Hale’s Moon had never been a peaceful place. With meteors showers, reaver attacks and bandits sweeping into town at semi-regular intervals, it was amazing that any mining company operating there had managed to turn a profit.

When a series of violent earthquakes rocked the moon it was determined that the situation was of grave concern. Distress calls went out. The Alliance expected the worst and rushed ships to the area. Our corporate partners, Blue Sun, helped fund an evacuation.
We all watched in horror as seismic events of increasing magnitude continued to ripple across Hale’s until finally the little grey moon shook itself apart.
Survivors were taken to Dragon’s Egg and were given a chance to start over, to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives.

Things were not easy those first few months. The settlers had arrived during the winter. It was a testimony to the hardiness of people out here on the rim that they managed as well as they did rebuilding a community.
Once the settlement had been established, and the state of emergency was lifted, the military withdrew. The mining town itself was owned and operated by Blue Sun. Security was contracted out to serve as local law enforcement. There was no need for a military presence.
We are not a police state after all.

With the coming of spring, the refugees from Hale’s Moon found their reward at last. The glacier streams were clear and fresh. The meadows and hills were covered in a thick carpet of green. It was a little emerald gem set against the black velvet cloth of space. Life was good.
It did not take long, however, before over mining, and what turned out to be a rather unstable climate, transformed Dragon’s Egg into a parched and dirty world. Riverbeds were now dry and cracked. Dust and haze choked the air. And you had to go hunting to find anything green and natural.

"Hello, officer. May I be of assistance?"
Her name was Kia Marrah. I had never met this woman but I knew her from recordings of the Laandsrat proceedings. She was the Blue Sun representative to Araxes.
"Hello," I replied, "I am looking for the local law enforcement."
"I’ve not seem them of late," answered Ms. Marrah. "They were supposed to be patrolling today."
"I see... well, who would be the local administrator then?" I asked.
"That would be Ms. Zhangsun," she replied.
Before I could comment further, we were interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Kia? I heard you out here. Who are you...oh."
Kia turned. "Yes, Ms. Zhangsun."
"A pleasant surprise," said Xoxo Zhangsun graciously.
I smiled. "Hello Ms. Zhangsun. Indeed it is. I trust you are well?"

"Then you are not here for the reception. It is not until two and a half hours from now…I am..." she looked at Kia, "… well enough."
"Why don't we go inside," suggested Ms. Marrah.
Ms. Zhangsun smiled. "Yes. Major?"
"That would be fine," I agreed.
"This way," said Ms. Marrah.
She led the way to a solid looking house fashioned in the oriental style. Torches mounted on the outside of the structure proved to be effective illumination in the ever-present dust.
Inside, antique table and chairs suitable for the Borgia or the Medici occupied the center stage. A thick rug cushioned the footfall. A screen divided the room concealing the entrance to the rest of the house.
The hearth dominated the room. It would have been overpowering save for the high vaulted ceiling. A fire raged within its confines, illuminating the central space and banishing the shadows to the corners of the chamber.
"What a pleasant room..." I remarked. "... and such a cheerful fire."
"Please, join me," Ms. Zhangsun invited as she settled into a chair with her back to the front door.
Kia Marrah remained standing ready to attend to her employer’s wishes.
I also remained standing, but angled to face the fire.
Ms. Zhangsun addressed the younger woman. "Kia, would you leave us please. I'm fine."
"Yes, Ms. Zhangsun."
"You can check on Cody and the...situation in the mines."
Kia Marrah nodded as she left.
"Thank you," acknowledged Ms. Zhangsun. She then turned her attention to me. "So what brings you to Dragon's Egg? I'm sure it’s not on your list of social visits."

Still watching the flames I began, "My sources report you have had further trouble from Niska."
Her face darkened. "I suppose you might call it trouble. He is a source of... reminders."
"Has anyone been hurt this time?" I asked.
Ms. Zhangsun replied, "Following the glass factory explosion, he - or someone who wished to be seen as he - left a note, attached via his trademark daggers. No. It was just a note. Advising people who live in glass houses......" She left the sentence unfinished.
I turned to face her. "And the recent device," I asked, "who dismantled it?"
"I did not see it," she replied, "No one tells me anything. It’s as if everyone is constantly trying to protect me. From what, I don't know. It’s not me that should be fearing."
"The old bastard just can't let well enough alone," she added.
"I would like to see any analysis on the latest device," I said, "but I can't seem to locate your local law enforcement officers."
Ms. Zhangsun began, "Why the Alliance chose to contract security out to them I have no idea. They could not find their... well, never mind. I would imagine Elix would have done it."

"Are they fulfilling their contractual obligations?" I asked.
"Oh yes, I suppose. I am just not impressed," she added, "Then again, that should come as no shock. There is a man, Neo Poza. Do you know him?"
"I have met him," I said. "A mercenary last I knew. Is he now with Cerberus?"
"Poza?" she asked. "I doubt it. He is not one for commitments... Tell me, Major, how are your investigations into the Jade Revolution these days?" she added with a smile. It could have been guess work on her part or a little hint that she knew we had an interest.
"The Jade Revolution is an interesting study." I said. It was all I was prepared to confirm.
"They meet here, you know," she remarked conspiratorially.
"Go on," I prompted.
"The little wastrel child and her follower. I've seen them! They think they are invisible!"
"Why do you think they are here?" I asked.
"I have seen two of them," she continued, "Here! Well, not here in my home. But, out near the mines. The one called the Adherent..."
I nodded. "Jade worked as a miner."
" ... and one other, I did not recognize her. But, clearly she is one of them." Ms. Zhangsun stopped and tilted her head. "So perhaps the mines are sacred to them." She started to laugh.
I smiled in response.
"Would you like me to let you know if I see them again?" she asked. "Or find traces of them on my trips down into the mines?"
"I would, thank you."
She returned to my original concern. "I wish I could do more to help minimize Niska's impact on the colonies, but he knows how to stay this side of the law."

"I appreciate your input," I said.
Ms. Zhangsun continued, "He makes my skin crawl to be honest but...he gives such delightful gifts." She stopped and smiled. "And of course, all of his organizations have our technology installed, which is, shall we say, useful?"
I did not reply. Instead I said, "I will let you prepare for your tour." If I had been offered a drink, this is when I would have set down my glass.
"Thank you," she replied and she rose from her chair.
"Thank you for your time," I added politely.
"Be careful, should you venture alone," she warned. "Cody tells me the snakes are back in full force."
"I will," I assured her.
"I don't know why," she continued, "Lily's supposed to be taking care of them. Let me see you to the door."
As the heavy wooden door opened, a tiny swirl of dust rushed inside passed our ankles and exhausted itself on the stone tiles.
We paused at the threshold and exchanged pleasantries.
"Delightful to see you again, Major."
"It was nice to see you again too," I replied.