"Given the dimensions of the Keep itself, we are able to estimate the diameter of the craft..."
I listened as the young lieutenant gave her report. Earlier in the month, a large menacing ship had been seen hovering near the residence of the Magistrate of Al Raqis. Analysis placed this event coincidental to a meeting between the local authorities and the Ta Seti.

Usually the intricacies of remote world politics do not actually concern me directly. However, anything that could remotely impact our reacquisition of Ardra crosses over my desk. Further, I have some familiarity with the planet Araxes, and have been called upon to act as consultant from time to time. As a result, I was kept informed of anything that might have an impact on my analysis.

The ship was of an interesting design. Perhaps we can obtain a sample. Get a closer look...
I will put Soara on the matter.
With the report concluded and the lieutenant dismissed, I turned my attention to a series of items that had arrived.
The first was a message from Ceasar: "Hey, honey. May have a need for your professional side. Three paintings have been stolen from the museum in Spinwheel. The Mona Lisa, La Grande Jatte, and The Scream."

I sent back a response, "Bring the file home. I will look at it after supper."
The next item was from Lynx. He had taken to his diplomatic intern duties quite well: attending meetings, taking notes. He had forwarded a transcript of the April 24 meeting of the Laandsrat, the upper chamber of the local Araxes government.
At a previous session, there had been a call for charges of treason to be leveled against Pro Consul Krakken of the Myrmidon Order. On April 24, LilyBell made an appearance defending the honour of her mate. She used her membership in one of the factions, House Morloch, to claim the right to be heard, and made a fine show reciting the local laws and customs.
"I, LilyBell Snoodle, representing only myself, and not at this time House Morloch, present myself as required having notified local authority and heads of Great Noble Houses that I wish to speak regarding utterances made by representatives of said Great Houses. These utterances is a matter of great disrespect toward my own mate, and thus to me and all of my house....."

"But now, I speak behalf of My Self. Lily. L i l y. And I speak to you. I publicly recognizes presence of Magistrate and absence of the Zenobian house, and in the presence of these, and other witnesses such as choose to hear, I present my request. Again, I wish to restate lest there be any question, this meeting is only to ask for said Noble people to hear me and, thus hearing, be allowed an opportunity to consider and then to make agreement to retract or withdraw you motions for charge of treason against the Myrmidon Pro Consul in reference to matters regarding his statements on Ta Seti on last Landsraat’s meeting. I believe their word is good and being of noble and wise birth, upon hearing my plea, they will realize that in heat of moment they made quick judgment leading to their disrespectful words...."
I can imagine that the database over at Blue Sun must be just humming with all the information Lily has been collecting.
By the end of the session, it was determined that as Pro Consul Krakken had made no oath of fealty, he could not be charged with treason. The accusations were subsequently withdrawn.
Cody was present at the meeting in support of Lily. I wonder how his modified eyes cope with the dry environment of Araxes.
I turned my attention to the final item.
It was a communiqué from deep space. Its source was unknown, the signal unrecognized. And it read like madness but with a detailed knowledge of past events that could not be ignored.

To the Investigator, Ms. Major
We hold you responsible for the lax investigation into the death of Jade Moonkill.
You should have known the Imperial investigation would be swept under the carpet and forgotten.
You have let this happen and we find you guilty of the crime of treason.
Treason of your world, race or military organisation?
Treason of a person who would think of you as a friend. For this we find you guilty and we will punish you accordingly when the time comes. However, we believe you can find salvation and be purged of the sin that lays deep within your soul.
Do you remember the days on Eavesdown Docks? I'm sure you do Ms. Major.
It was such a beautiful dress - the choice between the mermaid hem or the straight line, do you remember it Ms. Major? A gift from....House Zenobia. From the Betrayer, Consulari Raghilda who wears only blood red and falters with the investigation almost as clumsily as you.
Sweet Jade, oh, how she loved those little chicks. Do you remember Ms. Major? Yes, yes, you do. Tell me Ms. Major: who looks after the little chicks now?
We will tell you. We do. We will look after all the people and all the creatures of the Imperium and beyond. From the littlest chick to the mightiest worm.
We are the Jade Revolution. We are coming. We will be watching you Ms. Major.
----The Jade Revolution