February 5 [2013] - Araxes
It was the fires that allowed us to locate the Sanctuary of Ghosts, the desert enclave of the Jade Revolution.
Of course, by then it was too late.
They had hidden themselves well, but not nearly well enough.
In the capital of Araxes, the Laandsrat council was meeting as the news broke.
The Legate Calina Tereshchenko took a breath, attempting to compose herself as notes and scattered images flash across the small screen in front of her, "The ... Sanctuary for the Jadeists was attacked."
Shock and disbelief rippled across the chamber. Major Muircastle, quick to act, tapped his datapad, contacting his aide.
Calina continued, "The Adherent sent word that an army dressed in black armor with reddened skin opened fire... She begged for assistance... I have sent security teams along with my personal guard to assist in the defense."
The Reverend Mother Ariadne Fall spoke, "This is a terrible violation of a place of peace, who would dare?"
The Orion Advocate Auryn Sapeur now tapped some notes into her own data pad.
Calina brushed her fingers across her cheeks, "They bombed the markets... the tunnels that their children took shelter..."
Major Muircastle logged in some coordinates and hit send.

High above in Araxes orbit the UAP Watchtower made a course correction.
"Casualties?" asked the Orion Advocate.
"Legate," Lady Soynika, Yiaziis of House Morloch called out, "my people are too far away."
Calina waved her hand then, clearing her throat, said "I apologize... the images... but this is an unprovoked attack. Since the Jadeists were given their religious freedom, they have been peaceful." She answered the Orion, "Nearly all, Advocate." She then turned her attention back to the screen, mumbling, "A full investigation will be launched as to who is behind this attack. If they are willing to attack a far flung outpost, is Azaadi next? Jita? will they make their way to the cities?"
"Who has reddish skin?" asked Lady Soyinka, "All of us could fit that description except the Orions."
Auryn Sapeur smiled and nodded, "Thankfully."
"Red skin," said Major Muircastle, "or red painted skin like the Marauders."
"Marauders?" asked Lady Soyinka.
Reverend Mother Ariadne took a deep breath, and shook her head, "Maker preserve us!"
Major Muircastle replied, "Some terrorists who lived in the Alramady region before it sank into the sands exposing the ruins."
"Yes," said Lady Baxton of House Zenobia, "the Marauders. Their sign was the red hand. They used to mark the city walls with their symbol."
"I remember that," said Calina.
"Paint?" asked Lady Soyinka.
"To look like blood no doubt," added Lady Baxton.
Lady Soyinka snorted, "Dried blood is brownish black."
Major Muircastle joined in. "Paint is a verb in this case."
"It's senseless," declare the Reverend Mother. "They had nothing to take... no reason, what possible motive against the Jadeists? no one, no one of.... of...." Her voice trailed off. "Who is the chosen investigator?" she asked.
Major Muircastle tapped his pad at incoming images.
Auryn Sapeur turned to the Reverend Mother, "Some need little reason to inflict pain and suffering on others."
Lady Reiko Soyinka spoke, "Since the Desertborn are likely suspects, we cannot do the official investigation."
Calina explained, "A lead investigator has not been assigned as of yet, Reverend Mother."
As the Reverend Mother nodded in reply, Major Muircastle spoke, "An overfly of the sanctuary on the way to responding to a distress call revealed these aerial photographs of the Sanctuary. It is still aflame."
Holo images flashed to life, dominating the chamber.

Scattered blocks and toppled pillars. Were in not for the flames engulfing the area, from the air the sanctuary would look like a child's discarded toy.
Calina Tereshchenko sighed, "Just.. awful."
"Legate," said Lady Soyinka, "my people will recover the bodies when the investigator clears the ruins."
Calina nodded.
Lady Soyinka continued, "They are mostly moonbabies. We will honor their traditions... "
She turned to look at a pale man standing at the back of the room, "... if one will tell us their traditions."
"Clearly, Mr. Blackstone is overwhelmed by the news," replied the Legate, referring to the pale man. "I will ask him to communicate with you regarding burial traditions."
"There are two Federationalists at the site," said Major Muircastle, "Probably the STC who called in the distress call. There are no signs of survivors viewable from aerial view. We request permission from the Yiaziis to allow our officer to enter the premises to look for survivors and render assistance."
Lady Soyinka replied, "Major, my people are likely to be accused. The Sanctuary was allowed to the Jadeists. It is from the Jadeists that you must ask permission."
The Legate, however, had other ideas. "As the Adherent sent word for assistance to me, I will give that permission, Major," she said.
Major Muircastle articulated our position for the record. "We wished to ensure that you see that we recognize the treaty protocols in the area. The UAP humbly requests permission to check the sanctuary for survivors and render whatever assistance we can." He added, "We're here to help."
Reverend Mother Ariadne nodded, "The truth cries out to be known, and justice grants the permissions in this case I'm afraid. Every effort must be made to find survivors... and answers."
Mr. Blackstone lifted his head from a moment of prayer and addressed the council, "Moonbabies have no traditions of burial. Our bodies are cast into the deepest crevices back home."
Lady Soyinka requested to be recognized.
In response, the Legate recognized the delegate from House Morloch.
"I have two points, Legate," began Lady Soyinka.
"Yes, Yiaziis?" asked Calina.
"Since Mr. Blackstone has spoken," said Lady Soyinka, "and since the traditions of the Moonbabies are disrespectful and wasteful... since the Jadeists chose to make their home here... Araxes will claim the bodies. The Desertborn will take them and honor them."
The door of the chamber opened.
Mr. Blackstone turned and gasped.
"The second point..." added Lady Soyinka. Her voice trailed off as a figure at the back of the room began to draw all attention.
"I... don't believe what I'm seeing," said Calina. "Is that another hologram?"
It was a small woman. Her skin white as marble. Her hair the colour of cotton.
As she calmly entered the chamber, all eyes were upon her. The Orion Advocate Auryn Sapeur pulled out a small tricorder and began to take sensor readings. Lady Soyinka turned her datapad slightly, rapped it with a knuckle and sat back in her chair.
Though long presumed dead, stories claiming that Jade had survived the attempt on her life had begun circulating a few months earlier. But this was the first time in over a year, that anyone had seen Jade Moonkill on Araxes.

Jade paused and looked around the room then smiled, "Hello, sorry to interrupt the meeting. Please continue."
"What are you doing here?" asked Calina, "I thought you were still out toward Booty Bay."
Major Muircastle did not wait for Jade to respond. He pounced on the red button in front of him, requesting to be recognized. "House Zenobia humbly requests the Legate summon Ms. Moonkill to the stand."
Jade replied, "I would like to know more about the people who are killing those who live their lives in peace." She walked up the isle towards the stand. "No summons needed," she added. "I will gladly step forward."
"Welcome back to the land of the living, Ms. Moonkill," said Major Muircastle. "There are a number of questions regarding your disappearance and the poor girl that was murdered in your stead."
The Legate Calina Tereshchenko was clearly bothered by this. "Is that appropriate for this time, Major?"
It was Jade who answered in the Major's defence. "Death of an innocent is never appropriate," she said turning to face Calina.
"To question you about your disappearance? Death? Over the attack that occurred at the Sanctuary?" asked Calina.
Lady Soyinka was also intrigued, "However, the Major's question is a good one."
The Orion Advocate Auryn Sapeur turned to Lady Soyinka. "Agreed."
The Major replied, "Ms. Moonkill was presumed dead and returned. How often do we have the opportunity to get answers about a brutal murder and cover up?"
The Reverend Mother Ariadne smoothed the look of astonishment off her face and leaned forward a little in her seat, "There are many questions, but very few answers for yours, Ms. Jade Moonkill... the investigation has only begun. But you, you may be able to answer some old questions of ours."
"Someone murdered that other child and Ms. Moonkill disappeared," stated Major Muircastle. "We would like to know who assisted her is disappearing."
Jade turned and looked at the Major "I only recently became aware of the murder of one of my fellow moonbabies. An act taken, without my knowlege, to hide my leaving Al Raqis. I left as I had been convinced it was best for my safety and those around me for me to leave."
"Is that a crime?" asked the Reverend Mother.
"Accomplice after the fact," explained the Major.
Lady Soyinka was not convinced. "Nonsense," she said.
However, Calina shook her head "I must be more dazed than I thought. That looks like Jade but does not sound like her at all."
The Reverend Mother raised an eyebrow, "Facts not in evidence, to leave without notice or trace is admirable... not criminal. Only if she was proven complicit in the criminal murder are her travel arrangements any of your business... with all respect to my esteemed colleague."
"You left of your own volition then," said the Major. "The news of your murder made even the news in 34 Tauri, how could you be unaware?"
Jade waved a hand dismissing the Major's comment. "I would be more concerned with your comments, sir," she said, "and the questions of this chamber, if this council was not quick to dismiss my own presumed murder when it allowed all of you to be freed from the charges you faced..."
The Major continued undeterred. "Give us the names of your accomplices so that we can find out who murdered that girl to cover your departure."
"... but now that you're free you wish to throw questions around and wield that power," Jade continued. "Very well sir. Here are some answers."
Major Muircastle just shook his head.

"First," said Jade, "you should be ashamed of yourself because not once have you asked the name of the victim. You claim to show concern for her death but do not even attempt to know who she is or anything about her beyond calling her moonbaby and child or girl. You should be ashamed Mr. Muircastle, for I am ashamed of you."
Major Muircastle began, "We are first intere..." He stopped suddenly then cried out, "YOU KNOW THE VICTIM'S NAME?"
Reverend Mother Ariadne explained, "Her identity could not be ascertained from what was recovered from the scene. We deal in a few factualities. It was long assumed to be YOU."
The Legate Calina Tereshchenko had heard enough. She sat up and challenged Jade. "Just who do you think you are? Accusing him of lack of caring about who she was? Given the fact - you yourself have said this over and over - Moonbabies are disposable. Records, even by DNA were not able to be located either here or in 34 Tauri. And the fact that her FACE was blown off made facial recognition impossible to haul back to your home planet and ask them: Oh Hey! Do you know this girl? Her head was shot off but do you know her anyway?"
Major Muircastle advanced,"How long have you been withholding information about this crime?"
Jade pressed on. "Second, her death laid unsolved for so long cause you were happy to believe it was me that died, 'cause it freed you . Freed you from the crimes you committed and allowed to happen. But now. You claim to wish to know and solve her murder only cause you are afraid of what might happen if you don't. Innocent you called her. How dare you use that word in this chamber that spills forth filth and call it justice!"
"One would guess that she recently learned of it and returned as soon as she could," suggested Lady Soyinka.
"I am guessing the exact opposite," replied the Major. "That she has been withholding information since the day she left."
"And like most of what you do sir, you are guessing wrong," replied Jade.
Major Muircastle kept the pressure on. "What is the identity of the victim and who helped you? You can include the rest in your manifesto."
Jade lowered her head and took a deep breath. She then looked up and around the room. "One of the first things I learned in school is to get answers and learn the truth, one must be silent." She paused. "That's the problem in this chamber. No one wants to be silent long enough to learn anything. Too busy asking questions."
Lady Soyinka addressed the UAP officer. "Major, to withhold evidence in a murder is not compatible with the rest of the woman's profile."
"Right now I am only interested in the identity of the victim and the identities of the conspirators," replied the Major.
"Shall we let the Messiah speak for herself, Yiaziis?" asked Lady Baxton.
Lady Soyinka protested, "There is a FIRE BURNING!"
And indeed she was correct. Images from the sanctuary still flooded into the chamber, as the UAP drone explored the ruins.
As the politicians, religious and military leaders argued, the fires raged, consuming both corpses and holy books.
Any sense of urgency was misplaced however. There was no one left to save.

Major Muircastle addressed the Laandsrat, "There is little reason to believe that this person is Jade Moonkill."
"Are you suggesting DNA testing Major?" asked Lady Baxton.
"The DNA test would be inconclusive," he replied, "There was no previous record to compare it to. Right now we have this preaching marionette obstructing justice while moralizing. Answer the questions put to you, alleged Jade Moonkill!"
The Orion Advocate Auryn Sapeur cracked a smile at the comment.
Reverend Mother Ariadne looked across at the Yiaziis Lady Soyinka and muttered, "I am more interested in the tragic events at the Jadeists Sanctuary as well, worse even than it being a senseless act by faithless beasts, what if it was a thoughtful deliberate act? What evil do we face then?"
Jade's eyes flare a bright green as her shoulders square back and she stood to her full height. The innocence in her face faded as she slammed a fist on the desk in front of her. "SILENCE SIR! I WILL HEAR NOTHING MORE FROM YOU!" Seething with anger, she stared directly at the Major. She then let her breath out, "There are innocent people dying in my name, dying because they wish to live in peace, and you concern yourself with one that died so long ago to protect me? SAVE THE LIVING AND THOSE THAT CAN BE SAVED! There will be time to bury the dead and find justice for them later!"
"Nice try," replied the Major, "Answer the questions."
Jade slumped as the light fades from her eyes and her stance returns to normal. "What questions sir? You have asked so many and haven't stopped long enough for me to answer. Plus you have already said you will not believe anything I say anyway."
"I asked the name of the victim and the names of the people who assisted you in leaving the planet," he replied. "I also asked you how long have you known about your alleged murder. All of which you avoided answering, instead preached."
Jade smiled and giggled, "In that order?"
"Stick with these three questions, then you can preach."
Reverend Mother Ariadne interrupted, "I advise her not to answer those questions without the advice and benefit of counsel, Major." She smiled.
"The Reverend Mother is correct," added the Legate.
"She can lawyer up if we arrest her," said the Major.
Calina argued, "This is not an inquest or a court of law."
"Arrest her for what exactly?" asked the Reverend Mother, "breathing?"
"Obstructing justice," said the Major. "She has knowledge about a murder and is witholding it. Legate, are you uninterested in the answers to those questions?" He added with a whisper, "You perhaps could ask them?"
Blackstone, the albino man standing at the back of the chamber marched forward. He slammed his fist on the table in front of the Major. "You have asked your questions. Now remain silent till she answers or I will silence you! Show her respect!"
"Step down, boy," the Major warned.
Jade touched Blackstone's shoulder. "I am fine," she said. "They do not threaten me. Do not threaten them, friend."
Major Muircastle countered, "This marionette had plenty of opportunity to answer the questions and has preached canned speeches instead."
Blackstone glared at the Major then lowers his head. "I am sorry, my lady," he said to Jade.
The Major had not finished. "Next time, run boy.. "

"Let us all take a breath," said Lady Baxton, "These are stressful times... perhaps Jade can tell us the name of the murdered girl so we can contact her family."
Jade answered the Major. "When the mines collapsed back home. Scott went in and dragged a dozen men, twice his size out. Do not underestemate or threaten him."
"There are no threats here," said the Major. "Just you using theatre to avoid answering questions put to you."
Reverend Mother Ariadne spoke, "I have a question or two... questions apart, Jade Moonkill, granting you are Jade Moonkill for the moment, can you give any hint as to WHO would attack the Sanctuary? and second, has this tragedy drawn you out of hiding?"
Jade replied, "I only became aware of the attacks when I arrived her today. I do not know who is doing this though I will find out. And I was not in hiding. I was in school."
Lady Soyinka chuckled.
The Reverend Mother continued, "So you were traveling here anyway and not secretly? Good, that perhaps takes that scary motive off the table."
"Donna Stephanie, Darrian Aljon, and about two weeks," said Jade, finally answering the Major's questions.
And with that statement, the tension evaporated from the room.
Reverend Mother Ariadne nodded. Lady Soyinka grinned.
"Donna Stephanie?" asked Lady Baxton. "That was her name?"
"Thank you," said Major Muircastle. "You may now have your speak truth to power speech. Carry on."
Jade Moonkill turned and faced the Major. "The answers to your questions now that you have stopped yapping like a puppy long enough for me to answer." She stopped and then said, "I am sorry sir, you misunderstand me. I leave the speeches to politicians like you. I only wish to know what is being done to protect those that live..." She paused uncomfortably, "under my name."
The Major did not retreat. "Your future victims are unaccounted for at the moment."
"My future victims?" asked Jade. "I do not attack them."
He whispered, "That remains to be seen."
Jade countered, "I am not one of those that ordered they be captured and brought in for questioning like criminals."
"All are easy enough to check," said Lady Soynika, "and if they do check out, then I nominate the Moonkill to be a member of the investigating team."
"Nominate Jade," objected Lady Baxton, "to investigate the crime that she is the star witness for? Yiaziis, I cannot follow your logic."
Lady Soyinka explained, "If her story is borne out, and it is easily checked, then she has a vested interest in finding who attacked the Sanctuary. She will make the best hunting lizard. Another must be chosen to accompany her."
"Search and rescue teams are on the scene," said the Reverend Mother, "the investigation must work alongside that effort and quickly. The site is not secure so neither is the evidence."

Major Muircastle began, "Donna Stephanie was martyred so you could go to school. Did Mr. Aljon slaughter these to cover a shopping spree? Shall the Jadeists now be called 'Stephs' as she was martyred for their sins?"
These remarks brought giggles from the gallery.
"Major," replied the Legate,"if you recall, Jasmine did not exactly believe me when I told her that Jade was still alive. So, renaming them 'The Stephs' would not be appropriate."
The Major would not be denied. "House Zenobia makes a motion for a minute of silence for Donna Stephanie," he said, "murdered so that Jade could go to school."
"Major!" protested Calina. "I have had enough of your blatent hostility and disrespect."
"Sir, do no make light of the beliefs of others," said Jade.
"This is an outrage," replied the Major.
"If we were at the bar," added Calina, "it would be expected."
The Reverend Mother joined in, "Impertinence and rudeness do not suit you, Council Muircastle."
"He is merely pursuing the truth, Reverend Mother," said Lady Baxton in support of the Major.
"You know, you're right," said Major Muircaslte, "I should not get upset about this travesty unfolding before us."
The Legate turned Lady Baxton, "So mocking the situation is pursuing the truth?"
"This woman," replied Lady Baxton, "if this is Jade, had us all arrested or have you forgotten?"
"I was not arrested," said Lady Soyinka.
"she in effect overthrew this government on a technicality..."
"and, it was the Beit Dawla...."
"No Yiaziis," replied Lady Baxton, "you hid in the desert."
"She could not have done it without the rest of the Beit Dawla," said Lady Soyinka. She then added, "I neither hid nor ran into the jail."
"I was treating her as a hostile witness," explained the Major "but since she has since replied, so I will allow the theatre to continue."
The Legate Calina Tereshchenko stood up, "I've enough for one evening. The application of House Lynch will be considered at the next meeting." The council stood as she left the chamber and the assembly began to disperse. Small conversations began in various parts of the hall.
The Reverend Mother Ariadne leaned back in her chair and remarked to the Orion Advocate, "I was evacuated immediately prior to the warrant being issued. It was thrilling... they spirited me away in the night."
Major Muircastle overheard the comment and asked, "And they didn't have to kill anyone for you to leave?"
"Of course not," replied the Reverend Mother, "The Sinisterhood Adepts evacuated me. It would be inappropriate for a Reverend Mother to be forced to answer the charge." She grinned.

Jade, meanwhile turned to Lady Baxton, "When you were in prison upstairs. I gave you my teddy bear. So that you would not be lonely and would have someone to talk to."
Major Muircastle interrupted."You have the bear?" he asked Lady Baxton.
"I have kept it safe," she replied.
"Lady Baxton," said the Major, "we need that bear."
Lady Soyinka understood immediately. "DNA," she said.
"I will send over a forensics team," added the Major.
Lady Baxton froze then spun to look at Jade. "Then we can establish if this is Jade!"
Watching quietly, the Orion Advocate saved her tricorder readings.
"Jade... is this really you?" Lady Baxton asked cautiously.
Jade reached down into her boot and pulled out a knife. She dragged the blade across the palm of her hand and pressed it to the table leaving a bloody hand print. "There Aodhfionn, feel free to take all you need." She addressed the Major by his first name. They were old friends by now.
Major Muircastle took out a handerchief and blotted the blood. He then reached out and brushed a hair off her shoulder. "I hope you are Jade," he said, "I hope for your sake, that you are not."
"I will have the bear ready Major," added Lady Baxton.
The Reverend Mother watched with unease at the spilling of the body's water against local custom. She turned to see the Yiaziis' reaction.
Jade smiled up at the Major, "Please be kind enough to clean up the rest, sir." She then addressed Lady Baxton. "Only you and I know what was said that night in the cell."
"I have told no one else," admitted Lady Baxton.
Jade continued, "You were, at that moment. My trusted advisor. That is why I gave you my teddy bear.. You needed someone in there you could trust."
Lady Baxton turned white. Jade had just revealed to the crowd that, from the safety of her jail cell, Lady Baxton had been advising Jade during the revolution. Most certainly it was an act of sedition.
Lady Soyinka looked at the handprint, not taking her eyes off of it. "You would not spill either water or blood," she began. "You have been away a long time, Moonbaby. You have been given this Path to tread. You must choose to walk it... or not."
"I would and always will be willing to spill my own to protect those I love and serve," replied Jade.
The Yiaziis gestured to the handprint. "This is neither."
Still flustered, Lady Baxton babbled, her eyes darting about the chamber looking for any movement from the guards. "It is the red hand of Jade to counter the red hand of the Marauders. It is a sign!"
A voice in the gallery, Naomi Lynch De Azaadi whispered, "This is madness"
Jade straightened herself, her eyes flashed green. She reached out and traced a symbol in blood on Lady Soyinka's forehead. "The light and the dark can only survive if they accept they are both part of the same day. Our people will walk this world together."
Lady Soyinka grabbed Jade's wrist. "The Light and the Dark are sides to the same coin," she said. "Be careful...Messiah. You walk a deadly Path."
"Would victims like Stephanie be the light or the dark? or the edge?" asked Major Muircastle.
The Reverend Mother Ariadne cast her eyes downward and made a gesture in the air with her hand, as if warding off an invisible evil.
"What happened to the Children, Pied Piper?" asked Lady Soynika and she released her grip.
Jade's eyes went pale and she froze looking down at where Lady Soyinka had held her wrists. "I only wish to protect those who need it," she replied.
"Like how you protected Stephanie?" asked the Major. "The cult in your name has brought more ruin upon the moonafflicted than neglect did."
"A bodhisattva should not monopolize faith," added Naomi Lynch De Azaadi.
Jade turned quickly on her toes and headed for the exit.
Major Muircastle called out after her, "You might as well have sold them off to the Umbrella Corporation or Soylent Green."
"Leave her be!" said Lady Soyinka. "She did not dictate to them. They walked their own Paths."
"Accomplice after the fact," pronounced Major Muircastle.