Quitter la fleur, suyure le Macedon,
Au grand besoing defaillira sa routte,
Et marchera contre le Myrmiden."
"And fair Ferdinand will be detached,
To abandon the flower, to follow the Macedonian:
In the great pinch his course will fail,
And he will march against the Myrmidons."
Nostradamus, Century IX 35
News from the front.
The Myrmidons have pressed their advantage. Despite abandoning the alliance with the federationists, the USD rose to the challenge.
Date: May 7
Title: "Declaration of Responsibilities"
Source: The Myrmidon Order
When the Myrmidon Order first came to the Al Raqis system, one of the first accommodations was to maintain order and provide a contribution to the sovereignty and freedom of the Governments of the systems to go about their day without the fear of undue influence and becoming another "satellite" of an uninvited entity. Given the Myrmidon Order was presented the charter and responsibility to ensure that no outside influence would make any encroachment on the Al Raqis/Splintered Rock/Wadi Governments. Given that it was more than acceptable for the Myrmidon Order to be as "supplemental" to the local militias to ensure that the wishes of the citizens and Government would be carried out in this manner.
Sadly, it has come to the conclusion it has not been carried out in full satisfaction to the Governments of Al Raqis. Specifically, the allowance of The Federation and its confederates to have an entrenched foothold in the Splintered Rock area. Understand, we do not seek any extraneous conflict with the Federation, nor do we intend to expand what is already a tenuous situation between them and the Myrmidon Order. However, we would see it as a failure on our part if we did not ensure that our charter and responsibility as part of our allegiance and accords to the Governments of Al Raqis, Splintered Rock and Wadi was not given it just due.
We of the Myrmidon Order cannot stand idly by while sections of the system come under the weight of the very influence we swore to prevent. The local militias have failed and ineffective in regards to this allowance of this persistent 'Ivy" and entangle itself in the life of the system, grow and plant additional seeds in other areas in the system. We cannot allow this to happen.
It is important that such seeds are not allowed to germinate and take root any further than it has now. We no longer have any confidence in the abilities of the local militias nor trust their reason of being given as they have proven time and time again to be less than effective. So to ensure that this situation can be salvageable and until such time a more sincere and effective force is capable of carrying out the needs of the citizens of the Al Raqis system through security, self-preservation, commerce, and culture, the Myrmidon Order is hereby assuming the responsibilities and duties as the sole arbiter and military authority in the section known as Splintered Rock. In that we are confident we can stop any uninvited growth before it multiplies.
We will work with the local governments to ensure them and the local citizens that this is only a temporary measure and we do not expect to be in this role any longer then we have to. Only to the satisfaction of all parties concern will we carry this heavy burden. However, we hope all will be understanding and continue their "peaceful" daily activities.
AresPrime Pryxis
KrakkenAres Hyperion
On Behalf of
AresPrime, Myrmidon Order
AthenaPrime, Myrmidon Order
Date: May 7
Item: Transmission
Source: Trading Vessel 'J-Jayde-Alsha'
This is Captain Cords.... Please be advised there is a fleet of Gunn starships heading in your direction. They bear the markings of the Myrmidon Order. I have never seen anything this big in my life. It looks like it can carry several squadrons of fighters and a unknown number of troops. I will avoid ..from... getting any.....
**Transmission abruptly ended**
Date: May 7
Item: Official Broadcast
Source: Splintered Rock
WARNING! A large fleet of unidentified vessels is in Al Raqis system. Ships appear to be approaching orbital insertion points. Unconfirmed reports of attacks on merchant shipping. All ship captains are advised to remain grounded or to remain at distance from Al Raqis system until further notice.

Date: May 8
Title: "The Constable's Report"
Source: Splintered Rock
My Fellow Offworlders,
Yesterday a large fleet of ships entered the Mu Draconis system. We now know that these ship belong to The Myrmidon Order who intended to forcefully establish a base of operations on the planet of Al Raqis. Fortunately, messages concerning the intent of said fleet were received and those space craft which were able to put up resistance as the Myrmidons entered orbit, did so. It is due to the sacrifice of these crews that the Myrmidon Order were unable to land their full invasion force.
The Myrmidons did however, manage to land an assault group at Al Raqis North Lowport, the area known to many of you as 'Splintered Rock'. They no doubt have numerous reasons for assaulting this area. The Lowport provides a perfect staging area for landing an invasion force, it is also close to the spice refining facilities. However, it seems on this occasion their main target was the newly reconstructed outpost of The Federation forces. This felt the full force of the Myrmidon assault and was badly damaged. Were it not for the intervention of the United Systems Directorate from their nearby base I'm afraid to say the Federation Outpost may well have been completely in Myrmidon hands.
Forces of The United Systems Directorate were able to push back the Myrmidon assault and drive them from the Lowport area. The Myrmidon assault force retreated to the desert and remains at large. All citizens should be vigilant. Of the utmost concern is that regular offworld spice shipments have been halted by these events. I am appealing to any Merchant Ship Captain with a vessel landed at Al Raqis North Lowport to contact me. Special Licenses to carry spice will be issued to any captain brave enough to run the Myrmidon orbital blockade. Spice must be delivered to the Universe!
Long Live Emperor Palpatino!
Constable Werribee