To: A. MacMoragh, Colonel, UAP Special Projects, Paquin
Reference: Araxes Environmental Instability
Subject: Requisition of scientific personnel and investigating possible artificial causes.
Date: January 29, 2523
Observing Zapedzki Industries construction is nearly a full time endeavour. Besides their constantly evolving ground facilities, they have orbiting facilities on many levels.
Recently, a high orbit Zapedzki Industries research station exploded. Fortunately for the planet's residents, the debris was mostly absorbed by the Trojan meteor field in the vicinity. No planetside debris related injuries have been reported, although such incidents are not reported with a great deal of transparency. Although the Legate, Calina Tereschenko, operates with greater transparency than the Chief Magistrate, the service bureaucracy she inherited has opacity habits. We are resigned to the fact that if we want to know what is going on in Araxes, we have to investigate for ourselves.

There has been a great increase in damaging environmental events in Araxes. The meteorite bombardment has decreased to a moderate level, but has still not ceased for any length of time. Something in the desert builds up an electric charge until large expanding bubbles of arc plasmoids explode upon the desert floor. We are still learning the names of the various incarnations of high speed sand and dust storms.
The volcanic plug known as Mount Barkal, which had been dormant since before Imperial occupation has recently become active. Tectonic instability has led to seismic events in the eastern desert basin, destroying the Zionist enclave there and the Plasma Storm Industries Compound that followed thereafter. Further seismic activity wiped out the Splintered Rock starport and refinery. Plasma Storm Industries received an Imperium contract to rebuild the starport and refinery. The eastern desert basin known as Vieux Carre is mostly a bare crater. It looks like a meteorite, cometary or asteroid impact crater, but other theories include a giant sinkhole from the seismic activity. We are going to inquire with an Ouroborean planetologist named Mr. Senet once he returns from a diplomatic mission, we will see if he has any revelations in the matter.

Species of subterranean indigenous lifeforms previously unknown to use have moved closer to the surface. A species of supposedly alien origin appears to be infesting the remote deserts. Desertborn Morloch Yiaziis testified that the arthropod species is of alien origin and inedible. We are sending out teams to collect biological samples.
The local government is currently focused on internal matters and is giving us free rein to investigate the matter. We will do our best to contribute to public safety. We're here to help.
We do not have any evidence linking Zapedski Industries, Plasma Storm Industries or NavCorp to the meteorite, storm, volcanic or seismic disturbances, nor the related changes in the local fauna. Even if the cause in not-artificially induced, it is prudent to discover the source of the problem. I have requisitioned scientific personnel to assist current teams to investigate the matter. If we are able to determine a causal link between the environmental troubles and a given faction, we will bring in the Special Investigations Unit.
We have requested Dr. Qui Von Wer Foreman Serendipity from the Zenobie Institut Polytechnique to assist us in investigating the explosion and other related incidents. Dr. Serendipity provided useful insight into NavCorp and was able to show evidence that they have indeed stolen UAP sponsored research.
NavCorp, formally Spatium-Tempus Navigantium Corpus, had been an enigma for some time. Dr. Serendipity's studies combined with a couple of covert and overt interactions by UAP personnel has uncovered some insight into their internal activities. Dr. Serendipity's theory is that NavCorp is using a plasma antenna dozens of kilometres long and wide to collect antiparticles created from cosmic ray explosions and an orbital scale particle collider called a Fermitron for the creation of exotic matter. This somehow relates to Space-Time Metric engineering which Dr. Serendipity says would be dangerous too close to a gravity well.
Although we do not have specific intel on the matter, we are going to investigate whether Zapedzki Industries or Plasma Storm Industries is also involved in possible space-time metric engineering.
There are other candidates worth paying attention to. Captain Sisko of Starfleet Torchwood Command, a Federationalist subfleet, is often investigating some manner of spatial or temporal anomaly. The departing Khan of Botany Bay has long claimed her people had ancestry in Araxes in Tanimi Erg. The Pryxis Alliance's home system recently went supernova somehow and have also reduced their local presence. The return of the Orion Confederacy should not be ignored.
Podwangler Zapedzki, founder of Zapedzki Industries, is currently a fugitive from UAP justice. Zapedzki is wanted for corporate espionage, working with restricted technology and for supporting the independent uprising on Shadow. He is currently hiding out in the southern hemisphere of Araxes, exploiting the Treaty Autonomous Area to avoid legal claims on his person. He is possibly hiding elsewhere in the system. Imogen Carling, the current CEO of Zapedzki Industries, is aggressively pursuing Mr. Zapedski. The Araxes security of ZI has a strong presence of UAP hired military, such as Xander Halostar, who are well armed and trained.
Mr. Zapedzki has been known to deal with restricted technology and it is possible that he is doing so now. It is also possible that Zapedzki industries is carrying on that tradition. A third possibility is that the research station explosion was deliberate sabotage by some competing company or even Mr. Zapedzki himself.
We are formally requesting permission to reopen the NavCorp study and also to investigate Plasma Storm Industries.
Input from inhabitants of some of the Farms would be helpful if it would not compromise security.
A. Muircastle, Major, UAP Monitor assigned to Mu Draconis