her a question, "Aodhfionn M______. That's his name. Have you heard about that murder?"
"No," she remarked and kept moving.
"Well, thank you for your assistance."
"You see Chen you say hello from Lily ok?"
"May Miss x0x0 will have information..." I added.
Lily stopped suddenly. "Her scary Miss."
"Oh?" I replied. "Why is she scary?"
Lily explained, "Lily put in her electric and rooms and ... well her just scary. Seen her make some man fall down just look at him."
I twisted my mouth in thought. Intriguing.
"How do you think she did that?" I asked.
"How her do it?"
"Yes, how?"
Lily started to shake a little. "Not know nuffing about them."
Lily ran off in her wide circles once again, while I walked in a more or less straight line across the compound to the stable. Lily rejoined me.
"I see security cameras," I pointed out.

"Yes," replied Lily as she stroked the nose of the horse. She continued, "Miss x0x0 horse. From Mister Niska. This stable, her open soon say for citizens. Them make a park too. Blue Sun nice."
"Do you think there is information on those cameras about the officer who was killed?" I asked. Unlikely I realized. Try as I might, I couldn't imagine a ship full of miscreants fresh from murdering the Colonel's clone, disembarking before a security camera in front of the Blue Sun corporate offices. It was a shot in the dark.
"Lily can access," she said and she gave a voice command.
The camera chattered and we had a list of names.
- x0x0 Zhangsun and Emma Ditko (Blue Sun)
- Jai Raghilda (the trader, that woman is every where)
- Griffen Shinn (the ship captain I met on my previous visit)
- My own name of course, and a few I didn't recognize, but took note of nevertheless.
- And one other name..... Cody Winterwolf.... that was useful....
"Mindo," replied Lily. "Him go labs."
"Mindo," I repeated, feeling the name on my lips. "Tell me about Mindo."
"Him maked Lily," she replied. She then stood upright and spoke, "Blue Sun Special Project single source 041295 Genetic Construct."
She resumed her usual posture and continued, "Mindo make Blue. Mindo work Blue Sun and hate him sister....Lily fail. Ok ok."
The Deputy then clicked a bit before returning her attention to the horse. "Pony. Lily love you."
"Thank you for your time and help Deputy. Where can I find Mindo?"
"Him ranned to...hmmm. Her not supposed to tell."
"Okay," I conceded. Then suddenly Lily scampered off down the road. There was no other word for it.
Crossing the half buried tracks again I heard the following message come across on the general frequency:
**static** This is Blue Sun Special Services requesting permission to land in public dock. Bringing medical supplies ** Hale's Tower. Come in. **
I cut into the transmission.
** This is Major Siamendes, Special Investigations Unit, on a private channel ** May I have a moment of your time?**
The pilot replied: Need to land this boat. I'm heading over to my private land.
I acknowledged: I will meet you at your office.
"Hello Ms. Zhangsun."
x0x0 Zhangsun struggled with the door to her offices. She shook her head, "I'd invite you in but it seems Lily has locked me out of my own office. Damn cat."
I made note of that last remark. I've been to Hale's only a few times but have learned quickly that no one calls LilyBell a cat. No one, except Ms. Zhangsun it seems.
She turned to face me. "Yes anyway. Join me in my cottage. More comfortable anyway."
We cross to her house and she invited me in. "Thank you. A pleasant cottage indeed," I commented.
"Someone's been in here," she said. I assumed her remark was directed at the makeup and other items scattered on the floor. I said nothing.

I introduced myself and answered,"There was a murder recently of an Alliance officer."
She sat calmly and showed no expression whatsoever.
"He was slain near a laboratory which had been ransacked," I added.
"What laboratory would that be?"
"I was hoping you could tell me."
Ms. Zhangsun did not smile.
"We realize that Blue Sun has excellent security assets here as in other places..."
"Major," she interrupted. "What do you want, exactly?"
I continued undeterred, "... and we were hoping that you could shine a light on who may have killed this man."
I produced a photograph. It was not the usual photograph of the Colonel, a head and shoulders portrait. Instead, I offered her a picture of the Colonel as he stood next to the cloning tank in Zenobia South.
We all have our candy. Lily's is chocolate. Mine is information. I'm betting x0x0's is technology.
She looked the photo. "I've seen that man. Just once. but I'm not aware of any place on Hale's that looks like that.. Is he that man that was killed?"
"That laboratory is elsewhere," I replied. "Yes, that is the officer. The body was riddled with bullets and arrows."
"Arrows yes."
"There are only two... well, one I suppose. Reavers and LilyBell Snoodle."
"The Deputy?" I asked.
"She was raised by Reavers," added Ms. Zhangsun. "She is good with a bow. I have not seen her armed for some time though."
"And unlikely to be attacking an Alliance officer." I spoke instrumentally, trying to evoke a response.
"Who can tell with that one?" Ms. Zhangsun stood up. "I'm afraid I can't help you," she said firmly.
"Of course," I replied. You have helped me a lot I thought. I now had a suspect in the clone murder.
"I will contact you if I hear anything," she added.
"If your security cameras have picked up anything at all that could be of help, SIU would appreciated it."
"I'll ask Lily. She and Emma manage my affairs."
Pleasantries exchanged we walked to the exit of her cottage.

"Oh.. one more thing," I said. "What can you tell me about the Dharma Initiative?"
"They do some sort of charity work, I believe. I've discussed the Railroad project with someone from there... can't recall who."
"Does the name Desmond Serenity mean anything?"
"I believe he was a prosecuting attorney here, a long time ago."
"Whatever happened to him?" I asked.
"I'm not sure. I stay out of people's business here and they stay out of mine."
"Of course," I replied. "Well, thank you for your time."
"Works best for everyone." She looked at me directly.
Ah, I thought, a veiled threat. I responded the best way I know. "May I give you my card?"
"Yes," she smiled a little.
"Thank you," I said. "Goodbye for now."
"Goodbye Major."
I nodded and returned to my ship.
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